4.6 Article

Assessing the Distribution and Protection Status of Two Types of Cool Environment to Facilitate Their Conservation under Climate Change


卷 28, 期 2, 页码 456-466


DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12212


patch analysis; refuge; refugia; reserve design; topoclimate; Analisis de fragmentos; diseno de reservas; refugio; refugios; topoclima


  1. NSW Environmental Trust as part of the Great Eastern Ranges Conservation Initiative [GER-08-AM01]
  2. Australian Research Council [100200080]
  3. Australian Museum
  4. NSW Office of Water
  5. Central-West Catchment Management Authority


Strategies to mitigate climate change can protect different types of cool environments. Two are receiving much attention: protection of ephemeral refuges (i.e., places with low maximum temperatures) and of stable refugia (i.e., places that are cool, have a stable environment, and are isolated). Problematically, they are often treated as equivalents. Careful delineation of their qualities is needed to prevent misdirected conservation initiatives; yet, no one has determined whether protecting one protects the other. We mapped both types of cool environments across a large (approximate to 3.4M ha) mixed-use landscape with a geographic information system and conducted a patch analysis to compare their spatial distributions; examine relations between land use and their size and shape; and assess their current protection status. With a modest, but arbitrary, threshold for demarcating both types of cool environments (i.e., values below the 0.025 quantile) there were 146,523 ha of ephemeral refuge (62,208 ha) and stable refugia (62,319 ha). Ephemeral refuges were generally aggregated at high elevation, and more refuge area occurred in protected areas (55,184 ha) than in unprotected areas (7,024 ha). In contrast, stable refugia were scattered across the landscape, and more stable-refugium area occurred on unprotected (40,135 ha) than on protected land (22,184 ha). Although sensitivity analysis showed that varying the thresholds that define cool environments affected outcomes, it also exposed the challenge of choosing a threshold for strategies to address climate change; there is no single value that is appropriate for all of biodiversity. The degree of overlap between ephemeral refuges and stable refugia revealed that targeting only the former for protection on currently unprotected land would capture approximate to 17% of stable refugia. Targeting only stable refugia would capture approximate to 54% of ephemeral refuges. Thus, targeting one type of cool environment did not fully protect the other. Evaluacion de la Distribucion y Estado de Proteccion de Dos Tipos de Ambientes Frios para Facilitar su Conservacion bajo el Cambio Climatico Resumen Las estrategias para mitigar el cambio climatico pueden proteger diferentes tipos de ambientes frios. Actualmente hay dos que estan recibiendo mucha atencion: la proteccion de los refugios efimeros (p. ej.: lugares con temperaturas bajas maximas) y los refugios estables (p. ej.: lugares que son frios, tienen un ambiente estable y estan aislados). Sin embargo, existe el problema de que se traten como equivalentes. Se requiere un delineamiento cuidadoso de sus cualidades para prevenir iniciativas de conservacion mal dirigidas; sin embargo, nadie ha determinado si proteger a uno protege al otro. Mapeamos ambos tipos de ambientes frios a lo largo de un paisaje grande (approximate to 3.4M ha) de uso mixto con un sistema de informacion geografica y llevamos a cabo un analisis de fragmentos para comparar las distribuciones espaciales, examinar las relaciones entre el uso de suelo, su tamano y su forma y estudiar su actual estado de proteccion. Con un umbral modesto pero arbitrario para demarcar ambos tipos de ambientes frios (p. ej.: valores debajo del cuantil 0.025) hubieron 146, 523 ha de refugios efimeros (62, 208 ha) y refugios estables (62, 319 ha). Los refugios efimeros en general estuvieron agregados en una elevacion alta, y la mayoria del area de refugio estuvo en areas protegidas (55, 184 ha) que en areas no protegidas (7, 024 ha). En contraste, los refugios estables estuvieron distribuidos a lo largo del paisaje y encontramos mas areas de refugios estables en suelo sin proteccion (40, 135 ha) que en suelo protegido (22, 184 ha). Aunque el analisis de sensibilidad mostro que al variar los umbrales que definen un ambiente frio se afecta el resultado, tambien mostro el obstaculo de elegir un umbral para que las estrategias se enfoquen en el cambio climatico ya que no hay un valor unico que sea apropiado para toda la biodiversidad. El grado en el que se traslapan los refugios estables y efimeros revelaron que enfocarse solo en los efimeros para la proteccion en suelo sin proteccion capturaria approximate to 17% de los refugios estables. Enfocarse solamente en los refugios estables capturaria approximate to 54% de los refugios efimeros. Entonces podemos decir que enfocarse en un solo ambiente frio no protege completamente al otro.








