3.8 Proceedings Paper

Lossy Planarization: A Constant-Factor Approximate Kernelization for Planar Vertex Deletion


DOI: 10.1145/3519935.3520021


planar graphs; approximation algorithms; kernelization


  1. European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union [803421]
  2. European Research Council (ERC) [803421] Funding Source: European Research Council (ERC)


The article covers the problem of finding the minimum vertex set in F-minor-free deletion, introduces the Vertex Planarization problem and its solution methods, and presents an algorithm with polynomial alpha-approximate kernelization. It also discusses the approximation algorithms for Vertex Planarization, improving the factors of approximation.
In the F-minor-free deletion problem we are given an undirected graph.. and the goal is to find a minimum vertex set that intersects all minor models of graphs from the family F. This captures numerous important problems including VERTEX COVER, FEEDBACK VERTEX SET, TREEWIDTH-eta MODULATOR, and VERTEX PLANARIZATION. In the latter one, we ask for a minimum vertex set whose removal makes the graph planar. This is a special case of F-MINOR-FREE DELETION for the family F = {K-5, K-3,K-3}. Whenever the family F contains at least one planar graph, then F-MINOR-FREE DELETION is known to admit a constant-factor approximation algorithm and a polynomial kernelization [Fomin, Lokshtanov, Misra, and Saurabh, FOCS'12]. A polynomial kernelization is a polynomial-time algorithm that, given a graph G and integer k, outputs a graph G' on poly (k) vertices and integer k', so that OPT(G) <= k if and only if OPT(G') <= k' The Vertex PLANARIZATION problem is arguably the simplest setting for which F does not contain a planar graph and the existence of a constantfactor approximation or a polynomial kernelization remains a major open problem. In this work we show that VERTEX PLANARIZATION admits an algorithm which is a combination of both approaches. Namely, we present a polynomial alpha-approximate kernelization, for some constant alpha > 1, based on the framework of lossy kernelization [Lokshtanov, Panolan, Ramanujan, and Saurabh, STOC'17]. Simply speaking, when given a graph.. and integer k, we show how to compute a graph G' on poly (k) vertices so that any beta beta-approximate solution to G' can be lifted to an (alpha . beta)-approximate solution to G, as long as OPT(G) <= k/alpha.beta. In order to achieve this, we develop a framework for sparsification of planar graphs which approximately preserves all separators and near-separators between subsets of the given terminal set. Our result yields an improvement over the state-of-art approximation algorithms for VERTEX PLANARIZATION. The problem admits a polynomial-time O(n(epsilon))-approximation algorithm, for any epsilon > 0, and a quasi-polynomial-time (log n)(O(1)) -approximation algorithm, where n is the input size, both randomized [Kawarabayashi and Sidiropoulos, FOCS'17]. By pipelining these algorithms with our approximate kernelization, we improve the approximation factors to respectively O(OPT epsilon) and (log OPT)(O(1)).








