Psychology, Applied

Article Psychology, Applied

Recovery from Work: Advancing the Field Toward the Future

Sabine Sonnentag, Bonnie Hayden Cheng, Stacey L. Parker

Summary: Unwinding and recovering from work is crucial for employees' well-being and performance. This article summarizes research on recovery in different settings such as work breaks, leisure time, weekends, and vacations. The findings indicate that recovery processes can be improved through deliberate training programs. Future research should focus on emerging themes like changing boundaries between work and nonwork life, increased reliance on teams and technology, and changes in employment arrangements.


Review Psychology, Applied

Experienced Incivility in the Workplace: A Meta-Analytical Review of its Construct Validity and Nomological Network

Jingxian Yao, Sandy Lim, Cathy Yang Guo, Amy Y. Ou, Jomel Wei Xuan Ng

Summary: This study validates the construct validity of workplace incivility through meta-analysis and explores its antecedents, finding that demographic characteristics, personality traits, and contextual factors play important roles in experienced incivility, with contextual factors showing a stronger association with incivility.


Article Psychology, Applied

What is strategic leadership? Developing a framework for future research

Mehdi Samimi, Andres Felipe Cortes, Marc H. Anderson, Pol Herrmann

Summary: This article aims to clarify the concept of strategic leadership and guide its development through reviewing and synthesizing existing management literature. It proposes a new definition of strategic leadership and offers a framework that addresses essential questions about what strategic leadership is, what strategic leaders do, why they do it, and how they do it. The review explores eight functions of strategic leaders, key attributes, theories connecting these functions and attributes to outcomes, contextual factors, and organizational outcomes influenced by strategic leaders. Additionally, the article identifies the concentration of strategic leadership research in five disconnected streams and provides suggestions for connecting them.


Article Business

Ecosystem Legitimacy Emergence: A Collective Action View

Llewellyn D. W. Thomas, Paavo Ritala

Summary: The paper proposes a process model of ecosystem collective action, highlighting the importance of ecosystem legitimacy in overcoming the liability of newness. The authors argue that through three key legitimation processes-discursive legitimation, performative legitimation, and ecosystem identity construction-the emergence of ecosystem legitimacy can be facilitated.


Article Psychology, Applied

Four decades of CEO-TMT interface research: A review inspired by role theory

Dimitrios Georgakakis, Mariano L. M. Heyden, Jana D. R. Oehmichen, Udari I. K. Ekanayake

Summary: Research on the CEO-TMT interface in strategic leadership has received attention from scholars in different disciplines. This area aims to uncover the interaction and influence between CEOs and other executives, as well as their collective activities in shaping the fate of organizations.


Article Psychology, Applied

Best-Practice Recommendations for Producers, Evaluators, and Users of Methodological Literature Reviews

Herman Aguinis, Ravi S. Ramani, Nawaf Alabduljader

Summary: This research categorized and content-analyzed 168 methodological literature reviews published in 42 management and applied psychology journals. It revealed that the majority of the reviews belonged to critical, narrative, and descriptive categories, suggesting potential for additional types of reviews in the future. The study also provided actionable recommendations based on the implicit features found in the reviewed literature, and discussed the choices and judgment calls made in published reviews. Overall, this article offers valuable insights for authors, editors, reviewers, and researchers interested in methodological issues.


Review Business

Memorable tourism experience: A review and research agenda

Sameer Hosany, Erose Sthapit, Peter Bjork

Summary: This study systematically reviews the existing literature on memorable tourism experience and identifies geographical bias, neglect of negative experiences, and reliance on quantitative methods. The study proposes seven recommendations for future research, including caution in using scales, cross-cultural studies, and consideration of positive and negative dimensions.


Review Business

Purpose in the For-Profit Firm: A Review and Framework for Management Research

Gerard George, Martine R. Haas, Anita M. McGahan, Simon J. D. Schillebeeckx, Paul Tracey

Summary: Purpose is a concept frequently discussed in managerial communities to indicate and define a firm's focus on stakeholders beyond shareholders. While some evidence suggests that purpose is related to positive organizational outcomes such as growth, employee satisfaction, innovation, and stock market performance, the definition and application of purpose in management research is diverse and often unclear. This article reviews literature on purpose in for-profit firms and proposes a unified definition. It also presents a framework to study purpose that separates its framing and formalization within firms from its realization, avoiding the conflation of purpose with positive organizational outcomes. The framework highlights internal and external drivers of purpose framing and the influence of the institutional context on its adoption and effectiveness. Finally, the article provides a comprehensive agenda for future purpose research.


Article Criminology & Penology

An Exploration of the Involuntary Celibate (Incel) Subculture Online

Roberta Liggett O'Malley, Karen Holt, Thomas J. Holt

Summary: Incels, short for involuntary celibates, discuss challenges in sexual relationships in online communities. Reports have shown that the incel culture is misogynistic and supports violence, with links to violent incidents. An analysis of over 8,000 posts in two online incel communities reveals that norms in this subculture revolve around the sexual market, negative views of women, legitimizing masculinity, male oppression, and violence. This study sheds light on the role of the internet in radicalizing extremist groups.


