4.7 Article

Neutral atomic phases of the interstellar medium in the Galaxy


卷 587, 期 1, 页码 278-311


DOI: 10.1086/368016


ISM : clouds; ISM : general; ISM : structure


Much of the interstellar medium in disk galaxies is in the form of neutral atomic hydrogen, H I. This gas can be in thermal equilibrium at relatively low temperatures, T less than or similar to 300 K (the cold neutral medium [CNM]), or at temperatures somewhat less than 104 K (the warm neutral medium [WNM]). These two phases can coexist over a narrow range of pressures, P-min less than or equal to P less than or equal to P-max. We determine P-min and P-max in the plane of the Galaxy as a function of Galactocentric radius R using recent determinations of the gas heating rate and the gas-phase abundances of interstellar gas. We provide an analytic approximation for P-min as a function of metallicity, far-ultraviolet radiation field, and the ionization rate of atomic hydrogen. Our analytic results show that the existence of P-min, or the possibility of a two-phase equilibrium, generally requires that H+ exceed C+ in abundance at P-min. The abundance of H+ is set by EUV/soft X-ray photoionization and by recombination with negatively charged polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. In order to assess whether thermal or pressure equilibrium is a realistic assumption, we de. ne a parameter Y = t(cool)/t(shock), where t(cool) is the gas cooling time and t(shock) is the characteristic shock time or time between shocks in a turbulent medium.'' For Y < 1 gas has time to reach thermal balance between supernova-induced shocks. We find that this condition is satisfied in the Galactic disk, and thus the two-phase description of the interstellar H I is approximately valid even in the presence of interstellar turbulence. Observationally, the mean density [n(HI)] is often better determined than the local density, and we cast our results in terms of [nHI] as well. Over most of the disk of the Galaxy, the H I must be in two phases: the weight of the H I in the gravitational potential of the Galaxy is large enough to generate thermal pressures exceeding Pmin, so that turbulent pressure fluctuations can produce cold gas that is thermally stable; and the mean density of the H I is too low for the gas to be all CNM. Our models predict the presence of CNM gas to R similar or equal to 16-18 kpc, somewhat farther than previous estimates. An estimate for the typical thermal pressure in the Galactic plane for 3 kpc less than or similar to R less than or similar to 18 kpc is P-th/k similar or equal to 1.4 x 10(4) expd(-R/5.5 kpc) K cm(-3). At the solar circle, this gives P-th/k similar or equal to 3000 K cm(-3). We show that this pressure is consistent with the C I*/C I-tot ratio observed by Jenkins & Tripp and the CNM temperature found by Heiles & Troland. We also examine the potential impact of turbulent heating on our results and provide parameterized expressions for the heating rate as a function of Galactic radius. Although the uncertainties are large, our models predict that including turbulent heating does not significantly change our results and that thermal pressures remain above P-min to R similar or equal to 18 kpc.








