4.6 Article

Measurements of elastic and electrical properties of an unconventional organic shale under differential loading


卷 80, 期 4, 页码 D363-D383


DOI: 10.1190/GEO2014-0535.1




  1. OCLASSH consortium - Anadarko
  2. OCLASSH consortium - Apache
  3. OCLASSH consortium - Aramco
  4. OCLASSH consortium - Baker-Hughes
  5. OCLASSH consortium - BG
  6. OCLASSH consortium - BHP Billiton
  7. OCLASSH consortium - BP
  8. OCLASSH consortium - Chevron
  9. OCLASSH consortium - China Oilfield Services, LTD.
  10. OCLASSH consortium - ConocoPhillips
  11. OCLASSH consortium - ENI
  12. OCLASSH consortium - ExxonMobil
  13. OCLASSH consortium - Halliburton
  14. OCLASSH consortium - Hess
  15. OCLASSH consortium - Maersk
  16. OCLASSH consortium - Marathon Oil Corporation
  17. OCLASSH consortium - Mexican Institute for Petroleum
  18. OCLASSH consortium - Nexen
  19. OCLASSH consortium - ONGC
  20. OCLASSH consortium - Petrobras
  21. OCLASSH consortium - Repsol
  22. OCLASSH consortium - RWE
  23. OCLASSH consortium - Schlumberger
  24. OCLASSH consortium - Shell
  25. OCLASSH consortium - Statoil
  26. OCLASSH consortium - Total
  27. OCLASSH consortium - Weatherford
  28. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - Anadarko
  29. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - Apache
  30. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - Aramco
  31. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - Baker-Hughes
  32. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - BG
  33. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - BHP Billiton
  34. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - BP
  35. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - Chevron
  36. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - China Oilfield Services, LTD.
  37. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - ConocoPhillips
  38. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - ENI
  39. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - ExxonMobil
  40. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - Halliburton
  41. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - Hess
  42. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - Maersk
  43. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - Marathon Oil Corporation
  44. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - Mexican Institute for Petroleum
  45. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - Nexen
  46. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - ONGC
  47. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - Petrobras
  48. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - Repsol
  49. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - RWE
  50. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - Schlumberger
  51. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - Shell
  52. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - Statoil
  53. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - Total
  54. University of Texas at Austin's Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation - Weatherford
  55. Colorado School of Mines Unconventional Natural Gas and Oil Institute (UNGI) CIMMM Consortium


We have developed an experimental approach to simultaneously measure the stress dependence of ultrasonic wave velocities at 1 MHz, and therefore the components of the undrained elastic stiffness tensor, as well as the components of the complex conductivity tensor in the frequency range from 100 mHz to 10 Hz. We performed the experiments on a cylindrical core sample from the Haynesville Formation (porosity of approximately 0.08, bound water excluded, and clay content, mostly illite, approximately 30-40 wt%). We performed experiments under controlled confining and pore fluid pressures, achieving differential pressure states representative of autochthonous reservoir conditions. Directional measurements were made using independent acquisition arrays (piezoelectric crystals and nonpolarizing electrodes) distributed azimuthally on the core sample external surface, the bedding plane being along the axis of the cylindrical core sample. Ultrasonic waveforms were recorded on a high-resolution oscilloscope, and complex impedance spectra were recorded with a four-electrode acquisition system using an impedance meter with precision of 0.1 mrad. Experiments were repeated under drained and undrained conditions, over loading and unloading sequences for fully water-saturated conditions. Measurements show strong stress dependence on ultrasonic and complex conductivity measurements, which can be ascribed to the opening and closing of cracks within the samples. The data were used to estimate the anisotropic electrical and elastic effective pressure coefficients of the core sample, resulting in effective stress coefficients smaller than one for both elastic and electrical properties. These effective stress coefficients were also smaller for the electrical and acoustic properties once the cracks have closed. The anisotropy ratio for the components of the complex conductivity tensor was on the order of 30, whereas it was only 2 for the compressional components of the stiffness tensor (C-11/C-33)








