4.0 Article



卷 97, 期 3, 页码 306-364


DOI: 10.3417/2009006


Danthomoideae; generic delimination; Poaceae; taxonomy


  1. Swiss National Science Foundation [3100AO-10727]


We present a new generic classification of the largely Southern Henusphere grass subfamily Danthonouleae This classification is based on an almost completely sampled and well-resolved molecular phylogeny and on a complete morphological data set We have attempted to delimit munophveltic genera (complicated by the presence of apparent intergeneric hybridization), which are diagnosable as well as morphologically and ecogengraphically coherent We recognize 17 genera, including five new genera (Austroderia N P Barker & H P Linder. Capeochloa H P Linder & N P Barker. Chimaetochloa H P Linder. Geochloa H P Linder & N P Barker and Tenaxia N P Barker & H P linder), and two (Nees) H P Linder & Galley) Of the remaining 12 genera. the deluminations of sevea are changed Merimuellera Coned is much reduced by the segregation of Geochloa. Caperochloa and Tenaxia. Pentameris is expanded to include Prionanthium Desv and Pentaschistis (Nees) Spach. Cortaderia Stapf is expanded by the inclusion of Lamprothyrus Pilg, but reduced by the segregation of its New Zeland species into the new genus Austroderia a large Rytidosperma Steud is assembled out of loycea H P Linder. Austrodanthonta H P Linder. Notodanthoma Zotov. Erythranthera Zotov. Pyrrhanthera Zotov and Monostachva merr, and the species previously assigned to Karroochloa Conert & Turpe. Schismus P Beauv, Urochlaena Nees, and Tribolium Desv have been reassigned to only two genera Finally, the Himalavan species of Danthonia DC are transfered to Tenaxia and the remaining African species of Danthania to Mervmuellera The 281 species that we recognize in the subfamily 100 necessary new combinations include Mervinuellera grandiflora (Hoehst ev A Rich) H P Lander, Geochlou decora (Nees) N P Barker & H P Lander. G lupulina (L f)N P Barker & H P Lindec. G rufa (Nees) N P Barker & H P Linder, Capeochloa arundinacea (P J Bergus) N P Barker & H P Linder. C eincta (Nees) N P Barker & H P Linder. C eincta subsp sericca (N P Barker) N P Barker & H P Lindec. C setacea (N P Barker) N P Barker & H P Linder, Pentameris praecox (H P Linder) Calley & H P Linder. P tysonu (Stapf) Gallev & H P Linder. P acmosa (Stapf) Galley & H P Lander, P airoides Nees subsp jugorum (Stapf) Galley & H P Linder. P alticola (H P Linder) Galley & H P Linder. P ampla (Nees) Gallev & H P Linder. P andringutrensis (A Camus) Galley & H P Linder. P argentea (Stapf) Galev & H P Lander P aristidoules (Thumb) Gallev & H P Lander. P aristifolia (Schwerck) Galley & H P Linder, P aspera (Thunb) Galley & H P Linder. P aurea (Stead) Galley & H P Linder. P aurea subsp pilosogluna (McClean) Galley & H P Lander. Linder. P basutorum (Stapf) Gallev & H P Linder. P Barbata (Nees) Steud subsp orientalis (H P Linder) Galley & H P Linder. P basutorum (Stapf) Gallev & H P Linder. P borussiea (K Schum) Gallev & H P Linder. P calcicola (H P Lander) Galley & H P Lander P calcicola vai hirsuta (H P Lander) Galley & H P Linder. P basutorun (Nees) Gallev & H P Linder. P capillaris (Thunb) Galley & H P Linder. P. caulesceas (H P Linder) Galley & H P Lander. P chippindallae (H P Linder) Galley & H P Linder. P chrysurus (K Schum) Gallev & H P Linder P clinata (Galley) Galley & H P Lander. P P Linder. P echlona (Nees) Gallev & H P Linder, P evserta (H P Lander) Gallev & H P Linder. P galpinu (Stapf) Galley & H P Linder. P holciformis (Nees) Galley & H P Linder. P horrila (Gallev) Galley & H P Lander. P. humbertu (A Camus) Galley & H P Linder. P insularis (Hernsl) Gallev & H P Linder, P funcifolia (Stapf) Galley & H P Linder. P longipes (Stapf) Gallev & H P Linder. P malouinnsis (Stend) Gallev & H P Linder. P microphylla (Nees) Galley & N P linder. P minor (Balland & C E Hubb) Galley & H P Linder. P montana (H P Linder) Gallev & H P Linder. P natalensis (Stapf) Galley & H P Linder. P oreodoxa (SChwerck) Galley & H P Linder. P pallida (Thumb) Galley & H P LInder. P pholourovules (Stapf) Galley & H P Lander. P pictigluma (Steud) Galley & H P Linder. P pictigluma var gracihs (S M Phillips) Galley & H P Linder. P pictigluma var manna (Stapf ev C E Hubb) Galley & H P Linder. P pseudopallescens (H P Lander) Galley & H P Lander) Calley & H P Linder. P. pungens (H P Linder) Galley & H P Linder. P pusilla (Nees) Galley & H P Lander. P pyrophila (H P Linder) Galley & H P Linder. P refleva (H P Linder) Galley & H P Linder, P rigidissima (Pilg ev H p Linder) Galley & H P Linder. P rosea (H P Linder) Galley & H P Linder. P rosea subsp purpurascens (H P Linder) Galley & H P Lander. P scandens (H P Lander) Galley & H P Linder. P setifolia (Thumb) Galley & H P Linder. P tomentella (Stapf) Galley & H P Lander. P trifida (Galley) Galley & H P Lander. P triseta (Thunb) Galley & H P Lander. P tusetoides (Hochst ev Stend) Galley & H P Linder. P sclutina (H P Linder) Galley & H P Lander. P. vencta (H P Lander) Galley & H P Lander. Cortaderia hieronymi (Kuntze) N P Barker & H P Linder. C peruviana (Thtehe) N P Barker & H P Lander. Austroderia fulvuda (Buchanan) N P Barker & H P Linder. A richardu (Endl) N P Barker & H P Lander. A splendens (Connoi) N P Barker & H P Lander. A toetoe (Zotov) N P Barker & H P Linder. A turbarta (Connor) N P Barker & H P Lander, Chunaerochloa archboldu (lhtehe) Pine & H P Linder. Tenavia aureocephala (J C Anderson) N P Barker & H P Lander. T cachemyriana (Jaub & Spach) N P Barker & H P Linder. Tenavia aureocephala (J G Anderson) N P Barker & H P Lander. T disticha (Nees) N P Barker & H P Linder. T dura (Stapf) N P Barker & H P Linder. T gutllarmodiae (Coneit) N P Barker & H P Linder. T stricta (Schrad) N P Barker & H P Lander. T subulata (A Rich) N P Barker & H P Lander. Schismus schismoules (Stapf ev Conett) Verboom & H P Lander. Triboluim curvium (Nees) Verboom & H P. Lander. T pleuropogon (Stapf) Verboom & H P Linder. T purpureum (L f) Verboom & H P Linder. T tenellum (Nees) Vednuf & H P Linder. Rytidosperma bipartitum (Kumith) A M Humphreys & H P Lander, R diemenicum (D I Morris) A M Humphreys & H P Linder. R fulvum (Vickery) A M Humphreys & H P Lander. R lepidopodum (N G Walsh) A M Humphreys & H P Lander R pallidum (R Bi) A M Humphreys & H P Lander, R popinensis (D I Morris) A M Humphreys & H P Lander. R remotum (D I Morris) A M Rumphreys & H P Lunder Typifications are designed for the following names Achneria Munro ev Benth & Hook f. Avena aristidoides Thumb, A elephantina Thunb. Danthonta crispa Nees vur trunchlata Nees. Danthonia sect Hunantochaete Nees. D zeyheriana Stend var trichostachya Stapf. Geochloa lupulina. Pentrameris aristidoides, and P holciformis.








