4.7 Article

Environmental control of whole-plant transpiration, canopy conductance and estimates of the decoupling coefficient for large red maple trees


卷 104, 期 2, 页码 157-168


DOI: 10.1016/S0168-1923(00)00152-0


energy balance; forest water use; sap velocity; stomatal control; thermal dissipation probes


There is a strong need to extend whole-tree measurements of sap flow into broad-leaved forests where characteristics of stand structure, surface roughness, leaf dimension, and aerodynamic and canopy conductance may interact to partially decouple the canopy from the atmosphere. The implications partial decoupling to understanding the environmental control of canopy transpiration and to the modeling of forest water use are many. Therefore, thermal dissipation probes were used over a three-month period (June through August, 1997) to quantify day-to-day and tree-to-tree variation in whole-tree sap Row (Q) for 12 red maple (Acer rubrum L.) trees growing in an upland oak forest of eastern Tennessee. Whole-tree Q was calculated as the product of measured sap velocity, sapwood area and the fraction of sapwood functional in water transport. Daily canopy transpiration (E-c) was calculated from whole-tree Q and projected crown area, whereas average daily conductance (g(c)) was derived by inverting the Penman-Monteith equation. Maximum Q averaged 73 kg per tree per day and varied between 45 and 160 kg per day for trees that ranged in stem diameter (DBH) from 17 to 35 cm, and from 19 to 26 m in height. Canopy transpiration peaked at 3.0 mm per day in early July and averaged 1.5 mm per day over the 3-month measurement period. Tree-to-toe variability for E-c was high. Maximum rates of E-c varied from 1.9 mm per day for the tree with the smallest projected crown area to 5.7 mm per day for one of the largest trees. Day-to-day variation in E-c was a function of daily differences in net radiation (R-n) and atmospheric humidity deficit (delta(e)). Increases in daily R-n and delta(e) led to linear increases in canopy transpiration and there was no indication that a plateau-style relationship existed between E-c and average daily delta(e). Mean daily g(c) ranged from 1.4 to 6.7 mm s(-1), and averaged 3.4 mm s(-1) across the 12 study trees. Some of the tree-to-tree variation observed for E-c and g(c) was related to the fact that not all trees occupied the same vertical position within the stand. Variation in estimates of the daily decoupling coefficient (0 less than or equal to Omega less than or equal to 1) was also considerable and for individual trees the seasonally-averaged Omega varied from 0.12 to 0.37, and averaged 0.23 for the 12 study trees. An Omega of this magnitude indicates that red maple canopies are partially decoupled from the atmosphere and suggests that significant vertical gradients of air temperature and delta(e) from the canopy surface to the bulk air several meters above the canopy are possible. Model analysis of hourly data indicated that simulated surface temperatures in mid-July were 3.6-5.8 degrees C higher than above-canopy reference temperatures, and delta(e) at the canopy surface was 0.3 kPa higher than that of the bulk atmosphere. These calculations were partially supported by leaf-level measurements taken on one of the trees from a 20-m canopy-access tower. The implications of this partial decoupling to understanding and modeling the environmental control of canopy transpiration are discussed. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.








