4.7 Review

Bridging live-cell imaging and next-generation cancer treatment


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

FDA no longer has to require animal testing for new drugs

Meredith Wadman

SCIENCE (2023)

Article Oncology

OrBITS: label-free and time-lapse monitoring of patient derived organoids for advanced drug screening

Christophe Deben et al.

Summary: A high-throughput and automated live-cell image analysis software called OrBITS was developed for kinetic monitoring of organoids. The software combines computer vision with convolutional network machine learning and was validated against standard assays. Using OrBITS, the drug screening of lung and pancreatic cancer treatments provided further insights into the drugs' mechanism of action.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Rationalized deep learning super-resolution microscopy for sustained live imaging of rapid subcellular processes

Chang Qiao et al.

Summary: In this study, a rationalized deep learning (rDL) method was developed for improving optical microscopy imaging by addressing artifacts and noise. By incorporating prior knowledge of illumination patterns, the rDL method effectively denoises raw images and enhances the super-resolution information. Moreover, the method can perform self-supervised training using the continuity of noisy data itself, achieving results comparable to supervised methods.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Real-time denoising enables high-sensitivity fluorescence time-lapse imaging beyond the shot-noise limit

Xinyang Li et al.

Summary: DeepCAD-RT is a real-time denoising method for fluorescence time-lapse images, which uses self-supervised deep learning for noise suppression. Compared to traditional methods, DeepCAD-RT significantly reduces the number of network parameters, memory consumption, and processing time, and achieves high imaging signal-to-noise ratio with one-tenth of the photons. In various photon-limited experiments, DeepCAD-RT demonstrates its utility in morphological and functional interrogation of biological dynamics.


Article Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence

Geometric deep learning reveals the spatiotemporal features of microscopic motion

Jesus Pineda et al.

Summary: Despite recent improvements in microscopy acquisition methods, extracting quantitative information from biological experiments in crowded conditions is a challenging task. Pineda and colleagues propose a geometric deep-learning-based framework for automated trajectory linking and dynamical property estimation that is able to effectively deal with complex biological scenarios.


Review Oncology

Intravital imaging to study cancer progression and metastasis

David Entenberg et al.

Summary: This article reviews the recent advances in intravital imaging of mammalian models of cancer and describes how intravital imaging can help to understand the role of the tumour microenvironment in cancer progression and metastasis, and to develop novel treatments and therapies.


Article Oncology

Tumor-associated high endothelial venules mediate lymphocyte entry into tumors and predict response to PD-1 plus CTLA-4 combination immunotherapy

Assia Asrir et al.

Summary: Tumor-associated high endothelial venules (TA-HEVs) are crucial for recruiting lymphocytes into tumors, and their presence is associated with better response and survival in anti-PD-1/anti-CTLA-4 treatment. TA-HECs co-express specific proteins and selectins, which attract lymphocytes to infiltrate tumors. Understanding the mechanism of lymphocyte trafficking in cancer immunity and immunotherapy is important for improving treatment outcomes.


Article Cell Biology

DynaMorph: self-supervised learning of morphodynamic states of live cells

Zhenqin Wu et al.

Summary: A cell's shape and motion are predictive of its function and pathology. However, automated analysis of cell morphology remains challenging, particularly for primary human cells that cannot be genetically labeled. To address this issue, researchers developed DynaMorph, a computational framework that combines quantitative live cell imaging with self-supervised learning to enable automated and quantitative analysis of cell morphodynamics.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Behavioural immune landscapes of inflammation

Georgiana Crainiciuc et al.

Summary: Transcriptional and proteomic profiling of individual cells have provided cellular landscapes of tissues, but fail to capture dynamic scenarios. This study used live imaging to record morpho-kinetic parameters of leukocytes in active inflammation and built behavioural landscapes that identified leukocyte identities and revealed a continuum of neutrophil states. Mutant screening identified the kinase Fgr as a driver of pathogenic inflammation, and interfering with Fgr protected mice from inflammatory injury.

NATURE (2022)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Decade-long leukaemia remissions with persistence of CD4(+) CAR T cells

J. Joseph Melenhorst et al.

Summary: CAR T cells redirected to target CD19 demonstrated long-lasting potential and clonal stability in two patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Highly activated CD4(+) cells emerged and dominated the CAR T cell population at later time points. These unexpected CAR T cell populations provide novel insights into anti-cancer response and long-term remission in leukaemia.

NATURE (2022)

News Item Biochemical Research Methods

Imaging without the labels

Rita Strack

Summary: Investigating the spatial organization of DNA and its interacting elements in single cells will enhance our knowledge of cell-type-specific gene regulation.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Spatial mapping of protein composition and tissue organization: a primer for multiplexed antibody-based imaging

John W. Hickey et al.

Summary: Recent developments in multiplexed protein imaging methods have provided detailed spatial and functional maps of complex tissues, utilizing antibodies against protein biomarkers. Key considerations for training future users, generating molecular tools, validating antibody panels, and harmonizing datasets are essential as these approaches become more widely adopted. This Perspective offers guidance for robust and reproducible antibody-based highly multiplexed tissue imaging.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Live-dead assay on unlabeled cells using phase imaging with computational specificity

Chenfei Hu et al.

Summary: The study introduces a method for assessing cell viability without the need for labeling, utilizing deep learning techniques combined with quantitative phase imaging to accurately determine cell survival status without causing damage to the cells.


Article Biology

Tracking cell lineages in 3D by incremental deep learning

Ko Sugawara et al.

