
Review Geography

Metallogeny of the state of Oaxaca, Mexico

Nestor Cano, Antoni Camprubi, Eduardo Gonzalez-Partida

Summary: This study integrates a large database of mineral occurrences and deposits in Oaxaca, Mexico, and produces a metallogenic map based on lithology. The map provides clear information on the location of deposits, mining regions, and mining districts, as well as summarizes the metallogenic history of the state and the distribution of tectonostratigraphic terranes. The study also briefly describes the characteristics of each mineralized area and the metallogenic epochs of Oaxaca, and organizes all geolocation information in GIS format.


Article Geography

Estimation of the minimum required bus capacity between the hinterland and the centre of a functional urban region - a comparative study of the five largest Serbian cities

Martin Barta

Summary: This study presents a simple method for comparing the capacity and potential of suburban bus services. The capacity is analyzed based on raw data on bus frequency and connectivity provided by transport companies. The study also introduces the concept of demographic gravitation to compare the population and distance between settlements within urban regions. The results provide comprehensive information on the distribution and required capacity of the suburban bus network.


Article Geography

The Ar-Hotol surface rupture along the Khovd fault (Mongolian Altay)

Battogtokh Davaasambuu, Matthieu Ferry, Jean-Francois Ritz, Ulziibat Munkhuu

Summary: This study presents a 1:200,000 scale map of the surface rupture of the Khovd fault in the Mongolian Altay region, which is believed to be associated with the 1761 Great Mongol earthquake with a magnitude of approximately 7.8. The mapping uses both airborne and terrestrial imaging and topographic techniques to measure right-lateral and vertical offsets ranging from 1 m to 4 km along a 238 km length. The analysis of smaller offsets reveals the deformation caused by the most recent surface-rupturing earthquake, providing evidence of repeated faulting and confirming a magnitude of 7.8 +/- 0.3.


Article Geography

Geological screening for onshore CO2 storage in the Rio Bonito formation, Parana Basin, Brazil

Saulo B. de Oliveira, Nathalia Weber, Christopher Yeates, Colombo C. G. Tassinari

Summary: Brazil aims to neutralize carbon emissions by 2050 and the Parana Basin is identified as a favorable location for CO2 storage.


Article Geography

Geomorphological analysis of San Nicola Island (Tremiti Islands, Southern Adriatic Sea). Results from the 2021 and 2022 Environmental Geomorphology field camps of the MSc in Geological Sciences and Technologies of Earth and Planets (University 'G. d'Annunzio' of Chieti-Pescara)

Valerio Piattelli, Jacopo Cinosi, Gianluca Esposito, Vania Mancinelli, Giorgio Paglia, Sarah Ciaglia, Paride Colasante, Davide Defilippis, Federica de Iure, Sepino Desiderio, Lorenzo Dezio, Flavio Di Cecco, Benedetta Di Cesare, Nicola Di Croce, Jacopo D'Intino, Davide Di Zio, Vanni Donatelli, Diana Faieta, Marco Gagliardi, Christian Giuliani, Lorenzo Innamorato, Alessio Luciani, Pietro Mantanera, Lisa Molaro, Alessandro Montebello, Pierluigi Moschella, Joele Pica, Giovanni Santucci, Matilda Soldano, Daniele Spedaliere, Sara Sticca, Paolo Troilo, Chiara Troisi, Giuseppina Varisco, Mario Zeppa, Marcello Buccolini, Enrico Miccadei

Summary: This paper presents the results of field activities conducted by two groups of students at San Nicola Island in the Southern Adriatic Sea in 2021 and 2022. The activities involved integrated morphometric, geological, and geomorphological analyses using both traditional methods and modern survey instruments and techniques. The main map produced in this study provides a comprehensive depiction of the island's landscape and can serve as a useful tool for territorial planning and management, as well as further scientific studies.


