Physics, Multidisciplinary

Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Differential variable speed limit control strategy consider lane assignment at the freeway lane drop bottleneck

Zuan Jin, Minghui Ma, Shidong Liang, Hongguang Yao

Summary: This study proposes a differential variable speed limit (DVSL) control strategy considering lane assignment, which sets dynamic speed limits for each lane to attract vehicle lane-changing behaviors before the bottleneck and reduce the impact of traffic capacity drop. Experimental results show that the proposed DVSL control strategy can alleviate traffic congestion and improve efficiency.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Dynamics investigation and chaos-based application of a novel no-equilibrium system with coexisting hidden attractors

Chengwei Dong, Min Yang, Lian Jia, Zirun Li

Summary: This work presents a novel three-dimensional system with multiple types of coexisting attractors, and investigates its dynamics using various methods. The mechanism of chaos emergence is explored, and the periodic orbits in the system are studied using the variational method. A symbolic coding method is successfully established to classify the short cycles. The flexibility and validity of the system are demonstrated through analogous circuit implementation. Various chaos-based applications are also presented to show the system's feasibility.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Learning eco-driving strategies from human driving trajectories

Xiaoyu Shi, Jian Zhang, Xia Jiang, Juan Chen, Wei Hao, Bo Wang

Summary: This study presents a novel framework using offline reinforcement learning to improve energy consumption in road transportation. By leveraging real-world human driving trajectories, the proposed method achieves significant improvements in energy consumption. The offline learning approach demonstrates generalizability across different scenarios.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Characterization of the neuronal and network dynamics of liquid state machines

Junhyuk Woo, Soon Ho Kim, Hyeongmo Kim, Kyungreem Han

Summary: Reservoir computing (RC) is a new machine-learning framework that uses an abstract neural network model to process information from complex dynamical systems. This study investigates the neuronal and network dynamics of liquid state machines (LSMs) using numerical simulations and classification tasks. The findings suggest that the computational performance of LSMs is closely related to the dynamic range, with a larger dynamic range resulting in higher performance.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

TRELM-DROP: An impavement non-iterative algorithm for traffic flow forecast

Yuwei Yang, Zhuoxuan Li, Jun Chen, Zhiyuan Liu, Jinde Cao

Summary: This paper proposes an extreme learning machine (ELM) algorithm based on residual correction and Tent chaos sequence (TRELM-DROP) for accurate prediction of traffic flow. The algorithm reduces the impact of randomness in traffic flow through the Tent chaos strategy and residual correction method, and avoids weight optimization using the iterative method. A DROP strategy is introduced to improve the algorithm's ability to predict traffic flow under varying conditions.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Langevin picture of subdiffusive particles under the joint influence of an expanding medium and an external constant force

Xudong Wang, Yao Chen

Summary: This article investigates the joint influence of expanding medium and constant force on particle diffusion. By starting from the Langevin picture and introducing the effect of external force in two different ways, two models with different force terms are obtained. Detailed analysis and derivation yield the Fokker-Planck equations and moments for the two models. The sustained force behaves as a decoupled force, while the intermittent force changes the diffusion behavior with specific effects depending on the expanding rate of the medium.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Diffusion model for the spread of infectious diseases: SIR model with mobile agents

P. M. Centres, D. J. Perez-Morelo, R. Guzman, L. Reinaudi, M. C. Gimenez

Summary: In this study, a phenomenological investigation of epidemic spread was conducted using a model of agent diffusion over a square region based on the SIR model. Two possible contagion mechanisms were considered, and it was observed that the number of secondary infections produced by an individual during its infectious period depended on various factors.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Joint estimation of Ising model parameters with Hamiltonian constraint

Oliver Smirnov

Summary: This study proposes a new method for simultaneously estimating the parameters of the 2D Ising model. The method solves a constrained optimization problem, where the objective function is a pseudo-log-likelihood and the constraint is the Hamiltonian of the external field. Monte Carlo simulations were conducted using models of different shapes and sizes to evaluate the performance of the method with and without the Hamiltonian constraint. The results demonstrate that the proposed estimation method yields lower variance across all model shapes and sizes compared to a simple pseudo-maximum likelihood.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

First-passage time statistics for non-linear diffusion

Przemyslaw Chelminiak

Summary: The study investigates the first-passage properties of a non-linear diffusion equation with diffusivity dependent on the concentration/probability density through a power-law relationship. The survival probability and first-passage time distribution are determined based on the power-law exponent, and both exact and approximate expressions are derived, along with their asymptotic representations. The results pertain to diffusing particles that are either freely or harmonically trapped. The mean first-passage time is finite for the harmonically trapped particle, while it is divergent for the freely diffusing particle.


