4.2 Article

Zonation of Sulfate and Sulfide Minerals and Isotopic Composition in the Far Southeast Porphyry and Lepanto Epithermal Cu-Au Deposits, Philippines


卷 67, 期 2, 页码 174-196


DOI: 10.1111/rge.12127


porphyry; epithermal; S isotopes composition; alunite; enargite.


  1. Society of Resource Geology of Japan (then the Society of Mining Geologists of Japan)


The world-class Far Southeast (FSE) porphyry system, Philippines, includes the FSE Cu-Au porphyry deposit, the Lepanto Cu-Au high-sulfidation deposit and the Victoria-Teresa Au-Ag intermediate-sulfidation veins, centered on the intrusive complex of dioritic composition. The Lepanto and FSE deposits are genetically related and both share an evolution characterized by early stage 1 alteration ( deep FSE potassic, shallow Lepanto advanced argillic-silicic, both at similar to 1.4 Ma), followed by stage 2 phyllic alteration (at similar to 1.3 Ma); the dominant ore mineral deposition within the FSE porphyry and the Lepanto epithermal deposits occurred during stage 2. We determined the chemical and S isotopic composition of sulfate and sulfide minerals from Lepanto, including stage 1 alunite ( 12 to 28 permil), aluminum- phosphate- sulfate ( APS) minerals ( 14 to 21 permil) and pyrite (similar to 4 to 2 permil), stage 2 sulfides (mainly enargite-luzonite and some pyrite, similar to 10 to similar to 1 permil), and late stage 2 sulfates ( barite and anhydrite, 21 to 27 permil). The minerals from FSE include stage 2 chalcopyrite ( 1.6 to 2.6 permil), pyrite ( 1.1 to 3.4 permil) and anhydrite ( 13 to 25 permil). The whole- rock S isotopic composition of weakly altered syn-mineral intrusions is 2.0 permil. Stage 1 quartz-alunite-pyrite of the Lepanto lithocap, above about 650 m elevation, formed from acidic condensates of magmatic vapor at the same time as hypersaline liquid formed potassic alteration ( biotite) near sea level. The S isotopic composition of stage 1 alunite-pyrite record temperatures of approximately 300400(circle)C for the vapor condensate directly over the porphyry deposit; this cooled to < 250(circle)C as the acidic condensate flowed to the NWalong the Lepanto fault where it cut the unconformity at the top of the basement. Stage 1 alunite at the base of the advanced argillic lithocap over FSE contains cores of APS minerals with Sr, Ba and Ca; based on back- scattered electron images and ion microprobe data, these APS minerals show a large degree of chemical and S- isotopic heterogeneity within and between samples. The variation in S isotopic values in these finely banded stage 1 alunite and APS minerals (16 permil range), as well as that of pyrite (6 permil range) was due largely to changes in temperature, and perhaps variation in redox conditions (average similar to 2: 1 H2S: SO4). Such fluctuations could have been related to fluid pulses caused by injection of mafic melt into the diorite magma chamber, supported by mafic xenoliths hosted in diorite of an earlier intrusion. The S isotopic values of stage 2 minerals indicate temperatures as high as 400(circle)C near sea level in the porphyry deposit, associated with a relatively reduced fluid (similar to 10: 1 H2S: SO4) responsible for deposition of chalcopyrite. Stage 2 fluids were relatively oxidized in the Lepanto lithocap, with an H2S: SO4 ratio of about 4. The oxidation resulted from cooling, which was caused by boiling during ascent and then dilution with steam- heated meteoric water in the lithocap. This cooling also resulted in the sulfidation state of minerals increasing from chalcopyrite stability in the porphyry deposit to that of enargite in the lithocap-hosted high-sulfidation deposit. The temperature at the base of the lithocap during stage 2 was = 300(circle)C, cooling to < 250 C-circle within the main lithocap, and about 200(circle)C towards the limit of the Lepanto orebody, approximately 2 km NWof the porphyry deposit. Approximate 300(circle)C and 200(circle)C isotherms, estimated from S isotopic and fluid inclusion temperatures during stage 1 and stage 2, shifted towards the core of the FSE porphyry deposit with time. This general retreat in isotherms was more than 500 m laterally within Lepanto and 500 m vertically within FSE as the magmatichydrothermal system evolved and collapsed over the magmatic center. During this evolution, there is also evidence recorded by large S isotopic variations in individual crystals for sharp pulses of higher temperature, relatively reduced fluid injected into the porphyry deposit.








