Psychology, Experimental

Article Psychiatry

Associative learning and facial expression recognition in schizophrenic patients: Effects of social presence

Khansa Charaf, Mohamed Agoub, Driss Boussaoud

Summary: This study investigates the impairment of associative learning and facial expression recognition in schizophrenia patients. The results show that both cognitive abilities are severely affected in patients, with facial expression recognition partially spared and influenced by social presence.


Article Psychiatry

The Category Fluency Test components and their association with cognition and symptoms in adolescents with schizophrenia

Rogelio Apiquian, Ricardo Diaz, Gamaliel Victoria, Rosa-Elena Ulloa

Summary: The components of CFT are significantly correlated with each other and with other MCCB tests, particularly those related to verbal learning, working memory, and speed of processing. Additionally, they show moderate correlations with the total PANSS score and with the negative, positive, and cognitive PANSS factors.


Review Psychology, Multidisciplinary

A Systematic Literature Review on IT-enabled value Co-creation: Toward an integrative framework

Hong Zhang, Shiqin Yuan, Fengjiao Zhang, Bin Wang, Xin (Robert) Luo

Summary: This study examines the theoretical foundations and conceptual structure of IT-enabled value co-creation (VCC), revealing seven theoretical perspectives and developing an integrative framework. The research identifies limitations and outlines important areas for further exploration.


Article Psychology, Multidisciplinary

Brain dynamics of mental workload in a multitasking context: Evidence from dynamic causal modeling

Jiali Huang, Zachary H. Pugh, Sangyeon Kim, Chang S. Nam

Summary: This study investigated the effect of mental workload on the causal influence brain regions exert over each other during multitasking. The results showed that with increased workload, causal connections shifted from the left to both sides of the brain, and the connectivity strengths could predict subtask performances. By studying the brain dynamics of mental workload, a predictor that supplements subjective self-report measures can be developed.


Article Psychiatry

On the specificity of figurative language comprehension impairment in schizophrenia and its relation to cognitive skills but not psychopathological symptoms- Study on metaphor, humor and irony

Przemys law Adamczyk, Joanna Biczak, Katarzyna Kotlarska, Artur Daren, Lukasz Cichocki

Summary: This study found that individuals with schizophrenia have difficulty understanding figurative language and this impairment is related to cognitive deficits. It is not associated with psychotic symptoms or other clinical characteristics.


Article Behavioral Sciences

The temporal dynamics of how the brain structures natural scenes

Astrid Prochnow, Xianzhen Zhou, Foroogh Ghorbani, Paul Wendiggensen, Veit Roessner, Bernhard Hommel, Christian Beste

Summary: Individuals organize events in their environment by partitioning them into discrete units. This study reveals that the neural activity in the brain plays a critical role in this process, reflecting the key elements of event segmentation.

CORTEX (2024)

Review Behavioral Sciences

Revealing the confusion of the evolution of the term sagittal stratum. Historical overview and systematic literature review

Beste Gulsuna, Abuzer Gungor, Alp O. Borcer, Ugur Ture

Summary: The fiber dissection technique has been used to study the internal structures of the brain, with less focus on white matter. The sagittal stratum, a white matter structure, has not received enough attention and has been a subject of controversy. Recent studies suggest potential functions of the sagittal stratum, emphasizing the importance of understanding this structure accurately.

CORTEX (2024)

Article Psychology, Developmental

Event-related potential correlates of implicit processing of own- and other-race faces in children

Luana Serafini, Irene Leo, Francesca Pesciarelli

Summary: Adults often struggle to recognize and differentiate individual faces from racial groups other than their own. This other-race effect originates in infancy, but our understanding of its development is incomplete. We conducted a study on 6-7 year-old children to explore the neural time course of own- and other-race face processing and found that the impact of race on face processing is temporally limited. Implicit and unconscious processing of own- and other-race faces seems to be similar in children, suggesting an immature other-race effect during childhood.


Article Linguistics

Understanding the complexity of computational models through optimization and sloppy parameter analyses: The case of the Connectionist Dual-Process Model

Conrad Perry, Rick Evertz, Marco Zorzi, Johannes C. Ziegler

Summary: The article discusses the advantages of computational cognitive models in accurately predicting empirical data and introduces a state-of-the-art technique to simplify complex models. It presents a study on the Connectionist Dual-Process model (CDP) of reading aloud and demonstrates that CDP performs well in predicting variance across different databases, outperforming previous models in the field.


Article Psychology, Developmental

Do preschoolers trust a competent robot pointer?

Anna -Elisabeth Baumann, Elizabeth J. Goldman, Maria-Gracia M. Cobos, Diane Poulin-Dubois

Summary: This study investigated how 3-year-old children learn from a competent robot versus an incompetent human and establish trust. The results showed that children were more likely to ask the robot for help and correctly judge its accuracy, but equally endorsed the locations pointed at by the robot and the human. This suggests that 3-year-olds are sensitive to the epistemic characteristics of the informant even when its displayed social properties are minimal.