Summary: ELEPHANT is an interactive 3D cell tracking platform that addresses challenges in deep learning by incrementally enriching training data and improving tracking performance. The platform seamlessly integrates cell track annotation, deep learning, prediction, and proofreading, resulting in accurate and fully-validated cell lineages with modest time and effort investment.
Article Cell & Tissue Engineering

Patient-derived micro-organospheres enable clinical precision oncology

Shengli Ding et al.

Summary: Patient-derived micro-organospheres (MOSs) generated using microfluidics technology can serve as an ideal model for clinical precision oncology. It enables rapid assessment of tumor drug response and provides a clinical assay for testing immuno-oncology therapies.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Innovations in ex vivo Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy

Pablo Delgado-Rodriguez et al.

Summary: Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM) has enabled high-resolution 3D fluorescence imaging of ex vivo samples, opening up new possibilities for studying biological structures, disease diagnostics, and drug efficacy research.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

CAR T cell killing requires the IFN gamma R pathway in solid but not liquid tumours

Rebecca C. Larson et al.

Summary: CAR T cell therapy has shown limited efficacy against solid tumours, and this study identifies the loss of genes in the interferon-gamma receptor signalling pathway as a potential resistance mechanism in glioblastoma and other solid tumours. The study reveals that the interferon-gamma receptor signalling pathway is critical for the adhesion and cytotoxicity of CAR T cells in solid tumours, highlighting the importance of enhancing binding interactions between T cells and tumour cells for improved responses in solid tumours.

NATURE (2022)

Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Spatiotemporal multiplexed immunofluorescence imaging of living cells and tissues with bioorthogonal cycling of fluorescent probes

Jina Ko et al.

Summary: SAFE is a method for comprehensive longitudinal imaging of living cells using immunofluorescence, allowing multiparameter temporal and spatial imaging. It is non-toxic and functional in various living samples.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

TrackMate 7: integrating state-of-the-art segmentation algorithms into tracking pipelines

Dmitry Ershov et al.

Summary: TrackMate is an automated tracking software that is used for analyzing bioimages. The new version, TrackMate 7, addresses modern research challenges by integrating advanced segmentation algorithms into tracking pipelines. This new version demonstrates its effectiveness across a wide range of bio-imaging experiments, combining machine and deep learning-based image segmentation with accurate object tracking for improved 2D and 3D tracking in biological research.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Visual barcodes for clonal-multiplexing of live microscopy-based assays

Tom Kaufman et al.

Summary: In this study, the authors developed a fluorescence imaging-based visual barcode for livecell clonal-multiplexing, which allows the identification of signalling pathways clusters in response to different chemotherapy compounds. They also demonstrated the use of visual barcodes to generate 'Signalome' cell-lines, enabling the simultaneous monitoring of the activity in 12 branches of signaling at clonal resolution.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

A deep-learning approach for online cell identification and trace extraction in functional two-photon calcium imaging

Luca Sita et al.

Summary: This paper presents CITE-On, a convolutional neural network-based tool for processing two-photon calcium imaging data. CITE-On enables online automatic cell identification, segmentation, identity tracking, and trace extraction, which is significant for large field-of-view imaging.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

High resolution microfluidic assay and probabilistic modeling reveal cooperation between T cells in tumor killing

Gustave Ronteix et al.

Summary: The cytotoxic T cell responses to cancer vary greatly among individuals. By studying the stochastic modeling of high-throughput T cell behavior and matched tumor spheroid fate data generated by a microfluidics system, the authors show that tumor killing is dependent on T cell cooperativity, which may contribute to the heterogeneity of T cell responses.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

A multiplexed epitope barcoding strategy that enables dynamic cellular phenotypic screens

Takamasa Kudo et al.

Summary: By integrating live-cell imaging with pooled library-based screening, we developed a method that enables intracellular multiplexing and allows for long-term observation and analysis of phenotypes of interest, directly connecting behavior to the cellular genotype.


Review Genetics & Heredity

Unsupervised Multi-Omics Data Integration Methods: A Comprehensive Review

Nasim Vahabi et al.

Summary: Studying complex biological processes and disease mechanisms requires the integration of data from different Omics modalities and utilizing external knowledge from biological databases. This review provides an overview of multi-Omics data integration methods, with a focus on unsupervised learning tasks.


Article Engineering, Biomedical

Linking the genotypes and phenotypes of cancer cells in heterogenous populations via real-time optical tagging and image analysis

Li You et al.

Summary: By using a custom-built optical microscope with an ultrawide field of view, fast automated image analysis and a dye activatable by visible light, selective photolabelling of cells of interest in large heterogeneous cell populations based on specific functional cellular dynamics is made possible. This approach allows for the identification and understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying functional phenotypes.


Article Engineering, Biomedical

High-speed light-sheet microscopy for the in-situ acquisition of volumetric histological images of living tissue

Kripa B. Patel et al.

Summary: The study introduces the feasibility of using microscopes based on swept confocally aligned planar excitation technology for real-time volumetric histological imaging of intact living tissue. These microscopes enable rapid image acquisition without the need for tissue excision or staining, allowing for dynamic assessment of tissue perfusion and function, potentially facilitating point-of-care detection of cellular-level biomarkers.


Article Cell Biology

Density-Dependent Migration Characteristics of Cancer Cells Driven by Pseudopod Interaction

Gerhard A. Burger et al.

Summary: The ability of cancer cells to invade neighboring tissue from primary tumors is a crucial factor in determining metastatic behavior. This study investigates how local tumor cell density affects cell migration characteristics and cluster formation using a combined experimental and computational modeling approach. The results suggest that pseudopod dynamics and interaction may play a role in the aggressive nature of cancers by mediating dispersal.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Image-seq: spatially resolved single-cell sequencing guided by in situ and in vivo imaging

Christa Haase et al.