Article Mathematics, Applied

Robustness measurement of multiplex networks based on multiplex motifs

Shu-hong Xue, Yun-yun Yang, Biao Feng, Hai-long Yu, Li Wang

Summary: This research focuses on the robustness of multiplex networks and proposes a new index to measure their stability under malicious attacks. The effectiveness of this method is verified in real multiplex networks.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Construction of thin-shell around new wormhole solutions via solitonic quantum wave dark matter

G. Mustafa, S. K. Maurya, Saibal Ray, Faisal Javed

Summary: In this study, we investigate the geometry of wormholes in the framework of general relativity and explore how quantum wave dark matter affects the dynamical configuration of the shell surrounding the wormhole. By using specific shape functions and introducing quantum wave dark matter, we obtain reasonable wormhole solutions and observe its effects on the stability of the shell.


Article Acoustics

Quasi-Grammian solutions of the coupled Gerdjikov-Ivanov equation

Halis Yilmaz

Summary: We construct the N-fold standard binary Darboux transformation for the coupled Gerdjikov-Ivanov equation and use it to obtain explicit solutions of the equation in terms of quasi-Grammians. Furthermore, we present various particular solutions for the equation, including soliton, breather, and rogue wave solutions.


Article Mathematics, Applied

Cluster distributions for dynamically defined point processes

Corentin Correia, Ana Cristina Moreira Freitas, Jorge Milhazes Freitas

Summary: The emergence of clustering of rare events is due to periodicity, where fast returns to target sets lead to a bulk of high observations. In this research, we explore the potential of a new mechanism to create clustering of rare events by linking observable functions to a finite number of points belonging to the same orbit. We show that with the right choice of system and observable, any given cluster size distribution can be obtained.


Article Mathematics, Applied

Diffusion in Allen-Cahn equation: Normal vs anomalous

Enyu Fan, Changpin Li

Summary: This paper numerically studies the Allen-Cahn equations with different kinds of time fractional derivatives and investigates the influences of time derivatives on the solutions of the considered models.


Article Mathematics, Applied

Evolving reliability assessment of systems using active learning-based surrogate modelling

Yuhang Zhu, Yinghao Zhao, Chaolin Song, Zeyu Wang

Summary: In this study, a novel approach called Time-Variant Reliability Updating (TVRU) is proposed, which integrates Kriging-based time-dependent reliability with parallel learning. This method enhances risk assessment in complex systems, showcasing exceptional efficiency and accuracy.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Iterative quantum algorithm for combinatorial optimization based on quantum gradient descent

Xin Yi, Jia-Cheng Huo, Yong-Pan Gao, Ling Fan, Ru Zhang, Cong Cao

Summary: The paper introduces an iterative quantum algorithm based on quantum gradient descent to solve combinatorial optimization problems, verifying the effectiveness and robustness of the algorithm through numerical simulations and comparison with other algorithms. Experimental results on a real quantum computer also demonstrate the feasibility and performance of the algorithm.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Specific heat of a driven lattice gas

Pritha Dolai, Christian Maes

Summary: Calorimetry for equilibrium systems aims to determine the energy levels' occupation and distribution by measuring thermal response, while nonequilibrium versions provide additional information on the dynamical accessibility of these states. Using calculations on a driven exclusion process, it is confirmed that a fermionic nonequilibrium steady state with exact computation of specific heat can be achieved. The divergence at zero temperature occurs when the Fermi energy and the kinetic barrier for loading and emptying are approximately equal. Additionally, a stable low temperature regime of negative specific heat appears when the kinetic barrier is density-dependent, indicating an anti-correlation between the stationary occupation's temperature-dependence and excess heat.


Article Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications

Development of a contact force model with a fluid damping factor for immersed collision events

Gengxiang Wang, Yang Liu, Caishan Liu

Summary: This investigation studies the impact behavior of a contact body in a fluidic environment. A dissipated coefficient is introduced to describe the energy dissipation caused by hydrodynamic forces. A new fluid damping factor is derived to depict the coupling between liquid and solid, as well as the coupling between solid and solid. A new coefficient of restitution (CoR) is proposed to determine the actual physical impact. A new contact force model with a fluid damping factor tailored for immersed collision events is proposed.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Modulation of electronic and optical properties of BlueP/MoSSe heterostructures via biaxial strain and vertical electric field

Jinqin Ye, Yi Li, Jun Ding, Heng Yu, Xianqi Dai

Summary: Constructing van der Waals heterostructures is an efficient approach to enhance the properties and broaden the applications of two-dimensional materials. This study explores the structure, stability, electronic, and optical properties of BlueP/MoSSe heterostructures using density functional theory calculations. It is found that the bandgap and band edge of these heterostructures can be effectively modulated by strain and electric field.


Article Mathematics, Applied

Kinetic models for systems of interacting agents with multiple microscopic states

Marzia Bisi, Nadia Loy

Summary: This paper proposes and investigates general kinetic models with transition probabilities that can describe the simultaneous change of multiple microscopic states of the interacting agents. The mathematical properties of the kinetic model are proved, and the quasi-invariant asymptotic regime is studied and compared with other models. Numerical tests are performed to demonstrate the time evolution of distribution functions and macroscopic fields.