
Article Dance

Dancer Education Beyond The Conservatory:The Health Education Benefits of Pre-season Screens for a Professional Ballet Company

David Outevsky, Tanya Berg

Summary: Traditional ballet classes provide dancers with established methods for physical training and choreographed roles, but lack of education in self-care and personalized conditioning programs may challenge young dancers. This study aligns with recent research on the physical and psychological benefits of screening, including dancer education, performance optimization, and establishing rapport between dancers and physiotherapists/health care teams.


Article Dance

Collaborative learning among dance students in teaching and creative movement course: coping strategies of practical dance classes during Covid-19 pandemic

Muhammad Fazli Taib Saearani

Summary: This paper discusses the challenges and advantages of synchronous and asynchronous video conferencing mixed strategies in the teaching and creative movement course. The study identifies factors such as resources, technological capability, and individual student home situations that hinder the full utilization of video conferencing and technology in the course. The findings highlight the need for further efforts to improve the quality of online dance education, especially in developing countries like Malaysia.


Article Dance

Historical schooling: ballet style and technique

Geraldine Morris

Summary: This study aims to explore the historical nature of the ballet classroom by investigating a syllabus constructed by Ninette de Valois in 1947 and comparing it with contemporary aesthetic values. The findings indicate that embodying earlier values can effectively communicate with today's dancers and highlight the evolving nature of these principles.


Article Dance

Leaning into life with somatic sensitivity: Lessons learned from world-class experts of partnered practices

Rebecca Lloyd, Stephen Smith

Summary: Partnered practices provide insights into leaning-in and prompt us to consider responsive and interactive movement with others. Through specific experiences of relational leaning, we explore the relational awareness and life lessons gained from connecting with a partner and moving with enhanced motion-sensitivity into a state of interactive flow.


Article Dance

Turning the world back to earth (and back again) through Alessandro Sciarroni's spinning practice

Gustavo Vicente

Summary: This article explores Alessandro Sciarroni's spinning practice taught at the Na Pratica summer school in Portugal and its impact on individuals. Drawing on personal experience, the author analyzes the relationship between somatic practices and knowledge reproduction, as well as the potential of spinning practice to shift human attitudes towards the planet.


Editorial Material Dance

Deep Sea Dances

Rebecca Jensen

Summary: The deep sea, often used as a metaphor, symbolizes paradox, terror, hope, and potential. This article presents the notation for Deep Sea Dances, an improvised group work performed in 2017, which aims to create a space for sharing practice and developing a common movement language. It serves as a means of reflection and criticism towards political systems that foster binary relations and thinking.


Article Dance

The listening actor: intersections between the musicality of Meisner Technique and ear training in Dalcroze Eurhythmics

Andrew Davidson

Summary: Discussion on the role of listening in actor training is limited in the literature. This paper explores the musicality in Meisner Technique and its connections with ear training in Dalcroze Eurhythmics. It argues that both approaches promote similar forms of responsive, interpretative, and collaborative listening skills.


Article Dance

Fostering somatic movement literacy with young children

Alexia Buono

Summary: The concept of somatic movement literacy emphasizes the importance of deriving meaning from somatic experiences. Preliminary research indicates that preschool-aged children are capable of self-awareness, understanding internal and external changes through bodily learning, and recognizing their interconnectedness with others.


Article Dance

An evaluation study on the embedding of reflective practice in the further education programme KigaDance for nursery teachers

Claudia Steinberg, Helena Rudi

Summary: This study examines the connection between theory and practice in a further education programme for nursery teachers. Data collected through observation, interviews, and questionnaires highlight the challenges of integrating theoretical and practical content, and identify reflective phases as effective and meaningful.


Article Dance

Sisterhood in the City: Creating Community through Lion Dance

Casey Avaunt

Summary: This article examines the notion of sisterhood through the lens of Gund Kwok, an all-women's lion dance company based in Boston's Chinatown. Gund Kwok provides a platform for women to perform a traditional male-only dance style and has created a community of sisters to address gendered and racial oppression. It argues that sisterhood plays a crucial role in Gund Kwok, allowing the group to articulate an Asian American cultural identity outside of Western cultural frameworks and the patriarchal tradition of the dance.