Summary: Image-seq is a technology that allows single-cell transcriptional data to be obtained from cells isolated from specific spatial locations under image guidance, preserving the spatial information of the cells. It can be used with in situ and in vivo imaging to document the temporal and dynamic history of the cells being analyzed. This technology combines spatial information with highly sensitive RNA sequencing, providing valuable insights into cellular organization and function.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Microfluidics guided by deep learning for cancer immunotherapy screening

Zheng Ao et al.

Summary: Researchers have developed an automated high-throughput microfluidic platform to track T cell infiltration and cytotoxicity and evaluate treatment efficacy. By screening a drug library, they identified an epigenetic drug that enhances tumor infiltration and treatment effectiveness.


Review Multidisciplinary Sciences

The future of engineered immune cell therapies

Darrell J. Irvine et al.

Summary: Immune cell therapy is a promising approach to treating diseases, especially cancer, by engineering immune cells to recognize and respond to specific conditions. This therapy has already been approved for clinical use and continues to be developed and tested in various applications.

SCIENCE (2022)

Article Biochemical Research Methods

OrganoID: A versatile deep learning platform for tracking and analysis of single-organoid dynamics

Jonathan M. Matthews et al.

Summary: Organoids are promising ex vivo disease models for drug discovery, but analyzing their morphology, number, and size is challenging. This study presents OrganoID, an image analysis platform that automatically recognizes, labels, and tracks single organoids pixel-by-pixel. OrganoID enables straightforward and accurate image analysis to accelerate the use of organoids in biomedical applications.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Live-seq enables temporal transcriptomic recording of single cells

Wanze Chen et al.

Summary: Live-seq is a novel single-cell transcriptomic profiling approach that preserves cell viability during RNA extraction, allowing for the correlation analysis between a cell's ground-state transcriptome and its downstream molecular or phenotypic behavior. It accurately stratifies diverse cell types and states without major cellular perturbations, and can be used to map a cell's trajectory and evaluate gene effects on cell phenotypes.

NATURE (2022)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Cell-matrix interface regulates dormancy in human colon cancer stem cells

Yuki Ohta et al.

Summary: This study develops an experimental platform for tracking cancer stem cells in colorectal cancer and identifies dormant LGR5(+) cancer stem cells. Transcriptome analysis reveals an upregulation of cell-adhesion molecule COL17A1 in dormant cancer stem cells, and chemotherapy disrupts this dormancy through FAK-YAP activation. Inhibition of YAP signaling prevents chemoresistant cells from exiting dormancy and delays tumor regrowth.

NATURE (2022)

Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Uncovering the mode of action of engineered T cells in patient cancer organoids

Johanna F. Dekkers et al.

Summary: This study utilizes a system called BEHAV3D to investigate the dynamic interactions between immune cells and patient cancer organoids. By live-tracking a large number of engineered T cells cultured with patient-derived solid-tumor organoids, a cluster of "super engager" T cells with potent serial killing capacity is identified. The study also examines cancer metabolome-sensing engineered T cells (TEGs) and identifies behavior-specific gene signatures in these cells. Additionally, it demonstrates the ability of type I interferon to prime resistant organoids for TEG-mediated killing.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Multimodal perception links cellular state to decision-making in single cells

Bernhard A. Kramer et al.

Summary: Individual cells can make decisions based on their internal state and surroundings, but it is still unclear how they can do this reliably. To investigate the information processing capacity of human cells, the researchers conducted a study on signaling responses and cellular state markers. The results showed that signaling nodes in the network displayed adaptive information processing, leading to heterogeneous growth factor responses and enabling cells to capture partially nonredundant information about their state. This demonstrates that individual cells have a large information processing capacity to accurately interpret growth factor concentration in the context of their cellular state and make decisions accordingly. The heterogeneity and complexity in signaling networks may have coevolved to facilitate specific and context-aware decision-making in multicellular settings.

SCIENCE (2022)

Article Biology

Microfluidic live tracking and transcriptomics of cancer-immune cell doublets link intercellular proximity and gene regulation

Bianca C. T. Flores et al.

Summary: In this study, we report a microfluidic system that combines the capture, co-incubation, time-lapse imaging, and gene expression profiling of doublets to measure the distances between cells and the associated transcriptional profiles due to cell-cell interactions. Our findings demonstrate the time-bound activities of regulatory modules and suggest the existence of transcriptional memory. This approach provides a proof of concept for studying live-cell interactions at doublet resolution.


Review Genetics & Heredity

Optogenetics for transcriptional programming and genetic engineering

Tien-Hung Lan et al.

Summary: Optogenetics merges genetics and biophotonics to control biological processes noninvasively with high spatiotemporal precision. Various non-opsin photosensory modules have been utilized to modulate gene transcription, DNA or RNA modifications, DNA recombination, and genome engineering, showing great potential in a wide range of applications.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

A quantitative analysis of various patterns applied in lattice light sheet microscopy

Yu Shi et al.

Summary: Light sheet microscopes reduce phototoxicity and background while improving imaging speed. The authors quantify the differences between Gaussian and lattice light sheets using simulations and experimental data, and introduce an approach to spectrally fuse sequential acquisitions of different lattice light sheet patterns.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

The drug-induced phenotypic landscape of colorectal cancer organoids

Johannes Betge et al.

Summary: Patient-derived organoids can be used to model human diseases and tumors, and understanding their morphology can provide insights into treatment response. This study uses high-throughput imaging analysis to quantify the phenotypes of colorectal cancer organoids after treatment with small molecules, and identifies the underlying biological mechanisms and drug interventions that can influence their morphology.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Ru(II) photocages enable precise control over enzyme activity with red light

Dmytro Havrylyuk et al.

