Statistics & Probability

Article Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications

Subsampling spectral clustering for stochastic block models in large-scale networks

Jiayi Deng, Danyang Huang, Yi Ding, Yingqiu Zhu, Bingyi Jing, Bo Zhang

Summary: This study proposes a subsampling spectral clustering algorithm to address the computational challenges of large-scale network data. By constructing a subnetwork through simple random subsampling and extending the spectral clustering method, the algorithm can identify community structures in the entire network with limited computing resources. The method also has the potential for parallelization and theoretical properties are established under the stochastic block model.


Article Engineering, Mechanical

A comparative study of various metamodeling approaches in tunnel reliability analysis

Axay Thapa, Atin Roy, Subrata Chakraborty

Summary: This article compares different metamodeling approaches for reliability analysis of tunnels to evaluate their performance. The study found that Kriging and support vector regression models perform well in estimating the reliability of underground tunnels.


Article Statistics & Probability

Kernel representation formula: From complex to real Wiener-Itô integrals and vice versa

Huiping Chen, Yong Chen, Yong Liu

Summary: This paper characterizes the relation between the real and complex Wiener-Ito integrals, providing explicit expressions for the kernels of their real and imaginary parts, and obtaining a representation formula for a two-dimensional real Wiener-Ito integral through a finite sum of complex Wiener-Ito integrals. The main tools used are a recursion technique and Malliavin derivative operators. As an application, the regularity of the stationary solution of the stochastic heat equation with dispersion is investigated.


Article Engineering, Mechanical

Time-dependent reliability analysis of planar mechanisms considering truncated random variables and joint clearances

Yufan Cheng, Xinchen Zhuang, Tianxiang Yu

Summary: This paper proposes a time-dependent kinematic reliability analysis method that takes into account the truncated random variables and joint clearances, effectively addressing the issues of dimension variables and correlation between joint clearance variables. The proposed method transforms time-dependent reliability into time-independent reliability, greatly reducing computational complexity and obtaining upper and lower bounds of failure probability.


Article Economics

Analyzing the interest rate risk of equity-indexed annuities via scenario matrices ☆

Sascha Gunther, Peter Hieber

Summary: The financial return of equity-indexed annuities depends on an underlying fund or investment portfolio complemented by an investment guarantee. This study introduces a novel scenario-matrix method for valuation and risk management, specifically for the cliquet-style or ratchet-type guarantee. Numerical tests show that this method outperforms existing approaches in terms of computation time and accuracy.


Article Economics

Asymptotic results on tail moment for light-tailed risks

Bingjie Wang, Jinzhu Li

Summary: This paper focuses on the asymptotic behavior of a popular risk measure called the tail moment (TM). The study reveals precise asymptotic results for the TM under scenarios where individual risks are mutually independent or have a specific dependence structure. Furthermore, the article provides an analysis of the relative errors between the asymptotic results and the exact values.


Article Statistics & Probability

Azuma-Hoeffding bounds for a class of urn models

Amites Dasgupta

Summary: We present Azuma-Hoeffding bounds for a class of urn models, which show exponentially decreasing probabilities of being away from the limit. The method involves relating the variables to linear combinations using eigenvectors of the replacement matrix, and introduces appropriate martingales. Some cases of repeated eigenvalues are also considered using cyclic vectors. Moreover, the strong convergence of proportions is proved as an application of these bounds.


Article Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications

Dynamic risk score modeling for multiple longitudinal risk factors and survival

Cuihong Zhang, Jing Ning, Jianwen Cai, James E. Squires, Steven H. Belle, Ruosha Li

Summary: Modeling disease risk and survival using longitudinal risk factor trajectories can provide personalized information for clinical decision making. This study proposes a dynamic risk score modeling framework that can accommodate multiple longitudinal risk factors and dependent censoring, and generate parsimonious longitudinal risk scores. The proposed method demonstrates satisfactory performance in simulation studies and real-world application.


Article Statistics & Probability

Space-time boundedness and asymptotic behaviors of the densities of CM E-subordinators

Masafumi Hayashi, Atsushi Takeuchi, Makoto Yamazato

Summary: This article considers subordinators whose Lévy measures are represented as Laplace transforms of measures on (0,infinity), and refers to them as CME-subordinators. The study shows that the transition probabilities of such processes without drifts are absolutely continuous on (0,infinity) with respect to Lebesgue measure. It is also demonstrated that the densities are bounded in space-time and tend to zero as time goes to infinity, with the speed of decrease being closely related to the behavior near the origin of the corresponding Lévy density.


Article Statistics & Probability

Diffusion spiders: Green kernel, excessive functions and optimal stopping

Jukka Lempa, Ernesto Mordecki, Paavo Salminen

Summary: This paper investigates the characteristics and properties of diffusion spiders and calculates the density of the resolvent kernel. The study of excessive functions leads to the expression of the representing measure for a given excessive function. These results are then applied to solving optimal stopping problems for diffusion spiders.


