4.6 Article

Modeling underwater light climate in relation to sedimentation, resuspension, water quality and autotrophic growth


卷 444, 期 1-3, 页码 25-42


DOI: 10.1023/A:1017512614680


model; light; spectral effects; resuspension; suspended solids; photosynthesis; phytoplankton; submersed aquatic vegetation


The underwater light climate ultimately determines the depth distribution, abundance and primary production of autotrophs suspended within and rooted beneath the water column. This paper addresses the underwater light climate, with reference to effects of suspended solids and growth responses of autotrophs with emphasis on phytoplankton. Effects of the most important factors contributing to the absorption and scattering of light in surface waters were described. A comparison between spectral and scalar approaches to underwater light climate modeling was made and examples of linear approximations to light attenuation equations were presented. It was demonstrated that spectral and scalar photosynthesis models may converge to similar values in spectral-flat, high photon flux environments, but that scalar PAR models may overestimate biomass-specific production by 70%. Such differences can lead to serious overestimates of habitat suitability for the growth and survival of submersed macrophytes, particularly in relatively turbid, coastal waters. Relationships between physical and optical properties of suspended sediments were described theoretically, and illustrated with modeling examples and measurements. It was found that the slowly settling particulate fraction contributed substantially to the suspended solids concentration, and greatly to light attenuation within the water column. It was concluded that distinguishing particles by fall velocity and concomitant light attenuation properties in the modeling of underwater light conditions allowed the establishment of useful, although not simply linear, relationships. In eutrophic, shallow lakes, the largest contribution to light attenuation often originates from phytoplankton on a seasonal basis (months-years), but from suspended solids behavior on a shorter time scale (days-weeks), particularly when water bodies are wind-exposed. Temporal and spatial variabilities in wave height, suspended solids concentrations, and light attenuation within the water column, and their importance for autotrophic growth were described, and illustrated with a case study pertaining to Markermeer, The Netherlands. The influence of underwater light conditions on phytoplankton succession was briefly discussed and illustrated with a case study pertaining to Lake Veluwe, The Netherlands. It was concluded that modeling the underwater light climate in a water body on a few sites only can indicate how important various components are for the attenuation of light, but based on the current state of the art, it can not be expected that this will provide accurate predictions of the underwater light climate, and of phytoplankton and submersed macrophyte growth.