Article Geography

Plio-Quaternary coastal landscape evolution of north-western Sicily (Italy)

Nicolo Parrino, Pierfrancesco Burrato, Attilio Sulli, Maurizio Gasparo Morticelli, Mauro Agate, Eshaan Srivastava, Javed N. Malik, Cipriano Di Maggio

Summary: We conducted a geomorphological and geological study of the NW Sicily coastal belt, aiming to understand its Plio-Quaternary evolution. By analyzing marine terraces and validating the data through morphological changes and stratigraphic boundaries, we identified two coastal sectors with different paleo-shoreline elevations and uplift rates. These findings provide valuable insights into the active deformation processes and seismotectonic setting in this critical region of the Africa-Europe plate boundary.


Article Geography

The diffusion of digital skills across EU regions: structural drivers and polarisation dynamics

Serenella Caravella, Valeria Cirillo, Francesco Crespi, Dario Guarascio, Mirko Menghini

Summary: The digital transformation is crucial for long-term productivity growth and has the potential to promote inclusive and sustainable growth. However, there is an uneven distribution of digital capabilities across European regions, leading to a risk of divergence and polarization. This study examines the factors influencing the accumulation of digital skills in the EU from 2011 to 2018 and finds evidence of regional polarization in the adoption and deployment of digital skills. Additionally, the study investigates the impact of structural factors and European funds on the digitalization process and regional convergence.


Article Geography

Assessing regional convergence of the size of middle classes in Euro-Mediterranean countries

Elena Barcena-Martin, Elias Melchor-Ferrer, Salvador Perez-Moreno

Summary: This paper provides evidence of regional convergence in the size of lower- and upper-middle-income classes across regions of France, Greece, Italy and Spain for the period 2004-17. The study finds that changes in class size in neighbouring regions are associated with changes in the same direction in the lower- and upper-middle classes of the region of interest. The convergence process is affected by the economic cycle, with lower-middle-class size being more linked to persistent decreases in GDP over time.


Article Geography

The geographical dimension of income inequality in Greece: evolution and the 'turning point' after the economic crisis

Yannis Psycharis, Vassilis Tselios, Panagiotis Pantazis

Summary: This paper analyzes the geographical variations in income level and income inequality in Greece over time. The study finds that the economic crisis and fiscal reforms have significantly changed income inequality. The geographies of inequality differ based on the period of analysis, type of municipality, and level of income.


Article Geography

Ecology and space in the COVID-19 epidemic diffusion: a multifactorial analysis of Italy's provinces

Luigi Maria Solivetti

Summary: This study aimed to identify the ecological and spatial correlates of the COVID-19 secondary transmission mechanisms. The dataset comprised cross-province daily COVID-19 cases recorded in Italy from 25 February to 26 May 2020. The study found that, against widespread belief, the epidemic diffusion was higher in the more affluent and developed territorial units.


Article Geography

Depends on how you count them: the value of general propensity choropleth maps for visualising databases of protest incidents

Martin Bekker

Summary: Public protest serves as an important means of sanctioning rulers and institutions. In South Africa, protest is a common phenomenon and a defining element of post-apartheid political life. By visualizing protest data, we can gain a better understanding of protest activities in different regions of South Africa. The analysis shows that rural areas have a higher proportion of protests, while municipalities hosting major industries and provincial government seats exhibit the highest propensity for protest.


Article Geography a web-based framework for designing origin-destination flow maps

Caglar Koylu, Geng Tian, Mary Windsor

Summary: is a web-based framework that automates the production and design of origin-destination flow maps. It allows users to upload and process their own data, customize flow maps, and supports supplementary layers.


Correction Geography

A donut effect'? Assessing housing transactions during COVID-19 across the Spanish rural-urban hierarchy (vol 10, pg 471, 2023)

Miguel Gonzalez-Leonardo, Francisco Rowe, Arturo Vegas-Sanchez


Article Geography

Comparative analysis of the role of second-tier cities in the development of European countries and Russia

Irina D. Turgel, Elizaveta A. Ulyanova

Summary: In this article, the role of second-tier cities in the socio-economic and innovative development of countries is discussed. A comparative analysis of the contribution of second-tier and capital cities in the national settlement systems of Europe and Russia is proposed. The findings show that European cities have a more balanced distribution of population between capitals and second-tier cities, indicating higher competitiveness in terms of human capital attraction and retention compared to Russian cities. The study also reveals that second-tier cities are less competitive than national capitals in terms of key economic indicators, and the contribution to innovative development is higher in Western European countries compared to Eastern Europe.


