Development Studies

Article Development Studies

Education Empowers Residential Energy Transition: Causal Evidence from Compulsory Schooling Reform in China

Tianyu Jin, Tuo Wang, Yu Zhang

Summary: This study investigates the causal impact of education on the adoption of clean cooking fuels in rural China using microdata from the 2010 census. The results show that strengthening education can significantly reduce biomass use and increase the adoption of clean fuels, particularly in less developed regions. These findings are of great importance for mitigating air pollution, especially in developing countries.


Article Development Studies

Evaluating the impact of agricultural production efficiency on sustainable development goals in coffee-producing countries in Africa

Chih-Yu Yang, Chung-Ching Wang, Ching-Cheng Lu, Yung-ho Chiu, Shih-Yung Chiu

Summary: This study evaluates the efficiency and productivity changes of agricultural production and sustainable development in coffee-producing regions in Africa. The results show that Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Liberia, Uganda, and Zambia have the highest overall efficiency. The study contributes by using a two-stage model, considering forest area and rainfall as variables, and objectively evaluating the impact of extreme weather on agricultural production.


Article Development Studies

Adjustments to and innovations in the implementation of qualitative research with people with disabilities: the case of Bangladesh

Debashis Sarker, M. Adil Khan

Summary: Empowerment of people with disabilities is crucial for human rights and inclusive development. However, in Bangladesh, reaching out and gathering experiences of people with disabilities who face multiple challenges is difficult due to social taboos and stigma. This article explores the challenges faced and adjustments made through qualitative research, highlighting the researcher's approach of continuous learning, networking, and sensitivity to the well-being of the interviewees.


Article Development Studies

Research collaboration in development economics

Veronica Amarante, Julieta Zurbrigg

Summary: This study examines the geographical diversity in economics, specifically in the field of development, and finds that articles written by researchers from developed countries are more prevalent. The study also highlights the increasing trend of collaborative research and the importance of non-academic institutions in forming these research teams. Most of these collaborative studies focus on a single country or region and employ quantitative approaches.


Article Development Studies

Nonlinearity in energy-employment nexus: the role of FDI, trade and growth in ASEAN-5

Elya Nabila Abdul Bahri, Chung-Khain Wye

Summary: Past studies have neglected the role of FDI, trade, and economic growth in the relationship between energy consumption and employment. This paper proposes nonlinear models that incorporate these factors and provides policy recommendations for ASEAN-5 countries.


Article Development Studies

Investigating the role of entrepreneurship in advancing renewable energy for sustainable development: Evidence from a System-GMM panel data approach

Mohammad Sharif Karimi, Saleh Ghavidel Doostkouei, Mohammed Shaiban, Yalini Easvaralingam, Yousaf Ali Khan

Summary: Entrepreneurship plays a crucial role in driving the development of renewable energy, with factors such as commercial and professional infrastructure being vital. This study highlights the central role of entrepreneurship in the renewable energy sector and provides valuable insights into key policy measures and collaboration.


Article Development Studies

What Do Practitioners Want from Research? Exploring Ugandan and American Development Practitioners' Interest in Research

Julia Fischer-Mackey

Summary: This study investigates the interests and needs of development practitioners in research, identifying six types of interest in research. Understanding practitioners' diverse interests and aligning research agendas and knowledge mobilization efforts with them can promote more research use and informed development practices.


Article Development Studies

The contribution of European citizen-led energy initiatives to sustainable development goals

Valeria Jana Schwanitz, Heather Arghandeh Paudler, August Wierling

Summary: Energy communities (ECs) play a significant role in the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals by promoting sustainable energy systems, creating jobs, and driving social innovation.


Article Development Studies

The Impact of Early Marriage on the Life Satisfaction, Education and Subjective Health of Young Women in India: A Longitudinal Analysis

Shireen Kanji, Fiona Carmichael, Christian Darko, Richmond Egyei, Nicholas Vasilakos

Summary: Despite progress in reducing rates of early marriage, it remains prevalent in India, accounting for 30% of global early marriages. Early marriage has a negative impact on women's life satisfaction, but this relationship is linked to trajectories of deprivation from a young age. Conversely, early marriage negatively affects women's self-reported health and educational attainment by age 22.


Article Development Studies

The impact of patriarchal culture on Somali women's participation in politics

Abdulkadir Mohamed Abdullahi, Kim Williamson, Mohamed Yusuf Ahmed

Summary: Despite minimal formal constraints, informal institutions and customs perpetuate gender discrimination in political participation for women, creating social, economic, and cultural barriers that hinder their involvement in public affairs.


