Cultural Studies

Article Cultural Studies

The UNESCO convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage: a critical analysis

Saul Lazaro Ortiz, Celeste Jimenez de Madariaga

Summary: This article critically analyzes the actions undertaken by UNESCO to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage of humanity, highlighting the challenges in implementation. The effectiveness of UNESCO's policies and management, as well as the democratic functioning of the Convention and the universality of the inscribed intangible heritage, are assessed through a qualitative and quantitative study.


Article Area Studies

Leftover or Individualised? Representations of Chinese Single Womanhood in Western English-language News Media

Yating Yu, Felicia F. Tian

Summary: This study examines the construction of the female individualisation discourse in Western English-language news media, revealing three predominant themes and exploring various discursive strategies.


Article Cultural Studies

The pandemic politics of cultural work: collective responses to the COVID-19 crisis

Greig de Peuter, Kate Oakley, Madison Trusolino

Summary: This article examines the response of cultural workers to the COVID-19 pandemic, revealing that they have responded by considering cultural production as work, implementing practices of care and mutual aid, and proposing policy changes. However, there are tensions between rehabilitating the status quo in the cultural sector and radically reimagining it for a post-COVID-19 world.


Article Area Studies

Fan Conflicts and State Power in China: Internalised Heteronormativity, Censorship Sensibilities, and Fandom Police

Erika Ningxin Wang, Liang Ge

Summary: This article examines the relationship between fans and state power through a study of a large-scale fan conflict surrounding the popular 'Boys' Love'-adapted drama The Untamed in China. The study reveals a complex picture of two-way exploitation between fans and state power. Fans internalize reporting as a norm of legitimacy in consumer culture, but their practices are exploited by the state to censor media users' speech and cultural production.


Article Cultural Studies

White Armband Day: From global social media campaign to transnational commemoration day

Johanna Paul

Summary: White Armband Day is established to commemorate the genocidal campaign in Prijedor during the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina. It originated from a social media campaign and has evolved into a global commemoration day. The success of this initiative can be attributed to the support from the Prijedorcani network and the active participation of young people.


Article Humanities, Multidisciplinary

Music and wellbeing vs. musicians' wellbeing: examining the paradox of music-making positively impacting wellbeing, but musicians suffering from poor mental health

George Musgrave

Summary: This paper interrogates the impact of music on wellbeing and health, highlighting the complexities faced by those involved in music creation and pursuing a music career.


Article Cultural Studies

Conscious, Complacent, Fearful: Agri-Food Tech's Market-Making Public Imaginaries

Charlotte Biltekoff, Julie Guthman

Summary: The tech sector sees the food system as an important area for innovation, but innovators in the agri-food tech domain struggle with concerns about public acceptance. They must also secure investor support and market demand. To address these challenges, innovators draw on three different consumer imaginaries, each aligning with a specific problem-solving approach. These imaginaries aim to resolve potential consumer acceptance issues for investors without engaging with the actual public.


Article Anthropology

Mask as identity? The political subject in the 2019 Hong Kong's social unrest

Laikwan Pang

Summary: This article examines the significance of masks worn by protestors in Hong Kong's 2019 political movement, discussing how the masks represent both collective political identity and individual struggles, while encouraging understanding and unity among protestors. It also demonstrates that in contemporary leaderless social movements, protestors desire more unity and identity.


Article Cultural Studies

Public service broadcasting and the emergence of LGBT plus visibility: A comparative perspective on Ireland and Flanders

Paraic Kerrigan, Florian Vanlee

Summary: This article aims to explore the emergence of LGBT+ identities in public service broadcasting during the 1950s-1990s, particularly in Ireland and Flanders. Through a case study analysis, the article argues that this emergence is linked to the production culture of public service broadcasting and its response to external expertise and competition.


Article Cultural Studies

Where 'West Meets East': the cross-cultural discourses regarding the Chinese arts collections at the metropolitan museum of art

Qiong Bai, Benjamin H. Nam

Summary: This article presents a qualitative discourse analysis of the Chinese arts collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, discussing how the museum's promotional activities can lead to global cultural politics and debates. Through the conceptual lenses of cultural globalisation and cosmopolitanism, the article interprets the potential risks when hosting events amidst collections, and engages in conversations from both Chinese and American perspectives.