Article Statistics & Probability

Asymptotic properties of hierarchical clustering in high-dimensional settings

Kento Egashira, Kazuyoshi Yata, Makoto Aoshima

Summary: This study investigates the asymptotic properties of hierarchical clustering in different settings, including high-dimensional, low-sample-size scenarios. The results show that hierarchical clustering exhibits good asymptotic properties under practical settings for high-dimensional data. The study also extends the analysis to consider scenarios where both the dimension and sample size approach infinity, and generalizes the concept of populations in multiclass HDLSS settings.


Article Engineering, Mechanical

Statistical analysis of wind load probabilistic models considering wind direction and calculation of reference wind pressure values in Liaoning Province, China

Jiaxu Li, Ming Liu, Xu Yan, Qianting Yang

Summary: Wind pressure is essential for architectural design, and this study found that using different probabilistic distribution models can improve the accuracy of reference wind pressure calculation. In the research conducted in Liaoning Province, the extreme value type III model and moment method achieved the best fit. Additionally, probability density functions for wind speed and wind direction were established for further analysis of wind pressure.


Article Statistics & Probability

Elastic drifted Brownian motions and non-local boundary conditions

Mirko D'Ovidio, Francesco Iafrate

Summary: This article explores the connection between elastic drifted Brownian motions and inverses to tempered subordinators, and establishes a link between multiplicative functionals and dynamical boundary conditions. By representing functionals of the drifted Brownian motion as the inverse of a tempered subordinator, the problem is simplified.


Article Economics

Fitting Tweedie's compound Poisson model to pure premium with the EM algorithm

Guangyuan Gao

Summary: This article proposes a new method for fitting the Tweedie model, which uses the EM algorithm to address heterogeneous dispersion and estimate the power variance parameter.


Article Engineering, Mechanical

Surrogate-assisted investigation on influence of epistemic uncertainties on running safety of high-speed trains on bridges

R. Allahvirdizadeh, A. Andersson, R. Karoumi

Summary: The operational safety of high-speed trains on ballasted bridges relies on preventing ballast destabilization. This study explores the impact of epistemic uncertainties on the system using ISRA. Neglecting these uncertainties can lead to overestimation of permissible train speeds and reduced system safety.


Article Statistics & Probability

Nonparametric estimation for SDE with sparsely sampled paths: An FDA perspective

Neda Mohammadi, Leonardo Santoro, Victor M. Panaretos

Summary: This study considers the nonparametric estimation of the drift and diffusion coefficients in a Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE) using functional data analysis methods. The proposed estimators relate local parameters to global parameters through a novel Partial Differential Equation (PDE) and do not require any specific functional form assumptions. The study establishes almost sure uniform asymptotic convergence rates for the estimators, taking into account the impact of different sampling frequencies.


Article Statistics & Probability

Matern cluster process with holes at the cluster centers

Seyed Mohammad Azimi-Abarghouyi, Harpreet S. Dhillon

Summary: This paper presents a novel variant of a Matern cluster process for biological nanonetworks. The researchers characterize the conditional distribution of the cluster process and compare the characteristics in three-dimensional space and two-dimensional space.


Article Statistics & Probability

Causal effect estimation with censored outcome and covariate selection

Li Li, Pengfei Shi, Qingliang Fan, Wei Zhong

Summary: We investigate the estimation of causal effect in the presence of censored outcome and high-dimensional covariates. To enhance the efficiency of average causal effect estimation, we propose the censored outcome adaptive Lasso (COAL) for covariate selection.


Article Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications

Full uncertainty analysis for Bayesian nonparametric mixture models

Blake Moya, Stephen G. Walker

Summary: A full posterior analysis method for nonparametric mixture models using Gibbs-type prior distributions, including the well known Dirichlet process mixture (DPM) model, is presented. The method removes the random mixing distribution and enables a simple-to-implement Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. The removal procedure reduces some of the posterior uncertainty and introduces a novel replacement approach. The method only requires the probabilities of a new or an old value associated with the corresponding Gibbs-type exchangeable sequence, without the need for explicit representations of the prior or posterior distributions. This allows the implementation of mixture models with full posterior uncertainty, including one introduced by Gnedin. The paper also provides numerous illustrations and introduces an R-package called CopRe that implements the methodology.


Article Statistics & Probability

A bidirectional hitting probability for the symmetric Hunt processe

Yasuhito Nishimori

Summary: In this paper, we investigate the relation of hitting probabilities between two sets in Hunt processes, without considering spatial homogeneity. We claim that if the Hunt process satisfies the strong Feller property, then there is a certain relationship between the hitting probabilities of the two sets.