Article Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism

Co-production: A resource to guide co-producing research in the sport, exercise, and health sciences

Brett Smith, Oli Williams, Lydia Bone

Summary: There is a growing interest in co-production in the sport, exercise, and health sciences, but there is currently a lack of academic resources that comprehensively detail the co-production of research. This paper aims to fill this gap by providing rationales for the need of such resources, defining co-production, and developing a typology to describe different types of co-production. The paper also explores the challenges and motivations for researchers to co-produce research, and presents working principles and criteria for judging the quality of co-produced research. It concludes by discussing future directions in this area.


Article Psychology, Applied

The Power of Listening at Work

Avraham N. Kluger, Guy Itzchakov

Summary: Listening plays a significant role in organizational outcomes, including job performance, leadership, relationship quality, job knowledge, job attitudes, and well-being. It is a dyadic phenomenon that benefits both the listener and the speaker. The episodic listening theory explains the powerful effects of listening on organizational outcomes.


Article Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism

Toward an Integrated Understanding of the Youth Sport System

Travis E. Dorsch, Alan L. Smith, Jordan A. Blazo, Jay Coakley, Jean Cote, Christopher R. D. Wagstaff, Stacy Warner, Michael Q. King

Summary: This article aims to outline a heuristic model that promotes an integrated understanding of the youth sport system. The model emphasizes the importance of a systems perspective, holism, feedback loops, and roles, and proposes a unified approach to studying proximal and distal processes within youth sport.


Article Criminology & Penology

The Clustering of Adverse Childhood Experiences in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children: Are Gender and Poverty Important?

Rebecca E. Lacey, Laura D. Howe, Michelle Kelly-Irving, Mel Bartley, Yvonne Kelly

Summary: This study explores the clustering of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and its relationship with gender and poverty. The findings reveal that ACEs cluster in specific patterns and poverty is strongly related to it.


Review Business

Alexa, what do we know about conversational commerce? Insights from a systematic literature review

Weng Marc Lim, Satish Kumar, Sanjeev Verma, Rijul Chaturvedi

Summary: This study reviews the performance and intellectual structure of conversational commerce, providing insights for future research through a comprehensive analysis of publications and citation trends.


Review Business

Governance and Design of Digital Platforms: A Review and Future Research Directions on a Meta-Organization

Liang Chen, Tony W. Tong, Shaoqin Tang, Nianchen Han

Summary: This study systematically reviewed research on digital platforms, proposing the view of digital platforms as a distinct organizational form where incentive and control mechanisms play a crucial role. Through an integrative framework, it explored the interrelations among value, governance, and design in digital platforms.


Review Psychology, Applied

Text Preprocessing for Text Mining in Organizational Research: Review and Recommendations

Louis Hickman, Stuti Thapa, Louis Tay, Mengyang Cao, Padmini Srinivasan

Summary: Recent advances in text mining have provided new methods for leveraging the abundant natural language text data generated by organizations, employees, and customers. However, the decisions made during text preprocessing significantly impact the capture of language content and style, the statistical power of subsequent analyses, and the validity of insights derived from text mining. This study conducts complementary reviews to provide empirically grounded recommendations for text preprocessing decisions, taking into account the type of text mining, research questions, and dataset characteristics. It also provides recommendations for reporting text mining to promote transparency and reproducibility.


Article Criminology & Penology

On the Front Lines of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Occupational Experiences of the Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault Workforce

Leila Wood, Rachel Voth Schrag, Elizabeth Baumler, Dixie Hairston, Shannon Guillot-Wright, Elizabeth Torres, Jeff R. Temple

Summary: In the face of increasing risk for intimate partner violence (IPV) and sexual assault during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is urgent to understand the experiences of frontline workers providing support to survivors. Through an online survey of IPV and sexual assault workforce, this study found that staff members are experiencing more personal and professional stressors, perceiving a decrease in client safety, and lacking resources needed to help survivors and themselves. The shift to remote service provision and reductions in overall service capacity have implications for both survivors and staff, highlighting the need for additional training, infrastructure, and support.


Review Business

Personalization in personalized marketing: Trends and ways forward

Shobhana Chandra, Sanjeev Verma, Weng Marc Lim, Satish Kumar, Naveen Donthu

Summary: This study fills the knowledge gap in the field of personalized marketing by conducting a comprehensive review and analysis. The research findings reveal publication and citation trends, prominent authors, major themes, and propose future research directions for personalized marketing.


Article Psychology, Applied

How workplace support for the COVID-19 pandemic and personality traits affect changes in employees' affective commitment to the organization and job-related well-being

Mashiho Mihalache, Oli R. Mihalache

Summary: This study investigates how organizational responses to environmental disruptions impact employees' job-related well-being, and how work support and personality traits interact to influence these outcomes. The findings suggest that work support during the COVID-19 pandemic is associated with positive changes in employees' job-related well-being, with personality traits moderating these relationships.


Review Business

Meta-analysis and traditional systematic literature reviews-What, why, when, where, and how?

Justin Paul, Mojtaba Barari

Summary: This paper presents the research method of Meta-analysis and compares it with traditional systematic literature reviews. It describes the steps of the meta-analytic process, explains the purpose and tasks of each step, and provides recommendations for best practice. The paper also discusses recent developments in meta-analytic techniques and their effectiveness in business research.