International Relations

Article Environmental Studies

Climate-smart fisheries: CO2 emissions reduction and food security are complementary

Nwamaka Okeke-Ogbuafor, Tim Gray, Sheku Kamara, Edward Sesay, Abdulai Dauda, Selina M. Stead, Danielle Robinson, Kelechi Johnmary Ani

Summary: This study examines the contrasting interpretations of climate-smart fisheries (CSF) policies in global north and global south, focusing on the case of Sierra Leone. The findings suggest that small-scale coastal fishers in Sierra Leone prioritize mitigating the impact of climate change on their food and income security over reducing CO2 emissions. However, the study argues that prioritizing food and income security can also contribute to CO2 emission reductions, and the two objectives are complementary rather than contradictory.


Article Environmental Studies

What are the factors that enable or hinder gender equality? Lessons and experiences on gender dynamics in Mexican small-scale fisheries

Carmen Pedroza-Gutierrez, Neyra Solano, Francisco Fernandez-Rivera-Melo, Isis Hernandez-Herrera

Summary: Women in Mexico have been increasingly participating in the fishing sector, although gender inequality remains a barrier to their representation and involvement in decision-making. Gender dynamics vary by region, education level, and age group. Access to fisheries and economic resources depends on these dynamics and the availability of resources. Women in communities with more resources are more involved in fishing-related activities, while those in communities with fewer resources seek out different economic activities. Increased female labor market participation is also related to increasing household incomes and alleviating poverty. Power dynamics and gender roles differ in different household management models and cooperative structures.


Article Environmental Studies

Environmental discounts for Swedish ports and fairways: A ship owner perspective

Rasmus Parsmo, Erik Ytreberg, Maarten Verdaasdonk, Erik Fridell

Summary: Sweden has implemented environmental discounts for ships to encourage investment in reducing the impact of shipping on climate change, air quality, and marine environment. However, these discounts alone are not enough to incentivize ship-owners to invest in abatement technologies for older ships.


Article Environmental Studies

A wave knowledge description of a surf break in Southern Brazil

Thomaz Bosquetto Matoso, Gustavo Goulart Moreira Moura, Thiago Zagonel Serafini

Summary: This article explores the wave knowledge of surfers in Pontal do Sul surf break in southern Brazil from an ethno-oceanographic perspective, highlighting the importance of this knowledge for understanding local dynamics and predicting future changes.


Article Environmental Studies

Are Greenland's inshore halibut fishers ready for individual transferable quotas?

Hunter T. Snyder, Simon Stone, Mary Albert, Chris Polashenski

Summary: Fisheries policy plays a crucial role in democratic and inclusive governance of marine resources. Understanding fishers' knowledge, inclination, and vulnerability to proposed changes can help design inclusive and forward-thinking fishery management plans. A survey of Greenland's inshore halibut fishers revealed their lack of knowledge and unclear inclination towards proposed changes, as well as differences in vulnerability levels. Increasing the exchange of technical knowledge and involving fishers in the decision-making process is essential for achieving sustainability outcomes and protecting small-scale fisheries livelihoods.


Article Environmental Studies

Bottom fishing beyond trawling. Spatio-temporal trends of mobile and static bottom fisheries on benthic habitats

Ulla Fernandez-Arcaya, Augusto Rodriguez-Basalo, Patricia Verisimo, Jose Rodriguez, Elvira Ceballos, Jose Manuel Gonzalez-Irusta, Ana Garcia-Alegre, Maider Plaza-Morlote, Alberto Serrano, Antonio Punzon

Summary: This study analyzes the spatio-temporal trends of fishing pressure of bottom-contact gear and assesses its relative importance within each benthic habitat. The findings are important for the conservation of marine biodiversity and the development of spatial protection measures.


Article International Relations

A Battle of the Big Three?-Competing Conceptualizations of Personal Data Shaping Transnational Data Flows

Raymond Yang Gao

Summary: In the digital era, personal data is conceptualized differently by different countries and actors, based on economics, privacy, and national security. These conceptualizations reflect the attributes and relationships of personal data and are embedded in different philosophies and ideologies. However, the contestations between these conceptualizations cannot be easily resolved and require different legal paradigms for regulation and governance.


Article International Relations

Legal Reflections on the Irreversibility of Nuclear Disarmament

Thomas Hajnoczi

Summary: This article discusses the legal issue of the irreversibility of nuclear disarmament, highlighting how treaties, prohibition norms, and safeguards can contribute to increasing irreversibility. However, withdrawal and violation of treaties remain major challenges to achieving irreversibility.


Article International Relations

'My parents told me to love my country': positionalities of second-generation diaspora Eritreans in a transnational setting

Nicole Hirt

Summary: This article explores the positionalities of second-generation diaspora Eritreans and their ambivalent attitudes towards their ancestral homeland and their residence country, considering the influence of their parents' history on identity formation. The study is based on long-term observation, narrative interviews, and social media analysis to understand their self-perceptions, which are shaped by competing narratives about Eritrea's past and present. The findings suggest that the positionalities of young Eritrean diasporans are diverse and complex, and cannot be easily categorized as either government supporters or opposition activists, as often portrayed in the media.


Article Area Studies

The rise and fall of the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment: 'open strategic autonomy' in action

Shuxiao Kuang, Jan Orbie, Sira Blancquaert

Summary: This article aims to explore the role of Open strategic autonomy (OSA) in policy practice through analyzing its application in EU trade policy debates. The findings reveal that OSA can be utilized for both economic and foreign policy-oriented arguments. The dominance of the Trade steered by Foreign Policy (TsFP) paradigm contributes to explaining the rise and fall of the CAI.