Article Development Studies

Nexus between government agricultural expenditures and agricultural credit: The role of sustainable agricultural growth and sustainable agricultural income

Rashid Latief, Lei Zhang

Summary: This study analyzes the effects of government fiscal expenditures on agricultural credit, considering the mediating role of sustainable agricultural growth and income. The results show a significantly positive connection between government agricultural expenditures and agricultural credit, with sustainable agricultural income playing a significant mediating role in this association.


Article Development Studies

The Impact of the Disability Allowance on Financial Well-Being in the Maldives: Quasi-experimental Study

Lena Morgon Banks, Shaffa Hameed, Sofoora Kawsar Usman, Calum Davey, Hannah Kuper

Summary: This study explores the impact of the Disability Allowance in the Maldives on financial well-being, particularly in terms of food security. The findings show a modest impact of the allowance, indicating possible improvements in program design and complementary interventions to maximize its effectiveness.


Article Development Studies

Average and heterogeneous effects of smallholder farm sizes on dietary diversity in northern Ghana

Kwabena Nyarko Addai, John N. Ng'ombe, Omphile Temoso

Summary: This study examines the relationship between farm size and dietary diversity among farm households in Northern Ghana. The results show that increasing cultivated land can improve household dietary diversity score, and this effect is enhanced by market information, use of improved seeds, chemical fertilizers and herbicides, and overall household asset value.


Article Development Studies

Social Differentiation and Household Dynamics Associated with Early Season Shea Nut Collection and Trading in Burkina Faso

Francois Questiaux

Summary: This paper examines how shea nut collectors navigate shea nut trading in Burkina Faso based on survey data. The results show that better-off collectors engage in early nut trading during the farming season and collaborate more with their partners. This highlights social differentiation among women shea nut collectors and different household dynamics.


Article Development Studies

The Tax Elasticity of Formal Work in Sub-Saharan African Countries

Andy Mckay, Jukka Pirttila, Caroline Schimanski

Summary: This study examines the impact of personal income tax on formal and informal employment in Ghana, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. The results show that there is no significant relationship between the share of formal employment and the differences in formal and informal earnings.


Article Anthropology

Playing by the rules: formalisation in the agroecology sector during the COVID-19 pandemic

Paula Escribano

Summary: Small-scale agroecological production in Spain has emerged in response to the environmental and food crisis. However, the lack of legal protection, multiple sanctions, and the political inertia of economic growth are severely limiting and altering the nature of these initiatives. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the formalization and institutionalization of the agroecology sector through new regulations.


Article Anthropology

Corn and the range: rethinking ranching, agriculture and the feedlot

Nathan F. Sayre

Summary: Debates on modern beef production overlook a significant historical factor - the closed nutrient loop used in feedlots for over a century to maintain soil fertility. The development of cattle-grain-beef complex due to industrial capitalist urbanization has impacted land use, tenure systems, management practices, and environmental politics, leading to the sacrifice of tall-grass prairies and disrupted agrarian resistance.


Article Development Studies

Littering Prevention in Ghana: The Mediating and Moderating Effect of Awareness of Consequence with the Theory of Value-Belief-Norm

Mavis Adjei, Huaming Song, Emmanuel Nketiah, Gibbson Adu-Gyamfi, Bright Obuobi, Javier Cifuentes-Faura

Summary: This study analyzed residents' preventing littering behavior in Ghana using the value-belief-norm theory. The findings showed that biospheric value, altruistic value, and egoistic value had positive effects on the new environmental paradigm, and personal norms influenced residents' preventing littering behavior.


Article Development Studies

Religion and Development: Alternative Visions, Credibility, and Networks as Religious Assets for Sustainable Development?

Jens Koehrsen, Marian Burchardt

Summary: Religious organizations have become crucial actors in international development, but their impact on the ground is shaped by various dynamics. This article assesses the credibility, social networks, and alternative visions of development associated with religious organizations, and studies their impact in healthcare and environmental sustainability. The findings complicate the notion that religions have a solely positive impact on development, as internal dynamics and institutional pressures often lead to practices that go against Sustainable Development Goals. The article suggests the need for alternative frameworks to understand and analyze religious development initiatives.


Article Development Studies

'Happy' activists: Non-governmental organization staff navigating the social movement/service provider divide in India

Liz Mount

Summary: This research examines the impact of staff members' identification as 'community' or 'non-community' members on their perceptions of a large NGO in India, and how these different perceptions are influenced by mission creep.