4.7 Article

Computationally efficient models for the dominant and subdominant harmonic modes of precessing binary black holes


卷 103, 期 10, 页码 -


DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.103.104056




  1. European Union FEDER funds
  2. Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities
  3. Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion Grants [FPA2016-76821-P, RED2018-102661-T, RED2018-102573-E, FPA2017-90687-REDC]
  4. Vicepresidencia i Conselleria d'Innovacio, Recerca i Turisme, Conselleria d'Educacio, i Universitats del Govern de les Illes Balears i Fons Social Europeu, Generalitat Valenciana [PROMETEO/2019/071]
  5. EU COST Actions [CA18108, CA17137, CA16214, CA16104]
  6. Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport Grants [FPU15/03344, FPU15/01319]
  7. European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant [751492]
  8. Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) [IZCOZ0-177057]
  9. Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades [BEAGAL 18/00148]
  10. Universitat de les Illes Balears
  11. Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) [ST/L000962/1]
  12. European Research Council Consolidator Grant [647839]
  13. Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) [AECT2019-2-0010, AECT-2019-1-0022, AECT-2019-10014, AECT-2018-3-0017, AECT-2018-2-0022, AECT-2018-1-0009, AECT-2017-3-0013, AECT-2017-2-0017, AECT-2017-1-0017, AECT-2016-3-0014, AECT2016-2-0009]
  14. Red Espanola de Supercomputacion (RES)
  15. PRACE [2015133131]
  16. National Science Foundation [PHY-0757058, PHY-0823459]
  17. STFC Grant [ST/I006285/1]
  18. U.S. National Science Foundation
  19. French Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
  20. Italian Istituto Nazionale della Fisica Nucleare (INFN)
  21. Dutch Nikhef
  22. Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) [IZCOZ0_177057] Funding Source: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
  23. European Research Council (ERC) [647839] Funding Source: European Research Council (ERC)
  24. Marie Curie Actions (MSCA) [751492] Funding Source: Marie Curie Actions (MSCA)


IMRPhenomXPHM is a phenomenological frequency-domain model for gravitational-wave signals from quasicircular precessing binary black holes, incorporating higher order multipoles beyond the dominant quadrupole. The model is an extension of IMRPhenomXHM, using approximate maps and specific choices to enhance accuracy and speed. With reduced computational cost and improved interpolation techniques, it provides a productive tool for gravitational wave astronomy in the current era of increased event detections.
We present IMRPhenomXPHM, a phenomenological frequency-domain model for the gravitational-wave signal emitted by quasicircular precessing binary black holes, which incorporates multipoles beyond the dominant quadrupole in the precessing frame. The model is a precessing extension of IMRPhenomXHM, [C. Garcia-Quiros et al., Phys. Rev. D102, 064002 (2020)] based on approximate maps between aligned-spin waveform modes in the coprecessing frame and precessing waveform modes in the inertial frame, which is commonly referred to as twisting up the nonprecessing waveforms. IMRPhenomXPHM includes IMRPhenomXP as a special case, the restriction to the dominant quadrupole contribution in the coprecessing frame. We implement two alternative mappings, one based on a single-spin post-Newtonian approximation, as used in IMRPhenomPv2 [M. Hannam et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 151101 (2014).], and one based on the double-spin multiple scale analysis approach of [K. Chatziioannou et al., Phys. Rev. D 95, 104004 (2017).]. We include a detailed discussion of conventions used in the description of precessing binaries and of all choices made in constructing the model. The computational cost of IMRPhenomXPHM is further reduced by extending the interpolation technique of [C. Garcia-Quiros et al., Classical Quant. Grav. 38, 015006 (2021).] to the Euler angles. The accuracy, speed, robustness, and modularity of the IMRPhenomX family will make these models productive tools for gravitational wave astronomy in the current era of greatly increased number and diversity of detected events.