Summary: This study describes the creation of light-triggered CYP1B1 inhibitors as prodrugs, which achieve a significant improvement in potency upon activation with low-energy light. These inhibitors show high selectivity in live cells and have potential for providing similar selectivity and control.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

In Vivo Click Chemistry Enables Multiplexed Intravital Microscopy

Jina Ko et al.

Summary: The ability to observe cells in live organisms is crucial for understanding their function in complex in vivo milieus. However, current methods have limited multiplexing capacity. In this study, a click chemistry-based strategy called scission-accelerated fluorophore exchange (SAFE) was developed for higher multiplexed in vivo imaging in mouse models. The method allows specific cell staining, complete un-staining, and non-toxic in vivo click chemistries at lower concentrations. It also enables cyclic imaging and has demonstrated potential utility in imaging immune cells with 12 colors.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

motilitAl: A machine learning framework for automatic prediction of human sperm motility

Sandra Ottl et al.

Summary: In this study, machine learning methods are used to automatically assess the quality of human semen samples from the Visem dataset in terms of sperm motility. Regression models are trained to predict the percentage of progressive, non-progressive, and immotile spermatozoa. By adopting unsupervised tracking and two different feature extraction methods, the best results are achieved.


Editorial Material Multidisciplinary Sciences


Sandeep Ravindran

NATURE (2022)

Article Biochemical Research Methods

Cell region fingerprints enable highly precise single-cell tracking and lineage reconstruction

Andreas P. Cuny et al.

Summary: TracX improves the accuracy of single-cell tracking using a fingerprinting approach to measure cell similarity across consecutive images. It is applicable across different cell types and image modalities, aiding in accurate cell observation and biological discovery in single-cell biology.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Event-triggered STED imaging

Jonatan Alvelid et al.

Summary: Event-triggered STED is an automated imaging method that rapidly initiates STED imaging after detecting cellular events, which can enhance live cell imaging capabilities and enable real-time biological observations and discoveries.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Event-driven acquisition for content-enriched microscopy

Dora Mahecic et al.

Summary: Event-driven acquisition is a method that uses neural network recognition of specific biological events to switch between slow and fast super-resolution imaging, improving the spatiotemporal resolution of capturing interesting events. It allows the microscope to respond specifically to complex biological events, acquiring data enriched in relevant content.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Wireless multi-lateral optofluidic microsystems for real-time programmable optogenetics and photopharmacology

Yixin Wu et al.

Summary: The authors present a wireless real-time programmable optofluidic platform for precise control of light and drug delivery in optogenetic and photopharmacology experiments. This platform expands the scope of wireless techniques to study neural processing in animal models.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Traject3d allows label-free identification of distinct co-occurring phenotypes within 3D culture by live imaging

Eva C. Freckmann et al.

Summary: Currently, there is a lack of tools to detect heterogeneity in 3D cultures. This study introduces Traject3d as a framework to identify and understand heterogeneous states in 3D culture and their impact on distinct phenotypes. The findings provide valuable insights into the temporal landscape of morphological states and drug combinations that inhibit heterogeneity.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Multiscale light-sheet organoid imaging framework

Gustavo de Medeiros et al.

Summary: This study presents an experimental and image processing framework to convert long-term light-sheet imaging of intestinal organoids into digital organoids, allowing for the visualization and understanding of multivariate and multiscale data. The researchers also identified cytokinesis failure of regenerative cells and discovered that these cells never reside in the intestinal crypt, suggesting tissue scale control on cellular fidelity.


Article Cell & Tissue Engineering

Rapid tissue prototyping with micro-organospheres br

Zhaohui Wang et al.

Summary: Micro-organospheres (MOSs) formed using emulsion microfluidics are promising miniature three-dimensional tissue models that can be rapidly established and retain key biological features and responses to therapy. They have various applications and can be used for assessment of nutrient dependence, anti-viral drug screening, and therapeutic profiling.


Article Biology

Self-supervised machine learning for live cell imagery segmentation

Michael C. Robitaille et al.

Summary: This paper introduces a self-supervised learning approach that uses cellular motion between consecutive images to self-train a machine learning classifier for cell segmentation. The method does not require adjustable parameters or curated imagery, and can self-train on end-user data, eliminating end-user variability and bias.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Microscopy-based single-cell proteomic profiling reveals heterogeneity in DNA damage response dynamics

Pin-Rui Su et al.

Summary: Single-cell proteomics has the potential to decode tumor heterogeneity, but current methods lack the ability to link individual cell proteomes with phenotypes of interest. Therefore, we developed a microscopy-based technology called FUNpro that allows real-time screening, identification, and isolation of specific single cells, even if the phenotypes are dynamic or the cells of interest are rare. We applied FUNpro to analyze a small subpopulation of U2OS osteosarcoma cells with abnormal, prolonged DNA damage response after ionizing radiation (IR) and identified the PDS5A protein as a contributor to the abnormal DDR dynamics and cell survival after IR.


Proceedings Paper Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence

Spiking Transformers for Event-based Single Object Tracking

Jiqing Zhang et al.

Summary: Event-based cameras have the unique ability to track objects in challenging real-world conditions due to their high temporal resolution and dynamic range. In this study, a spiking transformer network (STNet) is proposed for single object tracking, which dynamically extracts and fuses temporal and spatial information. The experimental results demonstrate that STNet outperforms existing methods in tracking accuracy and speed.


Article Medicine, Research & Experimental

Multidimensional single-cell analysis identifies a role for CD2-CD58 interactions in clinical antitumor T cell responses

Gabrielle Romain et al.

