
Article Development Studies

Sharing norm, household efficiency and female demand for agency in the Philippines

Jean-Marie Baland, Ludovic Bequet, Catherine Guirkinger, Clarice Manuel

Summary: Households in the Philippines are characterized by durable unions and a relatively high status of women who are entrusted with the management of household finances. However, due to a strong demand for agency, couples in the rural Philippines incur efficiency losses in enhancing household efficiency.


Article Development Studies

Variation in women's attitudes toward intimate partner violence across the rural-urban continuum in Ethiopia

Mulubrhan Amare, Channing Arndt, Zhe Guo, Greg Seymour

Summary: This study examines the effects of urbanization on Ethiopian women's attitudes toward intimate partner violence using multiple measures of urbanization. The findings reveal a complex relationship between urbanization and women's attitudes toward IPV, with variations observed across different stages of urbanization and wealth indicators.


Article Economics

Reshaping unfairness perceptions: Evidence from China's Hukou reform

Pengsheng Lin, Yinghao Pan, Yuan Wang, Longhai Hu

Summary: This study investigates the impact of China's 2014 Hukou reform on local urban residents' perceptions of unfairness. The findings suggest that the reform increased locals' perceptions of unfair treatment due to wealth inequality and Hukou status, and reduced their tolerance for wealth gaps and materialistic wealth recognition.


Article Ecology

Can competing demands affect pro-environmental behaviour: a study of the impact of exposure to partly related sequential experiments

Gloria Amaris, Stepan Vesely, Stephane Hess, Christian A. Klockner

Summary: The study of human behavior is crucial for the development of policies for sustainability. It is important to consider the possibility of spillover effects in mathematical models, as exposure to related choices can influence subsequent behavior. Our study demonstrates the existence of these spillover effects and showcases the effectiveness of discrete choice models.


Article Economics

Theories of reasoning and focal point play with a matched non-student sample

Zhixin Dai, Jiwei Zheng, Daniel John Zizzo

Summary: This study uses a coordination game experiment to test the differences in reasoning abilities between Chinese tax administrators and university students. The results show that the gameplay in the coordination game is almost identical between the two groups. However, students are more likely to choose the focal point as the equilibrium when it offers equal payoffs, which may be because payoff equality promotes team reasoning more effectively among students.


Article Economics

Spatial patterns of territorial competitiveness: The role of peripherality, urbanization and physical geography

Federico Fantechi, Ugo Fratesi


Article Development Studies

Long-term economic impact of disasters: Evidence from multiple earthquakes in China

Lulu Huang, Qiannan Liu, Yugang Tang

Summary: This study examines the economic impacts of relatively small but frequent earthquakes in China in both the short-term and long-term. The findings suggest that moderate and strong earthquakes significantly decrease GDP per capita in the affected areas in the long run. The effects vary depending on fiscal autonomy, social capital intensity, and infrastructure development. Additionally, the study identifies three mechanisms contributing to the long-term negative effects.


Article Demography

Age and education effects in Singapore's demographic dividend 1970-2020

Eddie Choo, Christopher Gee

Summary: This study examines the economic growth of Singapore from 1970 to 2020 and the contribution of age and education to the demographic dividend. The findings show that the education effect was greater than the age effect throughout the period, particularly in terms of labor income. Understanding these effects is crucial for future policy-making in Singapore as it continues to face rapid aging.


Article Ecology

Animal welfare as a public good

Romain Espinosa, Nicolas Treich

Summary: This study examines a simple model of consumption of animals with altruistic behavior towards animals. The model reveals a public good issue, where the market equilibrium leads to low quality and excessive quantity of animal lives when they are not worth living. The implications of the findings and the significance of the modeling choices for future economic research on animal welfare are discussed.


Correction Ecology

Trends in household demand and greenhouse gas footprints in Germany: Evidence from microdata of the last 20 years ( vol 208, 1077575 , 2023 )

Anke Jacksohn, Miguel Angel Tovar Reanos, Frank Pothen, Katrin Rehdanz


Article Development Studies

Orchestrating self-empowerment in tribal India: Debt bondage, land rights, and the strategic uses of spirituality

Philip Mader

Summary: This paper explores how spirituality enables self-empowerment in the Adivasi movement called 'the Programme'. Through qualitative data analysis, the study finds that spirituality supports self-empowerment by providing motivation, strengthening tribal identity, and offering protection and engagement with powerful actors. These findings contribute to understanding the role of spirituality in social movements and highlight the significance of protecting religious freedom in development practice.


