Geography, Physical

Article Geography, Physical

Adopting GPU computing to support DL-based Earth science applications

Zifu Wang, Yun Li, Kevin Wang, Jacob Cain, Mary Salami, Daniel Q. Q. Duffy, Michael M. M. Little, Chaowei Yang

Summary: With the advancement of AI technologies and big Earth data, DL has become an important method in Earth science. However, computational challenges still exist for DL-based applications. This study aims to address these challenges by revising DL models/algorithms and testing their performance on multiple GPU computing platforms.


Article Geography, Physical

The distribution and evolution of surface fractures on pan-Antarctic ice shelves

Ao Pang, Qi Liang, Weijia Li, Lei Zheng, Teng Li, Xiao Cheng

Summary: In this study, a ResUNet model was used to identify the spatial distribution of surface fractures on Antarctic ice shelves using MODIS data. It was found that the total area of surface fractures decreased from 2004 to 2014, primarily due to changes in fractures within 20 km of the ice front in the Amundsen and Wilkes sectors. High concentrations of fractures were particularly observed in the Thwaites Ice Shelf, Crosson Ice Shelf, and Getz Ice Shelf in the Amundsen sector. This study provides comprehensive and detailed information about surface fractures on Antarctic ice shelves and has implications for evaluating their vulnerability.


Article Geography, Physical

Significant discrepancies of land surface daily net radiation among ten remotely sensed and reanalysis products

Xiuwan Yin, Bo Jiang, Shunlin Liang, Shaopeng Li, Xiang Zhao, Qian Wang, Jianglei Xu, Jiakun Han, Hui Liang, Xiaotong Zhang, Qiang Liu, Yunjun Yao, Kun Jia, Xianhong Xie

Summary: This study evaluated ten long-term land surface net radiation products under different spatial scales, spatial and temporal variations, and different conditions. The results showed that GLASS-MODIS performed the best during 2000-2018, followed by ERA5 and GLASS-AVHRR. During 1983-2018, GLASS-AVHRR and ERA5 ranked top and performed similarly. The differences in net radiation between satellite and reanalysis products may be attributed to radiative components, meteorological variables, and algorithm applicability.


Article Geography, Physical

Seeing through a new lens: exploring the potential of city walking tour videos for urban analytics

Maximilian C. Hartmann, Ross S. Purves

Summary: City Walking Tour Videos (CWTVs) are a unique source of Volunteered Geographic Information that offer detailed street-level imagery. Through a mobility study focused on the City of Paris, we found that these videos contain rich information for analyzing urban transportation. By detecting transport modes and examining changes in mobility mix, we demonstrated the potential of CWTVs for urban analytics and identified shifts in transportation patterns during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Article Geography, Physical

Feedback and contribution of vegetation, air temperature and precipitation to land surface temperature in the Yangtze River Basin considering statistical analysis

Jinlian Liu, Xinyao Zhou, Hanya Tang, Fengqin Yan, Shiwei Liu, Xuguang Tang, Zhi Ding, Ke Jiang, Pujia Yu

Summary: Land surface temperature (LST) and its day-night difference (LSTd - LSTn) are influenced by vegetation and climate change. Quantifying their contribution and feedback is crucial for mitigation strategies. This study used partial correlation and spatial analysis to investigate the response of LST to vegetation and climate variables. Results showed negative responses and feedback from vegetation on LST, with vegetation being a major contributor to LSTd - LSTn decline. Air temperature (AT) played a decisive role in LST warming trend, partially mitigated by vegetation and precipitation (Pre).


Article Geography, Physical

Grid graph-based large-scale point clouds registration

Yi Han, Guangyun Zhang, Rongting Zhang

Summary: This paper proposes a grid graph-based point cloud registration algorithm to align unordered point clouds. The algorithm divides the point cloud into a set of 3D grids and uses a voting strategy based on feature descriptors to measure the similarity between two grids. A graph matching method is then proposed to capture spatial consistency and refine the corresponding grids hierarchically to obtain point-to-point correspondences.


