Article Art

Can we build trust by service design? A theoretical approach on multidisciplinary integration

Wanqiang Li

Summary: Trust plays a crucial role in establishing long-lasting and strong relationships between service providers and recipients. However, research on trust building through service design is limited due to the lack of comprehensive theoretical and methodological models. This study proposes a multidisciplinary and convergent theoretical approach to explore the building of trust through service design.


Article Art

Seeds for New Beginnings? Ecological Uncertainty, Blurry Ideology, and Speculative Design at the Universitas Symposium, 1972

Ingrid Halland

Summary: In 1972, designer Emilio Ambasz organized a symposium to discuss how design should address the problems of post-industrial society. He proposed a new design approach and aimed to establish a research-education institution for design. The article critically engages with the presentations at the symposium and explores the reconfiguration of the concept of the environment and the ideological responses to Ambasz's proposal. It also analyzes Ambasz's design fiction writing and identifies the Universitas as a rare moment in design history.


Article Art

The process of value setting through co-design: the case of La Borda, Barcelona

Sara Lia Brysch, Adria Garcia i Mateu, Darinka Czischke

Summary: This paper discusses the emergence of a new type of housing cooperatives in Catalonia, which are based on collaborative design process and aim to achieve collective goals by adjusting individual expectations and demands. Through a longitudinal case study, the authors explore how co-design unfolds and the trade-offs made between individual and collective demands, as well as building costs and quality.


Article Art

'A Lot of People to Live With': Dyadic Departures in Mary Ellen Mark's Pursuit of Faces in Tandem

Sally Stein

Summary: The author shares their disappointment in having their article about the photographer Mary Ellen Mark rejected by the Mary Ellen Mark Foundation. They express the need for more open and critical discussions in the field of photography.


Article Archaeology

A Complete Methodology for Structural Finite Element Analysis of Terracotta Sculptures Based on a 3D Scanned Model: A Case Study on the Terracotta Warriors (China)

Zhu Lei, Yi Weitong, Lan Desheng, Zhou Ping, Jiang Yonghui, Xia Yin, Hu Yungang, Li Xiaoxi, Hou Miaole, Chen Xi, Fu Qianli

Summary: This paper presents the structural mechanical analysis of the Terracotta Warriors using 3D laser scanning technology and finite element methodology. The workflow includes steps such as point cloud capture, reverse modeling, mesh generation, and analysis, utilizing different software. By analyzing sculpture cases at different angles, it is found that apart from the ankle, the thigh and hip joints are also affected adversely under gravity. Rotating the sculpture at an appropriate angle can help reduce the stress on the structure.


Article Archaeology

The Madonna with the Wash-Basin by Giulio Romano: A Multidisciplinary Study of the Painting's History

Steffi Bodechtel, Annegret Fuhrmann, Andreas Henning, Oliver Hahn, Ira Rabin, Wolfgang Kreische, Michael Maeder

Summary: In an interdisciplinary collaboration, researchers examined Guilio Romano's painting from 1525, "The Madonna with the Wash-Basin," using insights from art history and scientific analysis. They were able to uncover the artist's early reworking of the background and discovered the use of zinc, stibnite, and glass particles in different parts of the painting. These findings sparked a discussion about the revision process and the painting's relationship to Vasari's Lives of Artists.


Article Archaeology

Reverse-Engineering History: Re-presenting the Chichester Tablet Using Laser Scanning and 3D Printing

Paul F. Wilson, Mike Donnelly, Ellie King, Mark A. Williams, Alison E. Cooley

Summary: 3D digitization methods are essential in cultural heritage practice, allowing for the preservation of priceless objects and engaging audiences with history. This paper presents a case study where laser scanning and 3D printing were used to recreate a Roman tablet, showcasing the process of digitization and the use of such data beyond documentation.


Article Archaeology

Analysis of the Impact Factor and JCR Rankings in Conservation Science Journals: Why JCR Should Have a Heritage Category

Teresa Palomar, Alberto Moure

Summary: This study analyzes the evolution of the impact factor, percentile, and citations of conservation journals indexed in JCR over the past decade, and includes a survey of conservation professionals on their opinions about publishing in these journals. The findings reveal that only eight out of 57 conservation journals have an impact factor, with their distribution across different categories affecting their metric impact. The survey indicates differing views among conservation professionals based on their background and work.


Article Archaeology

Lost and Found: Documentary Evidence and Scientific Examination of a Mid-Eighteenth Century Japanese Urushi Box

Maria Brunskog, Tetsuo Miyakoshi

Summary: This paper discusses a Japanese urushi box in the collection of the Swedish Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, providing scientific analysis results on its composition, manufacturing period, and decorative materials. The study demonstrates the potential of analytical techniques and a forensic approach in understanding lost and found objects.


Article Art

How can we be moved by magic?