Article Dance

Stepping into Salsa culture: an experiential account of engaging with a university non-credit dance programme

Pablo A. Domene, Sheriden Morley

Summary: Salsa dance, as a form of partnered social dance, can provide stress relief, challenges and achievements, as well as social opportunities when offered as non-formal learning in a university setting. Students experience subjective well-being, skill acquisition, and social connections through partnering with others in salsa dancing classes.


Article Dance

Artist wellbeing: exploring the experiences of dance artists delivering community health and wellbeing initiatives

Gemma Collard-Stokes, J. Yoon

Summary: Research indicates that dance can improve physical and mental health and wellbeing by combining creative expression, movement, and social connections. This article examines the wellbeing of dance artists/practitioners participating in the UK's social prescribing scheme, highlighting barriers, isolation, and the need for support networks. The study suggests the importance of clearer distinctions, improved dialogue, action to address support and training, and recognition in the independent dance sector.


Article Dance

Changes in motor skills among early school aged girls under the influence of regularly practiced dance

Ewa Polak, Bernadetta Wojtun-Sikora

Summary: This study aims to evaluate the impact of regular dance training on the development of motor skills among early-school aged girls. The results show that girls engaged in dance training demonstrated higher levels in multiple motor skills and exhibited more dynamic changes in their physical fitness.


Article Dance

Mutual creative space in israel: dance dialogues at a religious academic college between orthodox students and secular faculty

Talia Perlshtein, Reuven Tabull, Rachel Sagee

Summary: This qualitative study examines the intersectionality and identity in the dance undergraduate major at a religious college in Israel. The study focuses on the ongoing dialogue between secular faculty and orthodox female students, aiming to bridge the cultural gap between religious and secular cultures. The 'Mutual Creative Space' model is utilized to analyze the encounters and narratives recorded from both faculty and students.


Article Dance

Kinematic motion characteristics and observer's expertise in perceived aesthetics of dance jumps

Pia M. Vinken

Summary: The specific aesthetic features of an object and the observer's expertise are related to the perception of motion aesthetics. Different kinematic motion characteristics play a role in the perception of motion aesthetics, and the observer's expertise also impacts this perception. Findings suggest that amplitude and fluency are important in perceiving the aesthetic qualities of dance skills, while complexity is a critical factor when evaluating dance skills based on different levels of expertise.


Review Dance

Ballet, gender and sexuality: a systematic review in the scopus and web of science databases

Maria Thereza Oliveira Souza, Bruno Pedroso, Fabiana Della Giustina Dos Reis, Andre Mendes Capraro

Summary: This study aims to explore the intersection between ballet and gender and sexuality by conducting a systematic review and bibliometric analysis. The findings suggest that women in ballet are not provided with the same opportunities for creativity and agency as men and are underrepresented in leadership positions. In contrast, several analyses have examined how men break gender barriers in ballet and the frequent discussions on the link between ballet and homosexuality from a social perspective. Heterosexual individuals may feel compelled to emphasize their masculinity in order to avoid being mistaken for homosexuals. However, this study highlights a lack of tension in using ballet as a means of protection against heteronormativity for men considered deviant in broader social contexts.


Article Dance

The influence of teaching styles on the emotions of university students in dance lessons according to sex

Rosa de las Heras-Fernandez, Maria Jesus Cuellar-Moreno, Maria Espada Mateos, Juana Maria Anguita Acero

Summary: This study aims to explore the impact of teaching styles on emotional intelligence skills in learning dance. It found that women show higher levels of emotional intelligence in dance classes, and that the Command Teaching Style and Problem Solving Teaching Style have different effects on students of different genders.


Article Dance

Choreography as Ideology: Dance Heritage, Performance Politics, and the Former Yugoslavia

Filip Petkovski

Summary: This article discusses the process of choreographing traditional and folk dances in the former Yugoslavia, emphasizing how Yugoslav choreographers utilized archival research to create representations of Yugoslav identity through heritage choreography. It also explores alternative examples of dance making rooted in local understandings of spectacle, broadening the understanding of choreographing beyond Western concert dance practices.


Article Dance

Not not doing therapy: performer training and the 'third' space

Roanna Mitchell

Summary: This article addresses the issue of staff and student wellbeing in performer training and acknowledges the role of the pedagogue in the complex grey area of training. It explores the concept of the transdisciplinary 'third space' between training and therapy and proposes implications for future practice.