Environmental Studies

Article Environmental Studies

Under the radar? Modern slavery and labour exploitation risks for the hotel industry

K. Bullock, M. Di Domenico, G. Miller, Z. Shirgholami, Y. Wong

Summary: This article examines the challenges faced by the UK's tourism and hospitality industries, which have the highest concentration of migrant workers compared to other industries, in managing the risks of labor exploitation and modern slavery. The study identifies power imbalances, possible enforcement gaps, the normalization and moralization of exploitation, and macro-level political and socioeconomic issues/events as drivers of these risks. The research contributes significant theoretical insights and proposes the concept of the "(in)conspicuous exploitariat" to capture the empowerment, or lack thereof, and potential future risks/opportunities.


Article Environmental Studies

Impacts of user-generated images in online reviews on customer engagement: A panel data analysis

Hengyun Li, Hongbo Liu, Hyejo Hailey Shin, Haipeng Ji

Summary: This study examines the effects of customer-generated images in online reviews on subsequent customer engagement, using computer vision technique and panel data analysis. Findings reveal that the ratio of pictorial reviews positively influences review volume and average review length, while the disparity between review text and photo sentiment has a complex impact on customer engagement. Business price level can mitigate these effects.


Article Environmental Studies

The effects of temporal distance and post type on tourists' responses to destination marketing organizations' social media marketing

Kaede Sano, Hiroki Sano, Yuji Yashima, Hajime Takebayashi

Summary: This study investigates the interplay effects of temporal distance and post type on tourists' attitude strength changes and decision-making processes. The findings reveal that the effect of DGC on tourists' attitude changes is contextual, and DGC is less influential on tourists' decision-making processes when they have a near travel plan than a distant one. This study emphasizes that DMOs should invest in DGC only in specific contexts.


Article Environmental Studies

Exploring social media affordances in tourist destination image formation: A study on China's rural tourism destination

Juan Liu, Chaohui Wang, Tingting (Christina) Zhang

Summary: This study investigates the impact of social media affordances on the formation of tourist destination image from the perspective of technology affordances. The study finds that social presence and parasocial interaction play a mediating role in the relationship between social media affordances and cognitive image as well as affective image. The findings provide valuable insights for destination marketers to develop and adopt social media strategies for cultivating a positive destination image in the tourism market.


Article Environmental Studies

The travel influencer construct: An empirical exploration and validation

Aikaterini Manthiou, Isabelle Ulrich, Volker Kuppelwieser

Summary: This research develops a measurement scale for travel influencers by analyzing qualitative and quantitative data from consumers. The study identifies five dimensions of the travel influencer construct and applies a Bayesian methodology in an experiential tourism context. The research extends the scope of social media influencers beyond brands and objects, offering theoretical contributions and practical implications for tourism scholars and practitioners.


Article Environmental Sciences

Analysing transitions in-the-making: A case study of aviation in Sweden

Emily Christley, Emrah Karakaya, Frauke Urban

Summary: This paper analyzes the transitions in the aviation industry in Sweden and examines the role of narratives as coordinating mechanisms in sustainability transitions. The study finds that industry actors construct narratives about alternative fuels and technologies to maintain the societal function of aviation while mitigating its climate impact. Narratives not only initiate transitions but also play a vital role in coordinating actors' transition activities.


Article Environmental Studies

Studying lithium-ion batteries across and beyond companies, states and the environment

Horacio Ortiz

Summary: This article explores the contribution of global anthropology and sociology to the analysis of lithium-ion battery production and circulation, by critically reviewing institutional approaches. It shows how the analysis should go beyond the framing of companies and states tackling global environmental degradation and consider multiple power relations and social hierarchies.


Article Ecology

Does recalling energy efficiency measures reduce subsequent climate-friendly behavior? An experimental study of moral licensing rebound effects

Simon Rabaa, Robert Wilken, Sylvie Geisendorf

Summary: Energy efficiency measures are crucial for combating climate change, but rebound effects may undermine their effectiveness. This study finds that prior energy efficiency behavior does not hinder subsequent climate-friendly behavior, which is determined by individual demographics and environmental attitudes.


Article Environmental Studies

Identifying patterns of countries' industrial diversification

Nava Simaee, Sepehr Ghazinoory, Ali Maleki

Summary: Technological development is an evolutionary process that can lead to related or unrelated diversification in different countries. This research analyzed data from 92 countries and 787 products between 1962 and 2016 to identify countries that embarked on unrelated diversification from their previous growth path. The study found that machinery industry offers many opportunities for manufacturing countries and that some countries, such as Poland, Spain, and China, have been successful in generating new products. However, after 2010, the entrance into new activities has reduced among all nations, indicating a difficulty in further change. Continental cooperation organizations like ASEAN or ECO have also been found to correlate with countries' ability to move into manufacturing new products.