Pablo R. Grassi, Vincent Plikat, Hong Yu Wong

Summary: When engaging with magic, we are often fascinated by seemingly impossible events that challenge our beliefs about what is possible in the real world. Despite understanding that these events are actually illusions, we can still be deeply moved by them. This problem relates to the paradox of fiction in aesthetics, and in the domain of theatrical magic, we need to address how to accommodate inconsistent and seemingly incompatible beliefs in the viewers' minds.


Article Art

Prototyping and Prefiguring through Law Reform: An Interview with Davina Cooper on the FLaG Sex and Gender Decertification Proposal

Jilly Traganou

Summary: This article discusses Professor Davina Cooper's research project "The Future of Legal Gender" (FLaG), which aims to decertify sex and gender, and explores prefiguration and prototyping from the perspective of design methodologies.


Article Art

Merging philosophical traditions for a new way to research music: On the ekphrastic description of musical experience

Andrzej Krawiec

Summary: This article discusses the ekphrastic description of experiencing music and compares it with the commonly used analysis in music theory and musicology. It emphasizes the ancient understanding of ekphrasis and presents a new approach to researching the art of music by combining analytic philosophy and phenomenology. The article employs a methodology developed in art history to conduct an ekphrastic analysis of Arnold Schoenberg's Six Little Piano Pieces Op. 19.


Article Art

Wollheim on art's historicity: an intersection of theoretical art history and the philosophy of art

Jim Berryman

Summary: Art and its Objects by Richard Wollheim, published in 1968, had a significant impact on aesthetics and the philosophy of art. Jerrold Levinson's intentional-historical theory of art, influenced by Wollheim's ideas, has remained influential. Wollheim's understanding of art's historicity draws on the literature of theoretical art history, bringing old art-historical problems into the realm of philosophy.


Article Art

On Experiencing Music from Within

Bradford Skow

Summary: Experiencing emotions in music involves imagining oneself expressing emotions through the sounds. However, this imagination is subject to certain constraints, specifically related to the perception of auditory and internal behavior.


Article Art

Seeing Red: Menstrual Art and Political Portraiture in the Trump Era

Camilla Mork Rostvik

Summary: This paper discusses the artistic, cultural, political, and aesthetic inspiration behind the creation of Sarah Levy's artwork "Whatever" (Bloody Trump), a portrait of Donald Trump made with her menstrual blood. It examines the techniques, materiality, and reception of the portrait in public, art institutional, and media discourse. Drawing on interviews with the artist and critical visual analysis in the tradition of feminist art history, the paper argues that "Whatever" (Bloody Trump) should be recognized as an important artwork that aesthetically interprets and recalls the white supremacist politics and strong menstrual taboos of the Trump era.


Article Art

Teacher's Views of Art Education in Primary Schools in Scotland

Anna Robb

Summary: This paper examines the current situation and challenges of art and design education in Scottish primary schools. The survey results show that while there is high recognition of the value of the subject among staff, there is a lack of confidence in teaching it. Staff feel that training is insufficient and there is limited awareness of professional learning opportunities.


Article Art

Obstacles, Solutions and Creative Agencies: How Forces and Agencies Shape the Learning Process of Weaving

Bilge Merve Aktas, Anniliina Omwami, Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, Maarit Makela

Summary: This paper explores how design students overcome obstacles during their design processes. By studying three textile design students, the researchers found that students develop ways to cope with obstacles by building relationships and collaborating with agencies, which enhances their learning process.


Article Archaeology

The Use of Smalt in the Japanese Folk Paintings, Doro-e and Megane-e (Vue d'Optique)

Yae Ichimiya, Satoko Taguchi, Kazumi Mizumoto

Summary: Doro-e is a genre of Japanese folk paintings that emerged in the mid-eighteenth to nineteenth century, incorporating some European painting techniques into traditional Japanese paintings. Doro-e paintings played an important role in introducing these new techniques to the Japanese public. However, the definition and painting process of Doro-e remain elusive.


Article Archaeology

Study on the Feasibility of the TG Method for Maximum Water Content Measurement of Waterlogged Archaeological Wood

Dawa Shen, Xuyao Gu, Hongying Zhang, Nicola Macchioni, Qian Cheng, Xingling Tian, Jing Du, Naisheng Li, Kaizheng Yuan

Summary: This study investigates the feasibility of using thermogravimetry (TG) to determine the maximum water content (MWC) of waterlogged archaeological wood. The results show that the TG method can accurately measure MWC when certain conditions are met, and that sampling depth and the presence of inorganic deposits affect the results.


Article Art

An acceptance model of digital education in intangible cultural heritage based on cultural awareness

Xin Kang, Xin-Zhu Li, Chun-Ching Chen

Summary: This study developed a mobile AR system to understand user acceptance of digital education, specifically in the field of intangible cultural heritage (ICH). The results showed that cultural awareness and generic learning outcomes influenced users' perception and attitudes towards digital technology, which in turn impacted their intention to use it.