4.5 Review

Rheumatoid arthritis prevention in arthralgia: fantasy or reality?


卷 -, 期 -, 页码 -


DOI: 10.1038/s41584-023-01035




The concept of a 'window of opportunity' in treating diseases, specifically rheumatoid arthritis, suggests that there is a specific time period where treatment can effectively modify the course of the disease. This review summarizes the results of trials that have been conducted to test the effectiveness of treating individuals with symptomatic pre-arthritis phase, with the goal of preventing the development of rheumatoid arthritis or reducing disease burden. However, further research and tools are needed to identify individuals at highest risk and monitor treatment progression.
The concept of a 'window of opportunity' in treating a disease assumes the existence of a time frame during which the trajectory of the disease can be effectively and permanently modified. In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), optimal timing of this period is presumed to be during the phase before arthritis is clinically apparent and disease is diagnosed. Several proof-of-concept trials of treatment during the 'arthralgia' phase of RA have been completed in the past 4 years, with the underlying notion that temporary treatment at this stage could prevent the development of RA or induce a sustained reduction in the burden of disease. This Review summarizes the results of these trials and reflects on the outcomes in relation to the patients' perspectives. Overall, the majority of symptomatic at-risk individuals could benefit from a fixed period treatment, even if RA does not develop. Various factors must be taken into consideration when translating these findings into clinical practice. More evidence is needed to target the individuals at highest risk, and additional tools are needed to monitor treatment and guide decisions about whether treatment can be discontinued. Without these tools, there is a paradoxical risk of seemingly increasing the incidence of the disease and prolonging disease duration, which is the opposite of what the concept of intervening in the window of opportunity entails. Treatment of patients with arthralgia during the 'window of opportunity' could prevent disease development or a severe disease course. This Review summarizes available information on the completed and ongoing prevention trials in rheumatoid arthritis, including patient preferences and future considerations. The therapeutic 'window of opportunity' in rheumatoid arthritis presumes that disease processes are less matured and more modifiable in the symptomatic pre-arthritis phase, fuelling the design of 'prevention trials'.Although the populations studied in these trials varied slightly, the at-risk individuals included those with a combination of symptoms (clinically suspect arthralgia), autoantibodies and subclinical inflammation on imaging.The first 'proof-of-concept' prevention trials suggest that disease modification could be possible with temporary treatment initiated in an at-risk pre-arthritis phase.Nonetheless, treatment in a symptomatic at-risk phase without clinical arthritis is not yet recommended by any treatment guideline.Before findings can be implemented, validated tools are needed for risk stratification to guide treatment-start decisions and for monitoring (a 'disease activity score for clinically suspect arthralgia') to guide treatment-withdrawal decisions.








