4.4 Article

The assessment of positive impacts in LCA of products



DOI: 10.1007/s11367-020-01820-x


LCA; S-LCA; Positive impacts; Externalities; “ Oiconomy project”


This paper discusses the implications and challenges of including positive impacts in life cycle assessment (LCA), proposing criteria for their inclusion. Ethical and practical issues, shortcomings, and problems are assessed, leading to a proposed set of criteria for evaluating positive impacts in LCA and in the Oiconomy system.
Purpose The objective of this paper is to open a discussion on the implications and challenges of including positive impacts in LCAs of products and to propose a set of criteria for their inclusion in LCA in general and in the Oiconomy system in particular. Methods Using the existing literature, guided by the recent reviews by Di Cesare et al. (2018), Petti et al. (2016), and Ekener-Petersen et al. (Int J Life Cycle Assess 23(3):1-13, 2016) and our own experience and logic, we assess ethical and practical issues, shortcomings, potential inconsistencies, and problems of inclusion of positive impacts and propose criteria for inclusion of positive impacts in LCA. Results Discussed in relation to the inclusion of positive impacts in LCA are the conflicting descriptive and prescriptive character of LCA, the inclusion of internalities, considering absence of negative impacts as positive, measuring by status or by change and the therewith involved temporal scope, moral consequences of comparing positive and negative impacts to different stakeholder groups, the requirement of a capacity-raising character and maintenance of a positive impact, rebound effects, R&D, background and foreground data on positive impacts, and the inclusion of employment and product utilities as positive impacts. Based on this assessment, we propose a set of criteria for the assessment of positive impacts in life cycle assessment in general and especially of positive contributions in the Oiconomy system. Conclusions This study demonstrates several serious ethical and practical issues and challenges related to inclusion of positive impacts in LCA. An especially difficult question is how to interpret the economic concepts of externalities and internalities in relation to LCA. A special definition of in- and externalities for LCA purposes is proposed. The importance of a capacity-raising character of a positive impact is demonstrated, but also some of the difficulties of distinguishing capacity raising from maintaining the current status. Important outcomes are that for a consistent LCA, inclusion of most internalities and absence of negative impacts must be dissuaded, which also applies to employment and wages unless without a range of additional criteria. Great caution must be taken with inclusion of product utilities, comparing the positives for one stakeholder group with the negatives for another and mixing measurement by status with measurement by change.








