4.6 Article

Effects of habitat complexity on community structure and predator avoidance behaviour of littoral zooplankton in temperate versus subtropical shallow lakes


卷 52, 期 6, 页码 1009-1021


DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2007.01748.x


diel horizontal migration; diel vertical migration; free-floating plants; refuge effect; subtropical lake


1. Structural complexity may stabilise predator-prey interactions and affect the outcome of trophic cascades by providing prey refuges. In deep lakes, vulnerable zooplankton move vertically to avoid fish predation. In contrast, submerged plants often provide a diel refuge against fish predation for large-bodied zooplankton in shallow temperate lakes, with consequences for the whole ecosystem. 2. To test the extent to which macrophytes serve as refuges for zooplankton in temperate and subtropical lakes, we introduced artificial plant beds into the littoral area of five pairs of shallow lakes in Uruguay (30 degrees-35 degrees S) and Denmark (55 degrees-57 degrees N). We used plants of different architecture (submerged and free-floating) along a gradient of turbidity over which the lakes were paired. 3. We found remarkable differences in the structure (taxon-richness at the genus level, composition and density) of the zooplankton communities in the littoral area between climate zones. Richer communities of larger-bodied taxa (frequently including Daphnia spp.) occurred in the temperate lakes, whereas small-bodied taxa characterised the subtropical lakes. More genera and a higher density of benthic/plant-associated cladocerans also occurred in the temperate lakes. The density of all crustaceans, except calanoid copepods, was significantly higher in the temperate lakes (c. 5.5-fold higher). 4. Fish and shrimps (genus Palaemonetes) seemed to exert a stronger predation pressure on zooplankton in the plant beds in the subtropical lakes, while the pelagic invertebrate Chaoborus sp. was slightly more abundant than in the temperate lakes. In contrast, plant-associated predatory macroinvertebrates were eight times more abundant in the temperate than in the subtropical lakes. 5. The artificial submerged plants hosted significantly more cladocerans than the free-floating plants, which were particularly avoided in the subtropical lakes. Patterns indicating diel horizontal migration were frequently observed for both overall zooplankton density and individual taxa in the temperate, but not the subtropical, lakes. In contrast, patterns of diel vertical migration prevailed for both the overall zooplankton and for most individual taxa in the subtropics, irrespective of water turbidity. 6. Higher fish predation probably shapes the general structure and dynamics of cladoceran communities in the subtropical lakes. Our results support the hypothesis that horizontal migration is less prevalent in the subtropics than in temperate lakes, and that no predator-avoidance behaviour effectively counteracts predation pressure in the subtropics. Positive effects of aquatic plants on water transparency, via their acting as a refuge for zooplankton, may be generally weak or rare in warm lakes.