Article Psychology, Developmental

Longitudinal associations between parental mathematics anxiety and attitudes and young children's mathematics attainment

Fiona R. Simmons, Elena Soto-Calvo, Anne-Marie Adams, Hannah N. Francis, Hannah Patel, Courtney Hartley

Summary: This study explored the associations between parental mathematics anxiety and attitudes and children's mathematics attainment in early primary school. The results showed that parental mathematics anxiety and attitudes independently predicted children's mathematics attainment, regardless of the frequency of preschool home number experiences. The study also found that the positive association between preschool home number experiences and children's mathematics attainment was not weaker in the context of high parental mathematics anxiety or negative parental mathematics attitudes.


Review Linguistics

Anatomo-functional profile of white matter tracts in relevance to language: A systematic review

Yasin Kargar, Milad Jalilian

Summary: This article provides a systematic review of how the brain processes language and the functions of white matter tracts related to language. It offers valuable guidance for neuroclinicians and neurosurgeons in diagnosing language impairments and planning treatments.


Article Psychology, Multidisciplinary

Metaverse for service industries: Future applications, opportunities, challenges and research directions

Timothy Jung, Justin Cho, Dai-In Danny Han, Sun Joo (Grace) Ahn, Mansi Gupta, Gopal Das, Cindy Yoonjoung Heo, Sandra Maria Correia Loureiro, Marianna Sigala, Mariapina Trunfio, Alexandra Taylor, M. Claudia tom Dieck

Summary: Although the metaverse is still in its early stages, it has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses interact with customers. Service industries are already exploring ways to provide immersive customer experiences through the metaverse. This study examines the untapped potential of the metaverse in service industries, and identifies opportunities such as new experiences, inter-world interactions, and business-consumer relations, as well as challenges including technological limitations, health issues, and data privacy and legal concerns.


Article Psychology, Multidisciplinary

Exploring the impact of commercial wearable activity trackers on body awareness and body representations: A mixed-methods study on self-tracking

Arianna Boldi, Alessandro Silacci, Marc-Olivier Boldi, Mauro Cherubini, Maurizio Caon, Noe Zufferey, Kevin Huguenin, Amon Rapp

Summary: This study examines the potential impact of a commercial wearable activity tracker on users' relationship with their bodies, finding that the device did not influence participants' overall perception of their bodies but increased their bodily sensations, particularly in women.


Article Linguistics

Moving experimental psychology online: How to obtain high quality data when we can't see our participants

Jennifer M. Rodd

Summary: This paper discusses the rapid growth of online data collection in the behavioral sciences and the potential issues that can affect the quality of data in online experiments. The author provides checklists to help researchers improve the data quality and emphasizes three key aspects of experimental design. The author argues that ensuring high data quality for online experiments requires significant effort prior to data collection to maintain the credibility of the evidence base.


Article Psychology, Experimental

People's thinking plans adapt to the problem they're trying to solve

Joan Danielle K. Ongchoco, Joshua Knobe, Julian Jara-Ettinger

Summary: A study using a block-puzzle experiment found that people can prioritize what to think about based on the value of different options, and can flexibly prioritize high-value or low-value options depending on the situation. Computational modeling showed that these thinking strategies are broadly rational and maximize the value of long-term decisions.


Article Psychology, Multidisciplinary

Understanding the link between social relationships and adolescent Internet addiction: Perspectives from two approaches to well-being

Kaiji Zhou, Xiaoqin Zhu, Bin -Bin Chen

Summary: This study investigates the associations between four dyads of social relationships and adolescent Internet addiction, as well as the roles of life satisfaction and life meaning as potential mediators and moderators in these associations. The findings show that father-child relationship is negatively associated with internet addiction, and life satisfaction and life meaning mediate and moderate the association between father-child relationship and internet addiction.


Article Psychology, Multidisciplinary

The roles of stress, non-digital hobbies, and gaming time in adolescent problematic game use: A focus on sex differences

Kyeongwoo Park, Minah Son, Hyein Chang, Sang-Kyu Lee

Summary: This study found that gaming time partially mediated the relationship between stress and problematic game use. The number and types of non-digital hobbies did not universally moderate these relationships, but showed sex-specific patterns. Active hobbies, such as exercise, moderated the relationship between stress and problematic game use in men, while passive hobbies, such as art, had the same effect in women. These findings suggest the importance of tailored intervention strategies based on individual characteristics, including gender.


Article Psychology, Multidisciplinary

The effect of affordance on deliberation when retweeting: From the perspective of expression effect

Qiyue Zhang, Hai Liang, Tai-Quan Peng, Jonathan J. H. Zhu

Summary: This study examines the impact of Twitter's temporary suspension of the Retweet function during the 2020 US presidential election. The findings suggest that this change did not effectively increase users' deliberation levels and quality of expression.


Article Psychology, Multidisciplinary

Tomorrow will be better: Gamers' expectation and game usage

Tzu-Ling Huang, Gen-Yih Liao, T. C. E. Cheng, Wei-Xuan Chen, Ching- Teng

Summary: This study applies expectancy-value theory to examine how gaming frustration, gamers' need for achievement, and the expectation of gaming advancement jointly shape in-game achievement satisfaction and increase actual game usage. The evaluation of success probability is found to prominently determine gamers' expected value, enhancing their continued use and gameplay. The study suggests that game makers should design challenging in-game tasks that elicit hope for future achievements to keep users engaged.