Summary: We used high-throughput single-cell technologies to analyze CD19-specific CAR T cells and discovered that directional migration and multifunctionality are correlated. We found that CD2 on T cells is associated with directional migration and that the interaction between CD2 and CD58 on lymphoma cells accelerates killing. Increased CD58 expression on pretreatment tumor samples in patients with relapsed or refractory large B cell lymphomas treated with CD19-specific CAR T cell therapy was associated with complete clinical response and survival. These findings highlight the importance of studying dynamic T cell-tumor cell interactions in identifying optimal antitumor responses.


Article Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence

Learning biophysical determinants of cell fate with deep neural networks

Christopher J. Soelistyo et al.

Summary: Researchers have developed a machine learning approach that can learn the mechanisms behind cell fate and competition from large microscopy datasets. They have created a model that predicts cell fate and discovered that cell density is the most important factor in determining cell fate. Additionally, they have developed a discriminator network that can identify abnormal behavior, paving the way for mechanism-aware drug screening.


Article Medicine, Research & Experimental

Evaluation of cancer immunotherapy using mini-tumor chips

Zheng Ao et al.

Summary: In this study, a microfluidics-based mini-tumor chip approach was developed to predict tumor responses to cancer immunotherapy. By generating mini-tumors on-chip and incorporating time-lapse live-cell imaging, the dynamic immune-tumor interactions and their responses to immunotherapy could be investigated within 36 hours.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Deciphering cell signaling networks with massively multiplexed biosensor barcoding

Jr-Ming Yang et al.

Summary: Researchers have developed a set of barcoding proteins capable of generating over 100 barcodes, overcoming the limited multiplexing capacity of genetically encoded fluorescent biosensors in live cells. Simultaneous tracking of multiple biosensors reveals highly coordinated activities and complex interactions within the signaling network.
Editorial Material Biochemical Research Methods

Method of the Year: spatially resolved transcriptomics

Vivien Marx

Summary: Nature Methods has named spatially resolved transcriptomics as Method of the Year 2020.


Article Cell Biology

Deep neural networks identify signaling mechanisms of ErbB-family drug resistance from a continuous cell morphology space

James Longden et al.

Summary: This study utilized deep neural networks to analyze the relationship between drug resistance in cancer cells and cell morphology, revealing that complex cell morphologies can encode states of signaling networks and unravel cellular mechanisms hidden to conventional approaches. By analyzing over 500 billion data points, a continuous 27-dimension space describing cell morphologies was identified, enabling accurate prediction of drug resistance and mechanisms with a validation in lung and head/neck cancer models.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

DeepImageJ: A user-friendly environment to run deep learning models in ImageJ

Estibaliz Gomez-de-Mariscal et al.

Summary: DeepImageJ is a user-friendly solution that allows trained deep learning models to be run in ImageJ for biomedical image analysis. It provides guiding tools for reliable analyses and opens up access to a repository of pre-trained models. Additionally, it enables nonexperts to easily perform various image processing tasks in life science research using deep learning-based tools.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Intratumoral heterogeneity in cancer progression and response to immunotherapy

Ilio Vitale et al.

Summary: Tumors evolve under various pressures and exhibit considerable heterogeneity in genetic, phenotypic, and behavioral aspects. This intratumoral heterogeneity influences disease progression and treatment sensitivity, necessitating consideration of multiple levels of heterogeneity in future therapeutic approaches.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Mitochondrial translation is required for sustained killing by cytotoxic T cells

Miriam Lisci et al.

Summary: This study revealed that CTLs require mitochondria for target cell-killing, and this requirement is linked to mitochondrial translation. Inhibition of mitochondrial translation impairs CTL killing by triggering attenuated cytosolic translation, leading to a reduced capacity for sustained killing. Mitochondria emerge as a previously unappreciated homeostatic regulator of protein translation required for serial CTL killing.

SCIENCE (2021)

Article Biochemical Research Methods

DeepMIB: User-friendly and open-source software for training of deep learning network for biological image segmentation

Ilya Belevich et al.

Summary: DeepMIB is a software package for training convolutional neural networks for segmentation of multidimensional microscopy datasets. It is capable of handling 2D and 3D datasets with isotropic and anisotropic voxels, and is distributed as open-source Matlab code and standalone application for different operating systems. It is a user-friendly tool that does not require programming knowledge, suitable for users interested in applying deep learning to image segmentation workflows.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Morphodynamics facilitate cancer cells to navigate 3D extracellular matrix

Christopher Z. Eddy et al.

Summary: The study investigates the morphodynamics of MDA-MB-231 cells in a 3D environment, showing that cell shape is influenced by ECM mechanics and Rho/ROCK signaling. Cell shape can be classified into four distinct morphological phenotypes, each corresponding to a different migration mode. This research demonstrates the complex interplay between ECM properties, cell signaling, and cell motility in 3D cancer cell dynamics.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Unsupervised discovery of dynamic cell phenotypic states from transmitted light movies

Phuc Nguyen et al.

Summary: UPSIDE is a machine learning approach for discovering cell types and states from time-resolved live cell imaging data, capable of distinguishing different blood cell types and identifying clinical disease-related cell states. By utilizing deep learning technology, this method provides a unbiased tool for analyzing cell types and state transitions in biology and medicine.


Review Cell & Tissue Engineering

The frontier of live tissue imaging across space and time

Qiang Huang et al.

Summary: Imaging techniques are crucial for visualizing tissue development, homeostasis, and regeneration driven by stem cells. Recent advancements in molecular and tissue modeling technologies have led to new imaging modalities to explore tissue heterogeneity and plasticity. Current state-of-the-art imaging modalities and emerging tissue modeling tools can improve resolution, specificity, and throughput.


Article Oncology

CAR T-cell Entry into Tumor Islets Is a Two-Step Process Dependent on IFNγ and ICAM-1

Chahrazade Kantari-Mimoun et al.

