4.6 Article

Air Pollution During Pregnancy and Childhood Cognitive and Psychomotor Development Six European Birth Cohorts


卷 25, 期 5, 页码 636-647


DOI: 10.1097/EDE.0000000000000133




  1. Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam
  2. Erasmus University Rotterdam
  3. Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw)
  4. Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
  5. Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
  6. Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
  7. Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development [ZonMw 90700303, 916.10159]
  8. European Community [212652]
  9. North Rhine-Westphalia State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (LANUV NRW), Germany
  10. Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, and Radioprotection (Bonn)
  11. Fondation pour la Recherche Medicale (FRM)
  12. French Ministry of Research: IFR and Cohort program
  13. INSERM Nutrition Research Program
  14. French Ministry of Health Perinatality Program
  15. French Agency for Environment Security (ANSES)
  16. French National Institute for Population Health Surveillance (INVS)
  17. Paris-Sud University
  18. French National Institute for Health Education (INPES)
  19. Nestle
  20. Mutuelle Generale de l'Education Nationale (MGEN)
  21. French-speaking association for the study of diabetes and metabolism (Alfediam)
  22. National Agency for Research (ANR nonthematic program)
  23. National Institute for Research in Public Health (IRESP: TGIR cohorte sante 2008 program)
  24. Italian Ministry of Health
  25. European projects [EU FP6-2003-Food-3-A NewGeneris, EU FP6. STREP Hiwate, EU FP7 ENV.2007., 211250 Escape, EU FP7-2008-ENV- Envirogenomarkers, EU FP7-HEALTH-2009-single-stage CHICOS, EU FP7 ENV.2008., 226285 ENRIECO]
  26. Greek Ministry of Health
  27. Instituto de Salud Carlos III [Red INMA G03/176, CB06/02/0041 FIS-FEDER 03/1615, 04/1509, 04/1112, 04/1931, 05/1079, 05/1052, 06/1213, 07/0314, 09/02647 FIS-PI041436, FIS-PI081151, FISS-PI042018, FISS-PI09/02311, FIS-PI06/0867, FIS-PS09/00090, FIS-07/0252]
  28. Generalitat de Catalunya-CIRIT [1999SGR 00241]
  29. La Fundacio La Marat de TV3 [090430]
  30. Conselleria de Sanitat Generalitat Valenciana
  31. Department of Health of the Basque Government [2005111093, 2009111069]
  32. Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa [DFG06/004, DFG08/001]
  33. Obra Social Cajastur
  34. Universidad de Oviedo
  35. EU Commission [QLK4-1999-01422, QLK4-2002-00603, CONTAMED FP7-ENV-212502]
  36. Consejeria de Salud de la Junta de Andalucia [183/07]
  37. Fundacion Roger Torn


Background: Accumulating evidence from laboratory animal and human studies suggests that air pollution exposure during pregnancy affects cognitive and psychomotor development in childhood. Methods: We analyzed data from 6 European population-based birth cohorts-GENERATI ON R (The Netherlands), DUISBURG (Germany), EDEN (France), GASPII (Italy), RHEA (Greece), and INMA (Spain)-that recruited mother-infant pairs from 1997 to 2008. Air pollution levels-nitrogen oxides (NO2, NOx) in all regions and particulate matter (PM) with diameters of <2.5, <10, and 2.5-10 mu m (PM2.5, PM10, and PMcoarse, respectively) and PM2.5 absorbance in a subgroup-at birth addresses were estimated by land-use regression models, based on monitoring campaigns performed primarily between 2008 and 2011. Levels were back-extrapolated to exact pregnancy periods using background monitoring sites. Cognitive and psychomotor development was assessed between 1 and 6 years of age. Adjusted region-specific effect estimates were combined using random-effects meta-analysis. Results: A total of 9482 children were included. Air pollution exposure during pregnancy, particularly NO2, was associated with reduced psychomotor development (global psychomotor development score decreased by 0.68 points [95% confidence interval = -1.25 to -0.11] per increase of 10 mu g/m(3) in NO2). Similar trends were observed in most regions. No associations were found between any air pollutant and cognitive development. Conclusions: Air pollution exposure during pregnancy, particularly NO2 (for which motorized traffic is a major source), was associated with delayed psychomotor development during childhood. Due to the widespread nature of air pollution exposure, the public health impact of the small changes observed at an individual level could be considerable.








