4.6 Review

Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Cholangiopancreatography of the Pancreas in Small Animals


卷 9, 期 8, 页码 -


DOI: 10.3390/vetsci9080378


MRI; MRCP; pancreas; endocrine; secretin; magnetic resonance imaging technique


This article reviews the application of MRI and MRCP in the investigation of pancreatic diseases in veterinary medicine, including technical protocols and sequences. Despite the limited amount of research, the results show the potential of MRI in the investigation of pancreatic diseases, and the latest technical innovations further support the evaluation of MRI as an effective tool.
Simple Summary In human medicine Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and MR cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) play a consistent role in the investigation of pancreatic and pancreatic duct disorders. In veterinary medicine the number of studies focused on MR and MRCP for pancreatic disease is scant, and the protocols are not yet standardized. This review will focus on the MRI and MRCP technical aspects of the protocols used for the investigation of pancreatic disease in veterinary medicine. The aim of this review is to elucidate the value and the potential of each MR and MRCP sequence listed in the different protocols, either in canine or feline patients, with the intention to build a valid and solid tool for further innovative studies. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and MR cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) have emerged as non-invasive diagnostic techniques for the diagnosis of pancreatic and pancreatic duct disorders in humans. The number of studies focused on MR and MRCP for pancreatic disease in small animals is very limited. MR has been described for the evaluation of insulinoma in dogs and to investigate pancreatitis in cats. The studies were based on a standard protocol with T2 weighted (w) fast recovery fast spin-echo (FRFSE) with and without fat suppression, T1w FSE pre-contrast and T1w FSE post-contrast with and without fat suppression. MRCP after secretin stimulation has been described in cats to assess the pancreatic ductal system, taking advantage of pulse sequences heavily T2w as rapid acquisition with rapid enhancement (RARE), fast-recovery fast spin-echo (FRFSE) sequences and single-shot fast spin-echo (SSFSE) sequences. In addition to the standard protocol, fast spoiled gradient recalled echo pulse sequences (fSPGR) and volume interpolated 3D gradient-echo T1w pulse sequences pre and post-contrast have also been used in cats, reaching the goal of assessing the biliary tree and the pancreatic duct with the same sequence and in multiple planes. Despite the small amount of data, the results show potential, and the most recent technical innovations, in particular, focused on diffusion MRI and fast acquisition, further support the need for continued evaluation of MRI as an effective instrument for the investigation of pancreatic disease.