Summary: The study found that CD20 CAR-T cells rapidly formed effective conjugates with target cells, while EGFR CAR-T cells need to migrate to the center of tumor cell regions after initial activation at the periphery of tumor islets. Activated CAR-T cells induce upregulation of ICAM-1 on malignant tumor cells via an IFN gamma-dependent pathway.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Functional heterogeneity of cytotoxic T cells and tumor resistance to cytotoxic hits limit anti-tumor activity in vivo

Roxana Khazen et al.

Summary: The majority of CTL interactions with tumor cells either in vitro or in vivo result in sublethal hits, which are associated with reversible calcium elevation and membrane damage in the target cells. In the therapeutic context of anti-CD19 CAR T cells, most interactions with tumor cells do not lead to lethal hit delivery. Differences in CTL lytic potential and tumor cell resistance to cytotoxic hits are two important barriers for effective anti-tumor responses in vivo.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Deep Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks for Cell Motility Discrimination and Prediction

Jacob C. Kimmel et al.

Summary: The research explores the use of neural network models to analyze and predict cell motility behaviors, providing accurate classification of various cell types' movements through learning spatial and temporal dependencies. Additionally, unsupervised learning can automatically extract cell motility features, enhancing the performance of cell motility prediction, showing potential practical value in future cell tracking applications.


Article Oncology

Imaging-Based Machine Learning Analysis of Patient-Derived Tumor Organoid Drug Response

Erin R. Spiller et al.

Summary: Three-quarters of compounds fail to make it to market in clinical trials, highlighting the need for better screening methods. Patient-derived organoids are seen as a promising 3D preclinical model system with challenges in assessing drug efficacy.


Article Cell Biology

Quantifying single-cell ERK dynamics in colorectal cancer organoids reveals EGFR as an amplifier of oncogenic MAPK pathway signalling

Bas Ponsioen et al.

Summary: The study illustrates how EGFR activity enhances signal transduction efficiency in KRAS or BRAF mutant MAPK pathways, revealing a potential mechanism for using EGFR inhibitors in colorectal cancer with KRAS and BRAF mutations.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Democratising deep learning for microscopy with ZeroCostDL4Mic

Lucas von Chamier et al.

Summary: ZeroCostDL4Mic is an entry-level platform that simplifies access to deep learning by leveraging the free, cloud-based computational resources of Google Colab. Researchers can train and apply key deep learning networks for various microscopy tasks without coding expertise. The platform provides quantitative tools for model evaluation and optimization.


Article Biology

3DeeCellTracker, a deep learning-based pipeline for segmenting and tracking cells in 3D time lapse images

Chentao Wen et al.

Summary: 3DeeCellTracker is a deep learning-based software pipeline that successfully segments and tracks cells in various dynamic environments, providing a new possibility for revealing cell activities in image datasets that have been difficult to analyze.
Article Oncology

Designed improvement to T-cell immunotherapy by multidimensional single cell profiling

Irfan N. Bandey et al.

Summary: This study identified molecular mechanisms, such as inducible CD137, that can enhance the killing function of T cells through single-cell analysis. Genetically modifying CAR T cells to co-express CD137L led to significant improvement in anti-tumor efficacy and reduced exhaustion.


Article Immunology

A cross-talk between CAR T cell subsets and the tumor microenvironment is essential for sustained cytotoxic activity

Morgane Boulch et al.

Summary: Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy relies on interactions with the tumor microenvironment (TME) for optimal activity, with IFN-gamma playing a crucial role in enhancing host immune response and sustaining CAR T cell cytotoxicity. CAR T cell-derived IFN-gamma facilitates host interleukin-12 production to support host immune and CAR T cell responses, highlighting the importance of cytokine-mediated cross-talk for effective CAR T cell therapy.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Spatially organized multicellular immune hubs in human colorectal cancer

Karin Pelka et al.

Summary: By analyzing the transcriptional profiles of cells in tumors, differences in immune responses between mismatch repair-deficient (MMRd) and mismatch repair-proficient (MMRp) tumors were identified, as well as the logic behind the interaction of malignant and immune cells discovered within tumors.
Article Immunology

Single-cell imaging of T cell immunotherapy

Chuan Yan et al.

Summary: This study utilized optically clear immunocompromised zebrafish models engrafted with fluorescent-labeled human cancers and various T cell immunotherapies to visualize T cell immune responses at single-cell resolution in real time. Differences in kinetics of T cell infiltration, tumor cell engagement, and killing were identified among the immunotherapies, leading to early endpoint analysis for predicting therapy responses. EGFR-targeted immunotherapies were established as a powerful approach to eradicate rhabdomyosarcoma muscle cancers, suggesting the potential of assessing a broader range of T cell immunotherapies in this disease.


Article Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence

Recursive Deep Prior Video: A super resolution algorithm for time-lapse microscopy of organ-on-chip experiments

Pasquale Cascarano et al.

Summary: A new deep learning-based algorithm is proposed for TLM Video Super Resolution without requiring any training, showing outstanding performances on synthetic and real videos related to tumor-immune interaction. The method introduces new approaches for initializing network weights and penalizing the DIP loss function.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Revealing the spatio-phenotypic patterning of cells in healthy and tumor tissues with mLSR-3D and STAPL-3D

Ravian L. van Ineveld et al.

Summary: The study introduces an imaging software for large-scale microscopy data, enabling parallelized, deep learning-based segmentation of single cells in tissues to reveal molecular, spatial, and morphological features. The research found that Wilms tumor exhibits a highly disorganized spatial pattern, with cellular profiles resembling human fetal kidney cells, and also identified previously unreported tumor-specific populations.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Single-cell analysis of regions of interest (SCARI) using a photosensitive tag

Anne M. van der Leun et al.