Article Geography

Morphostructural mapping of Borealis Planitia, Mercury

Marco Cardinale, David A. A. Vaz, Piero D'Incecco, Nicola Mari, Justin Filiberto, Gabriel L. L. Eggers, Gaetano Di Achille

Summary: Orbital data from the MESSENGER spacecraft reveals that a considerable portion of Mercury's northern hemisphere is covered by smooth plains, which are believed to be volcanic or impact melt material. Through a twofold process involving automatic mapping and visual inspection, a structural map of the northern smooth plains was created, detailing the various morphostructures including wrinkle ridges, ghost crater assemblages, and scarps related to impact crater processes. The mapping effort resulted in the identification and characterization of over fifty thousand scarps, each with their own morphometric attributes, providing valuable data for further geostatistical studies of smooth plains tectonics.


Article Geography

Glacial geomorphology of the Notsarula and Chanchakhi river valleys, Georgian Caucasus

Levan G. Tielidze, Joanna Charton, Vincent Jomelli, Olga N. Solomina

Summary: This study presents the first detailed glacial geomorphological mapping of the Notsarula and Chanchakhi river valleys in the Georgian Caucasus, providing valuable information for paleoglaciological reconstructions. The mapped landforms indicate multiple readvance or stillstands of valley glaciers, particularly in the Bubistskali River gorge.


Article Geography

Administrative and ethno-linguistic boundaries of Western Tigray (Ethiopia) since 1683

Jan Nyssen, Biadgilgn Demissie

Summary: According to a meta-analysis of historical maps, the geographical configuration of northwest Ethiopia has undergone significant changes over the past four centuries. The control of territory and language boundaries are depicted on the historical maps. The research reveals the historical control of Western Tigray and its surrounding districts, as well as the variation in territorial organization. The current regional organization in Ethiopia is based on ethnolinguistic demographics rather than historical dominance.


Article Geography

Geomorphology of the Central Kamchatka Depression, the Kamchatka Peninsula, NE Pacific

E. Zelenin, A. Gurinov, S. Garipova, A. Zakharov

Summary: In this study, a geomorphological map of the Central Kamchatka Depression is provided, which is the largest sedimentary basin in Kamchatka and the North Pacific island arcs. This map serves as a guide for further geomorphological and paleogeographical investigations.


Article Geography

Glacial geomorphology of the Republic of Karelia, northwest Russia: the Younger Dryas-early Holocene ice marginal zone

Benjamin M. Boyes, Danni M. Pearce

Summary: This paper presents a new large-scale glacial geomorphological map of the Younger Dryas-early Holocene ice marginal zone in northwest Arctic Russia. The map, created using high-resolution ice sheet-scale geomorphological data in a GIS, will contribute to the understanding of ice sheet dynamics in the region and provide valuable constraints for numerical ice sheet models.


Article Geography

Mapping and chronological classification of marine terraces along the southern side of the Sibari Plain (northern Calabria, Italy) by means of digital and analogue tools

Laura Alfonsi, Carlo Alberto Brunori, Luigi Cucci

Summary: This study examines the marine terraces of the southern side of the Sibari Plain in Northern Calabria, Italy using traditional and quantitative analyses of the Digital Terrain Model (DTM). The main objective is to utilize GIS tools that have not been previously used in the area and evaluate their applicability. By comparing manually identified terraced surfaces with those identified using GIS tools, a consensus map was created that includes 272 terraced surfaces and 62 morphological features associated with paleoshorelines. The final map depicts a well-developed flight of seven orders of marine terraces with elevations ranging from 45 to 360 meters above sea level and ages ranging from Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5a to 11.


Article Geography

Geology of the Zicavo Metamorphic Complex, southern Corsica (France)

Lorenzo Dulcetta, Michel Faure, Philippe Rossi, Gabriele Cruciani, Marcello Franceschelli

Summary: This study investigates the Zicavo Metamorphic Complex in southern Corsica, which is part of the innermost Axial Zone of the Corsica-Sardinia Variscan belt. A 1:5000 geological map, along with new structural/microstructural and petrographic data, is used to analyze its geological and structural outline. The complex consists of three tectonic units separated by ductile shear zones. It has undergone multiple phases of deformation and metamorphism.


