4.5 Review

Late Archaean (2550-2520 Ma) juvenile magmatism in the Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India: constraints from geochronology, Nd-Sr isotopes and whole rock geochemistry


卷 99, 期 3-4, 页码 225-254


DOI: 10.1016/S0301-9268(99)00063-7


eastern Dharwar craton; juvenile granitoids; late Archaean; plume; Sr-Md isotopes; zircon geochronology


The results of held, geochronologic, geochemical and isotopic studies are presented for the granitoids that occur east of the Closepet batholith up to the Kolar schist belt (KSB). Field data, such as common foliation, strong shear deformation occasionally leading to mylonitization, together with petrographic data, including reduction in grain size with corroded borders, show characteristics of the syn-kinematic emplacement of the granitoids. Single zircon evaporation ages define a minimum age of 3127 Ma for the tonalitic-trondhjemitic-granodioritic (TTG) basement and 2552-2534 Ma plateau ages for the emplacement of the granitoids, which slightly predate (20-30 Ma) the emplacement of the 2518 Ma Closepet batholith. Major and trace element data, together with isotopic data, suggest at least four magmatic suites from Closepet batholith to the east, which have independent magmatic evolution histories. The observed data are compatible with magma mixing for the Closepet batholith, melting of TTG and assimilation-fractional crystallization processes for Bangalore granites, either melting of heterogeneous source or different degree of melting of the same source for the granitoids of Hoskote-Kolar and fractional crystallization for the western margin of the KSB. Isotopic (Nd-Sr) and geochemical data (LREE and LIL elements) suggest highly enriched mantle and ancient TTG crust for the Closepet batholith, enriched mantle and TTG crust for the Bangalore granites, c.a. chondritic mantle source for the granitoids of Hoskote-Kolar and the quartz monzonites of the western margin of the KSB and slightly depleted mantle for granodiorites of the eastern margin of the KSB. We interpret all these geochronologic, geochemical and isotopic characteristics of granitoids from the Closepet batholith to the east up to the KSB in terms of a plume model. The centre of the plume would be an enriched 'hot spot' in the mantle that lies below the present exposure level of the Closepet batholith. Melting of such an enriched mantle hot spot produces high temperature magmas (Closepet) that penetrate overlying ancient crust, where they strongly interact and induce partial melting of the surrounding crust. These magmas cool very slowly, as the hot spot maintains high temperatures for a longs time; thus they appear younger (2518 Ma). On the contrary, to the east the plume induces melting of c.a. chondritic or slightly depleted mantle that produces relatively colder and less enriched magmas, which show less or no interactions with the surroundings crust and cool rapidly and appear slightly older (2552-2534 Ma). This plume model can also account for late Archaean geodynamic evolution, including juvenile magmatism, heat source for reworking, inverse diapirism and granulite metamorphism in the Dharwar craton. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.