Summary: The study introduces a photocage-based technology that allows isolation and in-depth analysis of live cells from complex ex vivo systems, including primary human tissues. By using nanobodies and a highly sensitive 4-nitrophenyl(benzofuran) cage, high-resolution photo-uncaging of different cell types in areas of interest is achieved.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

An ex vivo tumor fragment platform to dissect response to PD-1 blockade in cancer

Paula Voabil et al.

Summary: A study using patient-derived tumor fragments as an ex vivo platform showed that the reactivation of tumor-infiltrating immune cells after PD-1 blockade could predict clinical outcomes. Tumor-resident T cells were identified as crucial in the immunological response, and a subgroup of tumors was found to be unresponsive to PD-1 blockade. Additionally, the presence of tertiary lymphoid structures in baseline tumors correlated with the capacity for intratumoral immune cell reactivation.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Automated segmentation and tracking of mitochondria in live-cell time-lapse images

Austin E. Y. T. Lefebvre et al.

Summary: Mitometer is an algorithm for fast, unbiased, and automated segmentation and tracking of mitochondria in live-cell time-lapse images, which can identify mitochondrial motion and morphology, including fusion and fission events. Using Mitometer, it was found that mitochondria in triple-negative breast cancer cells are faster, more directional, and more elongated than those in receptor-positive counterparts. Furthermore, mitochondrial motility and morphology in breast cancer, but not in normal breast epithelia, correlate with metabolic activity.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

LIVECell-A large-scale dataset for label-free live cell segmentation

Christoffer Edlund et al.

Summary: The LIVECell dataset consists of annotated phase-contrast images of over 1.6 million cells, aiming to improve the training of image segmentation models through deep learning. Its creation and utilization help explore biological phenomena and conduct high-throughput quantitative imaging studies.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Live cell tagging tracking and isolation for spatial transcriptomics using photoactivatable cell dyes

Alex S. Genshaft et al.

Summary: The authors introduce the development and application of SPACECAT technology for labeling, tracking, and isolating cells to study their spatiotemporal activities, achieving high precision marking and temporal stability of cells. By showcasing various experimental examples, the authors demonstrate the application of SPACECAT in different cell and tissue types, and provide a computational framework for identifying transcriptome patterns and enriched phenotypes.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Multiplexed live-cell profiling with Raman probes

Chen Chen et al.

Summary: The research team developed a multi-parameter measurement system that can simultaneously quantify cell surface proteins, endocytosis activities, and metabolic dynamics of single live cells. This technique allows for analysis of 14 parameters under drug perturbations, enabling powerful clustering, correlation, and network analysis.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Cytotoxic T cells are able to efficiently eliminate cancer cells by additive cytotoxicity

Bettina Weigelin et al.

Summary: The study demonstrates that sublethal interactions from multiple CTL can accumulate over time and achieve tumor cell killing by additive cytotoxicity. Statistical modeling reveals that delivering three serial hits within decay intervals below 50 minutes can distinguish between tumor cell death or survival after recovery.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Interpretable deep learning uncovers cellular properties in label-free live cell images that are predictive of highly metastatic melanoma

Assaf Zaritsky et al.

Summary: The study utilized a generative neural network and supervised machine learning to classify the metastatic efficiency of melanoma cells, revealing characteristic features of metastatic cells and validating these findings with live cell observations. It demonstrates how artificial intelligence can aid in identifying cell properties predictive of complex phenotypes and integrated cell functions that may be subtle and difficult for human experts to identify in raw imagery.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Spectroscopic label-free microscopy of changes in live cell chromatin and biochemical composition in transplantable organoids

Giuseppe Pettinato et al.

Summary: A new approach using microfabricated cell-repellent microwell arrays for rapid organoid formation from hiPSCs and endothelial cells was introduced, allowing real-time monitoring of differentiation processes with Raman spectroscopy and confocal light scattering spectroscopic microscopy. This approach significantly shortened the time required for protocol fine-tuning, and successfully cultured homogeneous liver organoids with main functional features of the human liver for potential liver therapy in humans.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Super-multiplex imaging of cellular dynamics and heterogeneity by integrated stimulated Raman and fluorescence microscopy

Jingwen Shou et al.

Summary: Observing multiple molecular species simultaneously with high spatiotemporal resolution is crucial for comprehensive understanding of biological systems. The super-multiplex optical imaging technique breaks the color barrier of fluorescence, achieving multiplexing number over six in living systems. Integrated stimulated Raman and fluorescence microscopy enables super-multiplex imaging with high speed and temporal resolution of seconds, providing a powerful tool to elucidate spatiotemporal organization and interactions in biological systems.


Article Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence

Physics-based machine learning for subcellular segmentation in living cells

Arif Ahmed Sekh et al.

Summary: To solve the problem of segmenting very small subcellular structures, the study uses a physics-based simulation approach to train neural networks and introduces a simulation-supervision method supported by physics-based GT. This approach addresses the issue of lacking ground truth data and improves the accuracy and speed of subcellular segmentation.


Article Medicine, Research & Experimental

Active surveillance characterizes human intratumoral T cell exhaustion

Ran You et al.

Summary: Intratumoral T cells in an exhausted state exhibit variable mobility within human tumors, with speed inversely correlated with local tumor density and differing by region and patient. This study reveals dynamic states of T cells in individual human tumors and suggests an active program in exhausted T cells beyond mere incapacitation.


Article Medicine, Research & Experimental

Intravital molecular imaging reveals the restrained capacity of CTLs in the killing of tumor cells in the liver

Lei Liu et al.