Article Geography

Structural setting and architecture of the North Cycladic Detachment System in the northeastern sectors of Mykonos Island (Greece)

Raffaele Gazzola, Costantino Zuccari, Chiara Frassi, Paraskevas Xypolias, Giovanni Musumeci

Summary: This study presents the geological conditions in the northeastern sector of Mykonos Island, including igneous, metamorphic and siliciclastic sequences, and discusses the structural characteristics and deformation patterns of the detachment systems in the region.


Article Geography

Glacier area changes in the Arctic and high latitudes using satellite remote sensing

Asim Ali, Paul Dunlop, Sonya Coleman, Dermot Kerr, Robert W. McNabb, Riko Noormets

Summary: Glaciers have been retreating due to climate change, particularly in the Arctic, causing sea levels to rise and potentially altering global weather and climate patterns. In this study, 2203 glaciers in different Arctic regions were mapped using Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) on Landsat satellite imagery in Google Earth Engine (GEE) to assess changes in glacier area over three decades. The results showed significant glacier area losses in Novaya Zemlya, Penny Ice Cap, Disko Island, and Kenai, with a total of seventy-three glaciers disappearing entirely.


Article Geography

Reconstruction of the structural setting of the north-eastern side of the high Agri Valley (Southern Apennines, Italy) based on detailed field mapping

Giuseppe Palladino, Giacomo Prosser, Fabio Olita, Dario Avagliano, Beniamino Dello Iacovo, Salvatore Ivo Giano, Mario Bentivenga, Fabrizio Agosta, Salvatore Grimaldi

Summary: The Southern Apennines is a complex structural system formed by the progressive emplacement of various tectonic units. In order to better define the structures and update the stratigraphic units, a detailed geological map was created, considering not only basic stratigraphic units but also finer subdivisions. This approach improved the stratigraphy of the area, identified new geological units, and reconstructed the structural setting and tectonic evolution of the Agri Valley in detail.


Article Geography, Physical

Agricultural drought dynamics in China during 1982-2020: a depiction with satellite remotely sensed soil moisture

Hao Sun, Qian Xu, Yunjia Wang, Zhiyu Zhao, Xiaohan Zhang, Hao Liu, Jinhua Gao

Summary: Agricultural drought is a serious threat to global food security. A new soil moisture dataset was created in this study by enhancing satellite remote sensing data with machine learning. The study revealed the spatial and temporal dynamics of agricultural drought in China and showed a decreasing trend in drought severity from 1982 to 2020. The findings contribute to a better understanding of agricultural drought and highlight the need for improved satellite soil moisture datasets with faster updates and higher resolution.


Article Geography, Physical

Classification of drainage crossings on high-resolution digital elevation models: A deep learning approach

Di Wu, Ruopu Li, Banafsheh Rekabdar, Claire Talbert, Michael Edidem, Guangxing Wang

Summary: The study aims to develop deep learning models for classifying images with flow barrier locations. Different Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models were trained and compared using High-Resolution Digital Elevation Models (HRDEMs) and aerial orthophotos in four different watersheds in the U.S. Midwest. Results show that most deep learning models achieved over 90% accuracies consistently. The CNN model with HRDEMs as the sole input feature was found to be the best-fit model, while the addition of aerial orthophotos did not significantly improve the model's accuracy.


Article Geography, Physical

Leaf area index and aboveground biomass estimation of an alpine peatland with a UAV multi-sensor approach

Marco Assiri, Anna Sartori, Antonio Persichetti, Cristiano Miele, Regine Anne Faelga, Tegan Blount, Sonia Silvestri

Summary: This study estimates aboveground biomass (AGB) in alpine peatlands in the Veneto Region, Italy, using a combination of in situ vegetation samples and datasets from UAV-based LiDAR, hyperspectral, and RGB sensors. The results indicate that UAV LiDAR data provides the most reliable solution for estimating AGB in alpine peatlands, while the inclusion of hyperspectral data provides only a minor improvement in accuracy.


Article Geography, Physical

A patch filling method for thematic map refinement: a case study on forest cover mapping in the Greater Mekong Subregion and Malaysia

Shili Meng, Yong Pang, Kebiao Huang, Zengyuan Li

Summary: Accurate forest cover mapping is crucial for monitoring forest extent in Southeast Asia. A novel method for mapping forest cover in the presence of cloud cover was presented, resulting in more accurate and reliable information than the initial maps. This approach provides a framework for improving the spatial continuity of existing thematic maps.