4.0 Article

Stromatolite characteristics of Mesoproterozoic Shennongjia Group in the northern margin of Yangtze Block, China


卷 2, 期 3, 页码 364-381


DOI: 10.31035/cg2018115


Mesoproterozoic; Shennongjia Group; Shennongjia Area; Northern Margin of Yangtze Craton; Geological survey engineering; China


  1. National Key Research and Development Program of China [2016YFC0601001]
  2. National Natural Science Foundation of China [41472082]
  3. China Geological Survey Projects [DD20160120-01]
  4. Globe Geopark of Shennongjia


Mesoproterozoic Shennongjia Group in Shennongjia Area can be divided into three subgroups in ascender order. Of which the lower subgroup includes Yingwodong, Dayanping, Macaoyuan, Luanshigou, Dawokeng and Kuangshishan formations; the middle subgroup is formed by Yemahe, Wenshuihe and Shicaohe formations; the upper subgroup consists of Songziyuan and Wagangxi formations. Stromatolites developed very well in the carbonate rocks of each subgroup in Shennongjia Group. Based on descriptions of stromatolites macrotypes and their characteristics, this paper studied the formation environments, discussed the relationship among types, sizes, abundance of stromatolites and sedimentary environment, and established the formation and development pattern of stromatolites. As a result, this research also reveals the paleoenvironment and paleoclimate during the period of the Shennongjia Group deposited, which is beneficial to the study of paleoenvironment, paleogeography and paleoclimate, stratigraphic succession and regional correlation of the northern edge of Yangtze block. Stromatolites of Shennongjia Group are mainly conical, columnar, domal, wavy, stratiform and stromatolite reefs. The columnar and conical stromatolites are well developed. Conical stromatolites are mainly monomers, with a variety of pyramidal types, ranging in diameter from a few millimeters to several meters and formed in the high energy subtidal zone and tidal lagoon environment. Most of the columnar stromatolites are medium to small sizes implied a wide and gentle slope environment at that time. Stratiform (including wavy) stromatolites are larger scales and extends far away and distributed most widely in almost every horizon in the carbonate rocks. Stratiform stromatolites can be formed in low energy environments such as subtidal and intertidal zones and supratidal belts. Wavy stromatolites often developed in the hydrodynamic energy condition from weak energy intertidal zone gradually strengthened to the below of the high energy supratidal. Although stromatolite reefs can be a single or multiform combination, they developed mainly consisted of laminar or small walled columnar and large domal stromatolites. Shicaohe Formation also partially developed large domical stromatolites, the depositional environment is from the upper intertidal to supratidal zone. Stromatolite in Shennongjia Group usually appears as a combination of Stratiform (wavy)-dome-columnar-coniform or stratiform-dome-coniform-columnar-dome-stratiform vertieally, which represents the seawater depth from shallower to deeper or from shallow to deep and then to shallow again. These phenomenons generally reflected a stable sea level and companied with a high frequency oscillation. Comprehensive researches on the stratigraphy, sedimentary facies, sedimentary environment and the stromatolite types and their characteristics in the Shennongjia Group indicated that the Shennongjia Area is located on a gentle slope of carbonate platform in the passive continental edge, generally, i.e., one of warm and humid climate shallow water zone or/and a cold-drought climate, and had been experienced with eustatic cycles during the Shennongjia Group deposited. (C) 2019 China Geology Editorial Office.