Article History

Wartime intelligence experience in the works of Barbara Pym and Muriel Spark

Claire Smith

Summary: This paper explores the potential of fiction in understanding intelligence using Barbara Pym and Muriel Spark as case studies. It examines whether they drew on their wartime experiences in their works and questions the significance of fiction in an age of easily accessible archives and public records. The paper reveals that Barbara Pym's official wartime experience as an Examiner or censor was suppressed through authorial choices and external editing, suggesting that the role was undervalued as a source of intelligence. On the other hand, Muriel Spark fully utilized her brief encounter with black propaganda, offering readers insights into ethical dilemmas of deception, manipulation, and surveillance in her three fictional works.


Article History

Fact, fake or fiction?: the disguised spy novels of Bernard Newman in the 1930s

Alan Burton

Summary: During the inter-war period, the emergence of spy memoirs had a significant impact on the realism of spy fiction. This article focuses on Bernard Newman's three "spy memoirs," revealing the challenges faced by critics and readers in distinguishing fact from fiction.


Article History

The Intelligence lobby before the Intelligence lobby: MI5 Director General Stella Rimington and the hunt for the new legitimacy

Huw Dylan

Summary: This article examines the decision and utilization of public profile by Stella Rimington, the first publicly appointed head of MI5, as well as the reaction from the press. It argues that she effectively advocated for intelligence and achieved the legitimacy she sought in important quarters.


Article Area Studies

Populism and social capital in structurally disadvantaged regions and the 2023 Czech presidential election: making democracy work again?

Petr Blaha

Summary: The 2023 presidential runoff election in the Czech Republic revealed that the populist candidate Andrej Babis enjoyed support in regions that were designated as structurally disadvantaged. These regions faced multiple problems, particularly in the social, economic, and educational spheres. This study used qualitative comparative analysis to identify the reasons for populist support in these regions and determine if there were similar combinations of conditions that contributed to the support. The findings showed that Andrej Babis' victory occurred in regions with identical combinations of conditions that facilitated support for populist candidates.


Article International Relations

Racism and global war in world politics: As obvious as it is ignored

Errol A. Henderson

Summary: This essay examines the theorizing of the Howard School of IR theory on white supremacism in WWI and the broader relationship between racial imperialism and global war. It argues that mainstream IR neglecting the issue of racism in world politics and the impact of racial imperialism on global wars raises questions about the ability to adequately explain these wars and construct theories that explain important phenomena in IR.


Article Economics

Economic recessions and decarbonisation: analysing green stimulus spending in Canada and the US

Vegard Torstad, Jonas Nahm, Jon Hovi, Tora Skodvin, Gard Olav Dietrichson

Summary: Existing research suggests that government policies often prioritize economic growth over climate concerns during economic downturns. However, government stimulus spending during these downturns could provide an opportunity for decarbonization through long-term investments in infrastructure and clean energy technologies. This study examines the size and distribution of green stimulus spending in response to the 2008 financial crisis and the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, and finds that the strength of liberal parties in legislatures plays a crucial role in shaping the distribution of stimulus funds.


Article International Relations

Political informality, state transition and Belt and Road Initiative: the case of Turkey's logistics sector

Derya Gocer, Ceren Ergenc

Summary: Regional integration affects domestic decision-making, social forces, and power distribution. China influences domestic dynamics in Turkey through economic cooperation, geostrategic alliances, and factional alliances. Turkey's engagement with China's Belt and Road Initiative involves conflicting decision-making and foreign policy informality. The informalization strategy of the ruling party has impacted Chinese investments in Turkey's logistics sector.


Article Business

Cultural Heterogeneity of Top Management Teams, Cross-Border Acquisitions, and Financial Performance of Chinese Publicly Listed Companies

Lili Kang, Fei Peng, Sajid Anwar

Summary: Using data from Chinese publicly listed companies, this paper examines the impact of cultural heterogeneity within the top management team on the post-acquisition performance of cross-border acquisitions. The results show that cultural heterogeneity can increase the likelihood of cross-border acquisitions, but it has a negative impact on the market performance and profitability of privately-owned companies. However, in state-owned companies and high-tech industries, cultural heterogeneity can have a positive effect.


Article Business

Investor-Paid Rating Agency, Information Disclosure, and Stock Price Crash Risk

Jieyi Lu, Wanfa Lin, Huiyu Guo, Jinyu Luo

Summary: This paper examines the impact of investor-paid rating agency on stock price crash risk. The findings reveal that stocks tracked by investor-paid rating agencies have a significant reduction in stock price crash risk compared to those without such tracking. The mechanism behind this is that investor-paid rating agencies reduce earnings management, induce more negative information disclosure, and improve information disclosure quality. The impact of investor-paid rating agency is more pronounced in firms with poorer corporate governance.


Article International Relations

'A guide for measuring resiliency and resistance'

Robert S. Burrell, John Collison

Summary: This essay discusses the critical need to use a more advanced human-centric model when assessing the capability of governments and societies to resist subversion, coercion, and aggression, as well as their ability to recover. It proposes a method of analyzing and evaluating the will, potential, and sustainability of national and sub-national resilience, as well as the potential to resist malicious governance or external aggression. Lastly, it examines the likelihood of success in providing support for partner resilience from an external perspective, as well as the potential to inspire change in adversary behaviors through resistance.