4.6 Article

LogRF: An Approach to Human Pose Estimation Using Skeleton Landmarks for Physiotherapy Fitness Exercise Correction


Article Genetics & Heredity

Predicting Genetic Disorder and Types of Disorder Using Chain Classifier Approach

Ali Raza et al.

Summary: This study focuses on predicting genetic disorders using artificial intelligence-based methods. It proposes a novel feature engineering approach and classifier chain approach, and evaluates the performance using multiple evaluation metrics. Results show that extreme gradient boosting (XGB) outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in terms of both performance and computational complexity.
Article Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence

Physiotherapy-based human activity recognition using deep learning

Disha Deotale et al.

Summary: This study focuses on physiotherapy video dataset and proposes a deep learning-based neural network framework to address the issues in continuous human activity recognition.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Predicting microbe organisms using data of living micro forms of life and hybrid microbes classifier

Ali Raza et al.

Summary: Microbe organisms make up a significant portion of the earth's living matter, and they also inhabit the human body. These microbes pose health threats and can lead to various diseases in humans. This study aims to predict microbe organisms in the human body through an automated approach. A novel hybrid microbes classifier (HMC) based on decision tree and extra tree classifiers using voting criteria is proposed. The HMC approach achieves high accuracy, geometric mean score, precision score, and Cohen Kappa score, outperforming existing models. The research helps microbiologists accurately identify microbe organisms and prevent diseases through early detection.

PLOS ONE (2023)

Article Engineering, Multidisciplinary

A Novel Methodology for Human Kinematics Motion Detection Based on Smartphones Sensor Data Using Artificial Intelligence

Ali Raza et al.

Summary: Kinematic motion detection aims to identify a person's actions based on activity data. This research has important applications in health care, such as health monitoring, preventing obesity, virtual reality, and assisting workers and the elderly. The study utilizes smartphone sensor data and explores valuable patterns and insights. The proposed ensemble learning-based ERD method outperforms other studies with high accuracy.


Article Computer Science, Information Systems

Ancilia: Scalable Intelligent Video Surveillance for the Artificial Intelligence of Things

Armin Danesh Pazho et al.

IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2023)

Article Computer Science, Information Systems

Novel Class Probability Features for Optimizing Network Attack Detection With Machine Learning

Ali Raza et al.

Summary: Network attacks exploit computer network vulnerabilities, causing security threats and financial losses. Organizations can use machine learning techniques to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of detecting network attacks.


Article Computer Science, Information Systems

Preventing Crimes Through Gunshots Recognition Using Novel Feature Engineering and Meta-Learning Approach

Ali Raza et al.

Summary: Gunshot sounds are common in crimes and can cause fear and psychological trauma to victims. This study proposes an efficient approach for detecting gunshot sounds, which can provide key information for criminal investigations and help prevent crimes.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Qualitative research concerning physiotherapy approaches to encourage physical activity in older adults with dementia

Masami Yokogawa et al.

Summary: This study explores how physiotherapists engage with older adults with dementia to encourage exercise and participation in physical activity. The findings reveal that physiotherapists engage with dementia patients by making structured preparations, linking exercise therapy to daily life, discovering changes, assessing cognitive function, and accommodating individual differences. These findings can help physiotherapists encourage dementia patients to participate in physical therapy and benefit from exercise.

PLOS ONE (2023)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

A Novel Vision-Based Fall Detection Scheme Using Keypoints of Human Skeleton with Long Short-Term Memory Network

Anitha Rani Inturi et al.

Summary: Human activity recognition is important for various applications, and now it can also be used for fall detection systems for assisting older people. Our paper presents a vision-based solution for fall detection, analyzing human joint points and using neural networks.


Article Chemistry, Analytical

Human Activity Recognition via Hybrid Deep Learning Based Model

Imran Ullah Khan et al.

Summary: In recent years, Human Activity Recognition (HAR) has become an important research topic in the domains of health and human-machine interaction. Existing AI-based models for activity recognition show poor performance on long-term HAR due to their inability to extract spatial and temporal features. Additionally, there is a limited availability of publicly accessible datasets for physical activities recognition. To address these challenges, a hybrid model incorporating Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is developed, achieving an accuracy of 90.89% on a new challenging dataset containing 12 different classes of human physical activities. This demonstrates the suitability of the proposed model for HAR applications.