Summary: The study found that the killing efficiency of CTLs in the liver is restrained compared to the spleen, and this limitation can be reversed by blocking immunosuppressive cytokines. Tumor cells exposed to CTLs in the liver showed prolonged calcium influx before caspase-3 activity.


Article Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications

Automated Deep Lineage Tree Analysis Using a Bayesian Single Cell Tracking Approach

Kristina Ulicna et al.

Summary: By combining deep learning and Bayesian methods, we developed a novel cell tracking approach that accurately reconstructs cellular lineage information from time-lapse microscopy data. Our method allows for the extraction of thousands of fully annotated single-cell trajectories and multi-generational lineage trees with minimal manual curation, providing high-fidelity results.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy: fundamentals and advances in instrumentation, analysis, and applications

Rupsa Datta et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

ZipSeq: barcoding for real-time mapping of single cell transcriptomes

Kenneth H. Hu et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Phenotypic landscape of intestinal organoid regeneration

Ilya Lukonin et al.

NATURE (2020)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Integrating single-cell RNA-seq and imaging with SCOPE-seq2

Zhouzerui Liu et al.


Article Mathematical & Computational Biology

Estimation of clinical trial success rates and related parameters

Chi Heem Wong et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

CAR T cell trogocytosis and cooperative killing regulate tumour antigen escape

Mohamad Hamieh et al.

NATURE (2019)

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Visualizing Engrafted Human Cancer and Therapy Responses in Immunodeficient Zebrafish

Chuan Yan et al.

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

3D model for CAR-mediated cytotoxicity using patient-derived colorectal cancer organoids

Theresa E. Schnalzger et al.


Article Optics

Wavelength-encoded laser particles for massively multiplexed cell tagging

Nicola Martino et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Robust and automated detection of subcellular morphological motifs in 3D microscopy images

Meghan K. Driscoll et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

ilastik: interactive machine learning for (bio) image analysis

Stuart Berg et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Real-time volumetric microscopy of in vivo dynamics and large-scale samples with SCAPE 2.0

Venkatakaushik Voleti et al.


Article Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence

Segmenting and tracking cell instances with cosine embeddings and recurrent hourglass networks

Christian Payer et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Long-term in vivo microscopy of CAR T cell dynamics during eradication of CNS lymphoma in mice

Matthias Mulazzani et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

eDetect: A Fast Error Detection and Correction Tool for Live Cell Imaging Data Analysis

Hongqing Han et al.


Review Oncology

Tumour heterogeneity and resistance to cancer therapies

Ibiayi Dagogo-Jack et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

In Silico Labeling: Predicting Fluorescent Labels in Unlabeled Images

Eric M. Christiansen et al.

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

A Living Biobank of Breast Cancer Organoids Captures Disease Heterogeneity

Norman Sachs et al.

Article Biochemical Research Methods

Imaging organoids: a bright future ahead

Anne C. Rios et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Impact of a five-dimensional framework on R&D productivity at AstraZeneca

Paul Morgan et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Chimeric antigen receptor T cells form nonclassical and potent immune synapses driving rapid cytotoxicity

A. J. Davenport et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Patient-derived organoids model treatment response of metastatic gastrointestinal cancers

Georgios Vlachogiannis et al.

SCIENCE (2018)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Composite regulation of ERK activity dynamics underlying tumour-specific traits in the intestine

Yu Muta et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

A Cancer Cell Program Promotes T Cell Exclusion and Resistance to Checkpoint Blockade

Livnat Jerby-Arnon et al.

Review Oncology

Organoids in cancer research

Jarno Drost et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

SCOPE-Seq: a scalable technology for linking live cell imaging and single-cell RNA sequencing

Jinzhou Yuan et al.


Review Medicine, Research & Experimental

Genetically engineered mouse models in oncology research and cancer medicine

Kelly Kersten et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Super-multiplex vibrational imaging

Lu Wei et al.

NATURE (2017)

Article Biochemical Research Methods

Prospective identification of hematopoietic lineage choice by deep learning

Felix Buggenthin et al.


Article Cell Biology

In vivo imaging reveals a tumor-associated macrophage-mediated resistance pathway in anti-PD-1 therapy

Sean P. Arlauckas et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Mitochondrial Dynamics Controls T Cell Fate through Metabolic Programming

Michael D. Buck et al.

Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Modeling Development and Disease with Organoids

Hans Clevers

Article Medicine, Research & Experimental

CD19 CAR-T cells of defined CD4+: CD8+ composition in adult B cell ALL patients

Cameron J. Turtle et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Cell Painting, a high-content image-based assay for morphological profiling using multiplexed fluorescent dyes

Mark-Anthony Bray et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Dissecting the multicellular ecosystem of metastatic melanoma by single-cell RNA-seq

Itay Tirosh et al.

SCIENCE (2016)

Article Oncology

CAR-T Cells Inflict Sequential Killing of Multiple Tumor Target Cells

Alexander J. Davenport et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Single-cell RNA-seq highlights intratumoral heterogeneity in primary glioblastoma

Anoop P. Patel et al.

SCIENCE (2014)

Article Medicine, Research & Experimental

Matrix architecture defines the preferential localization and migration of T cells into the stroma of human lung tumors

Helene Salmon et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Tracking intracellular protein movements using photoswitchable fluorescent proteins PS-CFP2 and Dendra2

Dmitriy M. Chudakov et al.


Article Anatomy & Morphology

MRT letter: High speed scanning has the potential to increase fluorescence yield and to reduce photobleaching

Rolf T. Borlinghaus


Review Multidisciplinary Sciences

Light microscopy techniques for live cell Imaging

DJ Stephens et al.

SCIENCE (2003)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

An optical marker based on the UV-induced green-to-red photoconversion of a fluorescent protein

R Ando et al.