4.5 Article Proceedings Paper

Conical folds and apparent rotations in paleomagnetism (a case study in the Southern Pyrenees)


卷 362, 期 1-4, 页码 345-366


DOI: 10.1016/S0040-1951(02)00645-5


conical folds; apparent rotations; paleomagnetism


The so-called apparent rotation was defined as the angular deviation between a local paleomagnetic direction (after the standard bedding correction) and their corresponding paleomagnetic reference [J. Geophys. Res. 85 (1980) 3659]. In this paper, we make a theoretical exploration on this concept and we conclude that (depending on the number, sequence, orientation and magnitude of the deformation axes that have affected to the rock volume) the apparent rotation may be the addition of a vertical-axis rotation plus a spurious rotation. The later is an error whose origin is the inappropriate application of the bedding correction during the restoration (which does not fit the reverse sequence of deformations). Then, Apparent rot. (s.1.) (delta) = Spurious rot. (theta)+Vertical-axis rot. (beta). Conical folds are complex geometries that cannot be restored by using the bedding correction. However, appearance of apparent and spurious rotations has not been studied even though the presence of this kind of folds is very common in fold and thrust belts. In this paper, we show a way to restore these structures and its associated paleomagnetic data by means of forward modelling on a stereographic projection. The modelling has to be based on a good characterization of the geometry (fold axis orientation) and understanding of the kinematics of the fold. General modelling has also allowed us to predict the apparent rotation in conical synclines. Its magnitude depends on the semiapical angle and on the degree of development of the fold; the sense of the rotation (clockwise or counter-clockwise) will depend on the sense of rotation the fold axis. The western External Sierras provide an excellent case study of apparent rotations due to the presence of a conical fold in the footwall (Ebro foreland basin) of the South Pyrenean sole thrust. In addition, a vertical-axis clockwise rotation up to 47degrees (32degrees in average) has been detected in the hagingwall. An apparent rotation up to 28degrees (20degrees in average) is observed in the footwall of the structure when a simple bedding correction is used. This deviation does not fit with the expected Ebro basin direction (reference) and is caused by the effect of the Riglos conical syncline, developed by the flexure of the foot wall ramp of the South Pyrenean sole thrust. The forward modelling carried out considering the geometry and kinematics (non significant rotations in the autochthonous foot wall) of this structure predicts very well the paleomagnetic observations in the field (geographic coordinates) with Angular departures of only 5degrees (in average). The only application of the bedding correction would introduce errors (spurious rotations up to 21degrees, 12 in average) related to the conical geometry that would not allow the differentiation of these distinct structural units. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.