Article Geography

Climate change policies and emissions in European regions: disentangling sources of heterogeneity

Luca Bettarelli, Khatereh Yarveisi

Summary: This article analyzes the impact of climate change policies (CCPs) on regional emissions. Using data for European NUTS-2 regions over 26 years, the study finds that CCPs effectively reduce regional emissions, with the impact becoming apparent three years after policy implementation. These effects are associated with medium-term economic activity improvements and are amplified in regions with high innovation and investment capacity, as well as good local institutions.


Article Geography

Informality as a multifactor approach: evidence from mototaxi drivers in Colombia

Norida Vanegas-Chinchilla

Summary: This study explores the various activities undertaken by informal workers and highlights the differences in their degree of informality. Using a qualitative methodology, the researchers conducted a case study on mototaxi drivers in Cartagena, Colombia to gain a comprehensive understanding of this phenomenon. The paper proposes an integrated approach to understanding informality, taking into account legal status as well as social and economic aspects.


Article Geography

Normalizing the pandemic: exploring the cartographic issues in state government COVID-19 dashboards

Aaron M. Adams, Xiang Chen, Weidong Li, Chuanrong Zhang

Summary: Government agencies have used Web GIS dashboards to collect and distribute spatial information on COVID-19, but not all maps adhere to established cartographic principles. This article examines the extent of cartographic issues by surveying official COVID-19 websites of state governments in the United States. The findings reveal incorrect use of unnormalized data in choropleth maps by 62.0% of the states, while 32.0% used normalized data and 6.0% did not employ choropleth maps. Even in states using normalized data correctly, other cartographic problems were identified, such as inappropriate data class divisions and suboptimal enumeration units. Given the significance of dashboards as authoritative sources, map standards are essential to ensure accurate and reliable health information in the Web GIS era.


Article Geography

Holocene to near-future evolution of the southern Molise coast (Central Adriatic, Italy) under the influence of natural and anthropogenic controls

Gianluigi Di Paola, Ettore Valente, Claudia Caporizzo, Marilena Cozzolino, Carmen M. M. Rosskopf

Summary: To understand the factors contributing to coastal modifications, a series of three maps focusing on the southern Molise coast in Italy were created. The maps cover the changes from the Holocene to the Present, as well as future scenarios up to 2050. The results highlight the high susceptibility of the Biferno River coastal plain to erosion and inundation, indicating potential coastal hazards.


Article Geography

A malaria risk model for the Mediterranean in antiquity based on the historical Carta della Malaria dell'Italia

Daniel C. Browning

Summary: This study presents a model of ancient malaria risk for the Mediterranean region. The model combines known malaria risk factors with GIS capabilities to evaluate textual sources and provide a relative malaria risk layer for historical reconstruction. Example maps using model output and potential use are presented.


Article Geography

Spatial disparities in air conditioning ownership in Florida, United States

Yoonjung Ahn, Christopher K. Uejio, Sandy Wong, Emily Powell, Tisha Holmes

Summary: This study highlights the important role of air conditioning (AC) in preventing heat-related illnesses and identifies disparities in AC ownership in Florida. Limited geographic coverage and outdated AC availability data pose challenges for heat risk mapping and prevention efforts. The results show distinct AC ownership disparities, with high ownership in coastal and metropolitan areas and limited availability in inland and marginalized communities. The study also reveals a significant correlation between AC ownership and socioeconomic and urban factors, with racial disparities in AC ownership observed in predominantly African-American neighborhoods. These findings provide valuable insights for targeted interventions to mitigate heat-related risks.