Article Ecology

Do Farmers Participating in Short Food Supply Chains Use Less Pesticides? Evidence from France

Pierre Chiaverina, Sophie Drogue, Florence Jacquet

Summary: This study investigates the impact of farmers' participation in different short food supply chains (SFSCs) on synthetic pesticide use and crop yields. The findings show that farmers who sell part of their crops through direct-to-consumer channels use significantly fewer synthetic pesticides compared to those who sell through long food supply chains. However, there is no evidence that farmers involved in direct-to-retailer channels use significantly fewer synthetic pesticides. Additionally, there is no indication that SFSC participation affects crop yields.


Article Business, Finance

Portfolio choice algorithms, including exact stochastic dominance

H. D. Vinod

Summary: This article proposes an algorithm based on ECDFs to rank densities of f(xj) with multiple modes, asymmetric fat tails, dips, turns, and overlaps. Additionally, algorithms for statistical inference and out-of-sample portfolio performance comparisons are introduced.


Article Economics

Factors affecting efficient discharge of judicial functions: Insights from Indian courts

Maansi Gupta, Nomesh B. Bolia

Summary: This study aims to identify and prioritize factors that influence judicial performance in Indian courts and provides policy intervention recommendations based on key insights derived from the results. The findings indicate that organizational and procedural factors are the most significant, with complexity associated with judicial procedures being the highest ranked factor.


Article Economics

Cautious belief and iterated admissibility

Emiliano Catonini, Nicodemo De Vito

Summary: We define notions of cautiousness and cautious belief to provide epistemic conditions for iterated admissibility in finite games. The behavioral implications of these epistemic assumptions are characterized by the solution concept of self-admissible set. We also show analogous results under alternative epistemic assumptions.


Article Ecology

Household food waste and the opportunity cost of time

Emmanuel Paroissien, Timothy K. M. Beatty, Antoine Nebout

Summary: This article provides empirical evidence that the opportunity cost of time explains the frequency of household food waste. The study found that proxies for the opportunity cost of time were positively correlated with the probability of reporting wasting food.


Article Economics

Asset bubble and growth: Elastic labor supply with fiscal policy

Kathia Bahloul Zekkari

Summary: This paper examines the interaction between asset bubbles and endogenous growth, demonstrating the positive impact of asset bubbles on economic growth. Furthermore, it finds that under certain fiscal parameters, asset bubbles can enhance welfare.


Article Economics

Improving the consumer welfare of rural residents through public support policies: A study on old revolutionary areas in China

Congxian He, Can Zhou, Huwei Wen

Summary: This study evaluates the impact of the Old Revolutionary Development Program (ORDP) on the consumer welfare of rural residents in China. The results indicate that the implementation of the ORDP plays a significant role in improving the consumer welfare of rural residents, especially by increasing local fiscal expenditure and narrowing the income gap between urban and rural areas.


Article Economics

Performance evaluation considering academic misconduct of China's higher education institutions

Wanfang Shen, Yufei Liu, Guanjiang Wan, Jianing Shi, Wenbin Liu

Summary: Performance evaluation is crucial for managing and allocating resources in higher education institutions (HEIs) and guiding their development. However, the issue of academic misconduct (AM) as an undesirable output in research assessments is often overlooked. This study proposes incorporating AM into the evaluation system and finds that it plays an increasingly prominent role in research efficiency evaluation of HEIs.


Article Economics

Correlated play in weakest-link and best-shot group contests

Stefano Barbieri, Iryna Topolyan

Summary: In this paper, we explore public randomization in group contests and introduce group public randomization equilibria (GPRE). We find that although there are multiple equilibria, refining the selection process to GPRE immune to coalitional deviations results in a unique equilibrium group-effort distribution, which has the highest expected total effort among all equilibria for identical groups composed of identical agents.