SENSORS (2022)

Article Environmental Sciences

Combining logistic regression-based hybrid optimized machine learning algorithms with sensitivity analysis to achieve robust landslide susceptibility mapping

Saeed Alqadhi et al.

Summary: The study constructed four optimized ensemble machine learning algorithms for landslide susceptibility mapping, with the PSO-ANN model identified as the best model and the LR model-based hybrid ensemble machine learning model performing better than the PSO-ANN model. Various resources were declared as landslide risk zones, and elevation, soil-texture, slope, rainfall, and road distance were considered the most sensitive parameters for landslide occurrences.


Article Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence

Comparative Analysis of OpenPose, PoseNet, and MoveNet Models for Pose Estimation in Mobile Devices

BeomJun Jo et al.

Summary: Pose estimation is a significant strategy that has been actively researched in various fields. This paper compares and analyzes four popular pose estimation models using pre-classified images.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Ensemble learning-based feature engineering to analyze maternal health during pregnancy and health risk prediction

Ali Raza et al.

Summary: Maternal health is crucial for women during pregnancy and the postpartum period. This study aims to develop an artificial neural network-based system for predicting maternal health risks using health data records. The proposed deep neural network architecture, DT-BiLTCN, achieves high accuracy results with the support vector machine on a dataset of 1218 samples. The analysis identifies blood pressure, heart rate, and age as the strongest indicators of maternal health risks during pregnancy.

PLOS ONE (2022)

Article Biophysics

Validity of an artificial intelligence, human pose estimation model for measuring single-leg squat kinematics

Lucas D. Haberkamp et al.

Summary: This study investigated the validity of 2D pose estimation models for evaluating kinematics in adolescent athletes. The results showed significant differences between 2D pose estimation and 3D motion analysis in sagittal and frontal plane angles during single-leg squats, but moderate to strong correlations were observed between the two techniques in most cases.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

A Novel Approach to Classify Telescopic Sensors Data Using Bidirectional-Gated Recurrent Neural Networks

Ali Raza et al.

Summary: Asteroseismology uses solar-type oscillations to study the physical structure of stars, and a recent study applies deep learning to classify RGB and HeB. The formation of HeB is found to be related to the values of features Numax and Epsilon, based on the analysis of frequency separation and oscillation power frequency.


Article Health Care Sciences & Services

An Analysis of Body Language of Patients Using Artificial Intelligence

Rawad Abdulghafor et al.

Summary: In recent decades, epidemic and pandemic illnesses have become increasingly common. Smart technology is widely used in medical applications, and the automated detection of symptoms through studying body language has become a significant research area. However, there is still a lack of comprehensive studies on this topic. This literature review examines past papers that utilized AI for body language classification and provides an overview of different methods proposed and their significance.


Article Computer Science, Information Systems

A Survey on Intelligent Gesture Recognition Techniques

Juan Jesus Ojeda-Castelo et al.

Summary: Gesture recognition is an ideal means of interaction that allows users to avoid contact with surfaces, making it safe and hygienic. Despite being researched for many years, it has not replaced keyboards and mice. Deep learning has made significant advancements in gesture recognition, offering the potential for it to become a viable option for daily user interaction.


Article Computer Science, Information Systems

A Feasible Fall Evaluation System via Artificial Intelligence Gesture Detection of Gait and Balance for Sub-Healthy Community- Dwelling Older Adults in Taiwan

Kai-Chih Lin et al.

Summary: This study aims to propose an artificial intelligence Internet of Things program for fall prevention and improve mobility in older adults by implementing the Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia criteria, which showed promising results in increasing gait speed and reducing fall risk after 3 months of field practice.


Article Construction & Building Technology

Full body pose estimation of construction equipment using computer vision and deep learning techniques

Han Luo et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Posture Recognition Using Ensemble Deep Models under Various Home Environments

Yeong-Hyeon Byeon et al.


Proceedings Paper Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence

Shape-Aware Human Pose and Shape Reconstruction Using Multi-View Images

Junbang Liang et al.


Article Computer Science, Information Systems

Physiological Function Assessment Based on Kinect V2

Wenming Cao et al.


Article Automation & Control Systems

Body Joint Guided 3-D Deep Convolutional Descriptors for Action Recognition

Congqi Cao et al.