4.6 Review

Fluvial geomorphic elements in modern sedimentary basins and their potential preservation in the rock record: A review


卷 250, 期 -, 页码 187-219


DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.09.005


Distributive fluvial systems; Sedimentary basins; Tributary fluvial systems; Fans


  1. Fluvial Systems Research Group consortium
  2. BP
  3. BG
  4. Chevron
  5. ConocoPhillips
  6. Total


Since tectonic subsidence in sedimentary basins provides the potential for long-term fades preservation into the sedimentary record, analysis of geomorphic elements in modern continental sedimentary basins is required to understand facies relationships in sedimentary rocks. We use a database of over 700 modern sedimentary basins to characterize the fluvial geomorphology of sedimentary basins. Geomorphic elements were delineated in 10 representative sedimentary basins, focusing primarily on fluvial environments. Elements identified include distributive fluvial systems (DFS), tributive fluvial systems that occur between large DES or in an axial position in the basin, lacustrine/playa, and eolian environments. The DFS elements include large DFS (>30 km in length), small DFS (<30 km in length), coalesced DES in bajada or piedmont plains, and incised DFS. Our results indicate that over 88% of fluvial deposits in the evaluated sedimentary basins are present as DFS, with tributary systems covering a small portion (1-12%) of the basin. These geomorphic elements are commonly arranged hierarchically, with the largest transverse rivers forming large DES and smaller transverse streams depositing smaller DFS in the areas between the larger DFS. These smaller streams commonly converge between the large DFS, forming a tributary system. Ultimately, most transverse rivers become tributary to the axial system in the sedimentary basin, with the axial system being confined between transverse DES entering the basin from opposite sides of the basin, or a transverse DES and the edge of the sedimentary basin. If axial systems are not confined by transverse DES, they will form a DFS. Many of the world's largest rivers are located in the axial position of some sedimentary basins. Assuming uniformitarianism, sedimentary basins from the past most likely had a similar configuration of geomorphic elements. Facies distributions in tributary positions and those on DES appear to display specific morphologic patterns. Tributary rivers tend to increase in size in the downstream direction. Because axial tributary rivers are present in confined settings in the sedimentary basin, they migrate back and forth within a relatively narrow belt (relative to the overall size of the sedimentary basin). Thus, axial tributary rivers tend to display amalgamated channel belt form with minimal preservation potential of floodplain deposits. Chute and neck cutoff avulsions are also common on meandering rivers in these settings. Where rivers on DFS exit their confining valley on the basin margin, sediment transport capacity is reduced and sediment deposition occurs resulting in development of a 'valley exit' nodal avulsion point that defines the DES apex. Rivers may incise downstream of the basin margin valley because of changes in sediment supply and discharge through climatic variability or tectonic processes. We demonstrate that rivers on DFS commonly decrease in width down-DES caused by infiltration, bifurcation, and evaporation. In proximal areas, channel sands are amalgamated through repeated avulsion, reoccupation of previous channel belts, and limited accumulation space. When rivers flood on the medial to distal portions of a DFS, the floodwaters spread across a large area on the DES surface and typically do not re-enter the main channel. In these distal areas, rivers on DFS commonly avulse, leaving a discrete sand body and providing high preservation potential for floodplain deposits. Additional work is needed to evaluate the geomorphic character of modern sedimentary basins in order to construct improved facies models for the continental sedimentary rock record. Specifically, models for avulsion, bifurcation, infiltration, and geomorphic form on DFS are required to better define and subsequently predict fades geometries. Studies of fluvial systems in sedimentary basins are also important for evaluating flood patterns and groundwater distributions for populations in these regions. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.








