3.8 Proceedings Paper

On-chip temporal pulse pattern generation and fiber propagation: Multidimensional wave-packet control and characterization


Review Optics

Machine learning and applications in ultrafast photonics

Goery Genty et al.

Summary: The field of smart photonics has seen rapid growth and development in recent years, with machine-learning algorithms being used to enhance optical systems and add new functionalities. Machine learning in ultrafast photonics has shown potential in accelerating technology, particularly in areas such as pulsed laser design, operation, and ultrafast propagation dynamics. However, challenges and future research areas in this field still need to be addressed.


Article Optics

Autonomous on-chip interferometry for reconfigurable optical waveform generation

Bennet Fischer et al.

Summary: This work introduces a self-adjusting on-chip optical pulse-shaper based on temporal coherence synthesis, enabling on-the-fly reconfigurability of output optical waveforms. Particle-swarm optimization algorithm outperforms other commonly used algorithms in terms of convergence time, providing important support for realizing fully on-chip smart optical waveform generators.

OPTICA (2021)

Review Multidisciplinary Sciences

Programmable photonic circuits

Wim Bogaerts et al.

NATURE (2020)

Article Optics

Multimode nonlinear fiber optics, a spatiotemporal avenue

Katarzyna Krupa et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Customizing supercontinuum generation via on-chip adaptive temporal pulse-splitting

Benjamin Wetzel et al.


Review Optics

Advances in multiphoton microscopy technology

Erich E. Hoover et al.