Article Environmental Studies

Does destination nostalgic advertising enhance tourists' intentions to visit? The moderating role of destination type

Lujun Su, Chengzhi Ye, Yinghua Huang

Summary: This study investigates the impact of nostalgic advertising and perceived destination types on tourists through four experiments. The results show that destination nostalgic advertising is more likely to evoke tourists' history sense and trigger visit intention, while destination non-nostalgic advertising is more likely to evoke tourists' fashion sense and enhance visit intention. Furthermore, the perceived destination type plays a moderating role in these effects, with nostalgic advertising in utilitarian destinations being more effective in evoking history sense, and non-nostalgic advertising in hedonic destinations being more effective in enhancing fashion sense.


Article Environmental Studies

Hui Laojia: Children's visit experiences and geographical imagination

Weiwei Liu, Mimi Li, Wenqing Xu, Linlin Yong

Summary: This study investigates children's development of place meaning and geographical imagination in their domestic visiting friends and relatives (VFR) travel. The findings contribute to the understanding of unique rural journeys in China and provide insights for tourism managers, destination marketing organizations, and government policies related to rural revitalization.


Article Environmental Studies

Progress on image analytics: Implications for tourism and hospitality research

Lingxue Zhan, Mingming Cheng, Jingjie Zhu

Summary: This study critically reviews image analytics and investigates its broad implications for tourism and hospitality research. It presents a methodological framework for conducting image-related studies, complementing the dominant textual analysis used in this field.


Article Environmental Studies

Micro-foundations of absorptive capacity in platform economy-based tour guiding companies

Matias Thuen Jorgensen, Ignacio Danieli

Summary: This study examines the individual absorptive capacity (ACAP) in a tour guiding company based on a platform economy. In such companies, guides are not employees but freelancers who sell their services to the company. The study aims to explore the knowledge-sharing dynamics between lower company management and guides, and identifies five specific categories of micro-foundations that influence these processes. The findings provide recommendations on improving ACAP processes in similar companies.


Article Ecology

Is environmental regulation keeping e-waste under control? Evidence from e-waste exports in the European Union

Sonia Almeida Neves, Antonio Cardoso Marques, Leonardo Batista de sa Lopes

Summary: This paper investigates the impact of European Union regulations on e-waste exports. The findings suggest that taxation is ineffective in reducing e-waste exports and may even increase them. Additionally, high dependence on foreign raw materials and sub-standard waste collection systems contribute to the increase in e-waste exports. Therefore, investing in e-waste collection facilities can better utilize the valuable resources in this waste.


Article Ecology

The nonlinear dependence of income inequality and carbon emissions: Potentials for a sustainable future

Franziska Dorn, Simone Maxand, Thomas Kneib

Summary: Understanding the interconnected nature of rising carbon emissions and income inequality is crucial to achieve social and ecological sustainability. The distributional copula model used in this study uncovers complex interdependencies that standard linear regression techniques might hide.


Article Ecology

Inequality beyond income quantiles: Distributional effects of climate mitigation policies

Daniel Rueb

Summary: This paper examines the distributional effects of the European Commission's Fit-for-55 package at the household level in seven EU countries and finds that a household-size specific lump-sum refund can mitigate the negative distributional effects of a carbon tax and reduce overall inequality.


Article Environmental Studies

A multilevel investigation of the cascading effect of entrepreneurial leadership on employee creativity: Evidence from Chinese hospitality and tourism firms

Fei Hou, Yu Su, Ming-De Qi, Bao-bao Dong, Yue-ling Jia

Summary: This study examines the cascading effect of entrepreneurial leadership on employee creativity in the hospitality and tourism industry. The findings reveal that entrepreneurial leadership has a cross-level indirect relationship with employee creativity, which is transmitted through surface acting and work-related flow. This study contributes to the leadership literature in the tourism discipline by providing empirical evidence of the cross-level effect of entrepreneurial leadership on workplace creativity.


Article Ecology

A hybrid electricity-economy model to assess the aggregate impacts of low-carbon transition: An application to France

Darius Corbier, Frederic Gonand

Summary: The article investigates the macroeconomic channels of transmission of the low-carbon transition in two official scenarios for the French power system under different oil price scenarios. The results show that technical progress and substitution mechanisms can drive the decarbonization of the economy and growth, with energy demand and durable goods demand being the main transmission channels.


Article Environmental Studies

Solidarity actions with Ukraine and hospitality firm value

Juan Luis Nicolau, Cedric Poretti, Cindy Yoonjoung Heo

Summary: The objective of this research is to analyze the impact of solidarity actions on hotel and restaurant firms' market value after the invasion of Ukraine. The study examined press releases and corporate websites of 117 companies to determine the actions taken in response to the Russian invasion. Using an event study methodology, cumulative abnormal returns were calculated. The findings suggest that companies that took early actions benefited the most, and middle-point intensity actions had the greatest impact on market value.


Article Ecology

Encouraging sustainable food consumption through nudges: An experiment with menu labels

Arianna Buratto, Lorenzo Lotti

Summary: Finding ways to steer consumers towards vegetarian and plant-based meals is important for reducing the environmental impact of diets. In this study, we investigated the use of nudges in restaurants to increase sales of vegetarian and plant-based dishes. We found that removing symbols for these dishes increased sales, while adding a low emissions symbol had no effect. However, when the nudge was made transparent through a statement, sales significantly increased. These findings support the use of nudges as cost-effective interventions to address unsustainable food consumption in the hospitality sector.