Article Cultural Studies

Chasing the Concrete Dragon: China's Urban Landscapes in Skate Video

Duncan McDuie-Ra

Summary: This article explores the central role of China's cities in skateboarding videos, which have become the most popular form of capturing, circulating, and consuming skateboarding. China's urban growth has resulted in a plethora of skate spots, defined as assemblages of objects and surfaces that allow for skateboarding maneuvers. Skateboarding videos serve as a visual archive of skate culture, which has transformed from a quintessential Californian pastime to a global subculture and industry. By examining skate videos, the author argues that China's cities are imbued with a mythical character due to the abundant and rapidly produced skate spots. These videos also offer a unique and widely shared urban knowledge, reshaping the perception of China's cities. The search for spots in China's urban landscapes reflects urban development priorities, privileging the recent and disregarding the past. Moreover, skateboarding in China's cities creates spaces for inter-cultural encounters between skateboarders, authorities, the public, and other skateboarders. The article concludes by discussing the significance of skate videos as alternative visual archives of urban China for foreign audiences and local skate communities.


Article Cultural Studies

Online Gaming and Racism: Impact on Psychological Distress Among Black, Asian, and Latinx Emerging Adults

Brian TaeHyuk Keum, Maynard Hearns

Summary: This study found that there is a mediating role of online racism between time spent in online gaming and psychological distress, with the effect being more pronounced in the Black group. The findings did not show significant direct or indirect effects for Asian and Latinx groups.


Article Humanities, Multidisciplinary

Is it really about the evidence? Argument, persuasion, and the power of ideas in cultural policy

Eleonora Belfiore

Summary: This article discusses the role of evidence in cultural policy-making, highlighting the discursive nature of policymaking based on ideas and persuasion. It suggests that cultural policy studies can benefit from a more systematic engagement with policy theory.


Article Cultural Studies

Cross-cultural Encounters in Urban Festivals: Between Liberation and Domination

Lasse Koefoed, Maja de Neergaard, Kirsten Simonsen

Summary: This paper is part of a research project on Paradoxical Spaces, exploring how cultural differences are practiced and negotiated in public spaces in Copenhagen. The focus is on two multicultural urban festivals initiated by the Municipality of Copenhagen, examining the different modes of encounters and the balance between liberation and similarities that they create. The paper uses participant observation and theoretical conceptualizations to explore the embodied encounters at the festivals and concludes on their paradoxical nature involving performance, pleasure, and politics.


Article Cultural Studies

Sometimes. . . Sometimes. . . Sometimes. . . Witnessing Urban Placemaking from the Immanence of the Middle

Louise C. Platt, Dominic Medway

Summary: This paper critically analyzes urban placemaking and proposes a flat ontological perspective, arguing that the process of place-making needs to be engaged from the middle.


Article Cultural Studies

Gamifying Contentious Politics: Gaming Capital and Playful Resistance

Vincent G. Huang, Tingting Liu

Summary: This study examines the relationship between gameplay elements and contentious politics in the context of Chinese progressive social movements, exploring how the development of local gaming industries has influenced the ways in which gameplay elements are used to organize resistance activities and disseminate progressive political views. It reveals how playful resistance challenges authoritarian governance and the capitalist logic, offering insight into the process of gamification in a non-Western context.


Article Cultural Studies

Home in question: Uncovering meanings, desires and dilemmas of non-home

Paolo Boccagni, Alejandro Miranda Nieto

Summary: This article explores the concept of non-home as an opposite to home, emphasizing the interdependent relationship between the two. Non-home is not just about absence or dispossession, but can also be an active choice in one's life. By studying the social experience of home, we can gain a deeper understanding of the significance of non-home.


Article Cultural Studies

Got to be real: An investigation into the co-fabrication of authenticity by fashion companies and digital influencers

Mariachiara Colucci, Marco Pedroni

Summary: This article investigates how fashion companies collaborate with digital influencers to co-fabricate authenticity in marketable goods, highlighting the intertwining practices between companies and DIs.


Article Cultural Studies

Manifesting Black Joy in science learning

Jennifer D. Adams

Summary: This article introduces a research-to-practice framework centered around BlackJoy, aiming to design equitable and authentic learning environments that promote Black liberation and flourishing, while challenging deficit narratives and corresponding oppressions.


Article Cultural Studies

Ethnic minority and migrant women's struggles in accessing healthcare during COVID-19: an intersectional analysis

Adrienne Yong, Sabrina Germain

Summary: This paper argues that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated existing barriers to healthcare for ethnic minority and migrant women in England. By adopting an intersectional lens, it uncovers what has previously been hidden by 'intersectional invisibility', now exacerbated by the pandemic. The paper adds to the literature by specifically considering the intersection of race and gender, and immigration status and gender, in the context of healthcare inequalities.