4.7 Article

New infrastructure-lead development and green-technologies: Evidence from the Pearl River Delta, China


Review Construction & Building Technology

Towards the effect of climate change in structural loads of urban infrastructure: A review

Varun Mishra et al.

Summary: Climate change is a pressing problem with unequivocal effects in today's world. Modern urban infrastructure is severely impacted by changing climate, leading to increasing structural failures. This article reviews the research findings aimed at building climate-resilient civil infrastructure, including design and service phase, durability of structural components and materials, and adaptation and mitigation practices. The study analyzes the effects of climate change on various structural loads in urban infrastructures worldwide, providing valuable information to improve design and maintenance practices for climate-resilient urban infrastructure.


Article Construction & Building Technology

Adapting HLA-based co-simulation for interdependent infrastructure resilience management

Yifan Yang et al.

Summary: As infrastructure systems face increased threats from natural or man-made hazards, there is a need for improved resilience in these interdependent systems. Existing methods and tools for assessing resilience are flawed in their characterization of different operating regimes and reliance on worst-case scenarios. This paper proposes an overarching co-simulation framework based on High Level Architecture (HLA) to address these gaps and enhance interdependent infrastructure resilience management. The framework leverages HLA-based service adaptation, simulators, and interface design to enable dynamic resilience assessment and joint decision making among stakeholders.


Article Economics

Policy incentives, government subsidies, and technological innovation in new energy vehicle enterprises: Evidence from China

Zhangsheng Jiang et al.

Summary: China's New Energy Vehicle Pilot City policy has significant implications for promoting innovation in the NEV industry, but the role of individual enterprises as innovation agents has been overlooked. This study analyzes balanced panel data from 2006 to 2020 covering 196 listed Chinese NEV enterprises and finds that the policy successfully expands government subsidies and increases technological innovation quantity, but does not improve innovation efficiency. These findings have important implications for policy formulation and improvement in the NEV industry.


Article Engineering, Industrial

Technological innovation-enabling industry 4.0 paradigm: A systematic literature review

Lorella Cannavacciuolo et al.


Article Construction & Building Technology

Does innovative city construction improve urban carbon unlocking efficiency? Evidence from China

Feifei Zhao et al.

Summary: As the carrier of innovative development, the construction of innovative cities provides new impetus and direction for China's pollution reduction and carbon reduction efforts. Exploring the carbon unlocking effect of the National Innovative City Pilot Policy (NICPP) would help accelerate the process of urban carbon neutralization and provide decision support for solving the dilemma of urban economic development and environmental protection.


Article Construction & Building Technology

Urban green innovation?s spatial association networks in China and their mechanisms

Shumin Dong et al.

Summary: Green innovation is a crucial concept for achieving sustainable development by conserving resources and improving the environment. Investigating the spatial association networks of urban green innovation (UGI) and their mechanisms is important for expanding research and developing urban policies. Using green patents as indicators of UGI, this study examined the overall networks, individual networks, and blocks of UGI through social network analysis. The results revealed significant overall network features of China's UGI, but the spatial association between individual cities needs improvement. The UGI networks in Chinese cities displayed a significant core-periphery structure, and it is necessary to strengthen the association between blocks.


Article Environmental Sciences

The rise of China's new energy vehicle lithium-ion battery industry: The coevolution of battery technological innovation systems and policies

Huiwen Gong et al.

Summary: In recent years, the application of the technological innovation systems (TIS) framework has expanded to include the study of the coevolution between TIS dynamics and policymaking. This paper develops an analytical framework to highlight the reciprocal relationship between TIS functionality and policy adjustments. Through a case study of China's new energy vehicle battery (NEVB) industry, it is observed that there is a strong and complex coevolutionary relationship between the focal TIS and relevant policies. However, further research is needed to understand how TIS development affects policymaking processes.


Article Management

Green Technologies and diversity in the knowledge search and output Evidence from Patents

Fabrizio Fusillo

Summary: The aim of this study is to examine the technological diversity in the knowledge search and output stages of the green inventive process. Using a large sample of European patent data from 1980 to 2013, the study compares the diversity of green inventions with non-green inventions through propensity score matching. The results show that green technologies have higher diversity in knowledge sources and effective recombination of knowledge. The study also finds that the diversity premium is higher in the knowledge output phase than in the knowledge search phase. The findings suggest that considering technological diversity in different stages of the invention process can help improve the organization of innovative activities and policy design to support green technological development and sustainable transition.


Article Economics

Green technology innovation and CO2 emission in China: Evidence from a spatial-temporal analysis and a nonlinear spatial durbin model

Huanyu Chen et al.

Summary: This paper uses panel data from 30 provinces in China from 2007 to 2019 to investigate the impact of green technology innovation on carbon intensity. The study examines the dynamic evolution and spatial pattern of green technology innovation and carbon intensity at the provincial level in China. The results show a significant inverted-U relationship between green technological innovation and carbon intensity, indicating that green technology innovation initially promotes carbon emissions but becomes inhibitory when reaching a certain level. Additionally, there is an inverted-U nonlinear impact of green technological innovation on carbon emissions in adjacent regions.


Article Business, Finance

New infrastructure, optimization of resource allocation and upgrading of industrial structure

Min Gong et al.

Summary: Based on Chinese inter-provincial panel data from 2003-2017, and using the instrumental variables analysis, this paper finds that (1) new infrastructure contributes to the upgrading of the industrial structure. (2) This contribution is achieved mainly through three channels of resource allocation optimization, namely promoting technological innovation, accumulating human capital, and guiding capital flows. (3) In regions with larger financial structures and higher levels of traditional infrastructure, the effect of new infrastructure on industrial structure upgrading is more obvious.


Article Social Issues

Digital innovation's contribution to sustainability transitions

Tuukka Makitie et al.

Summary: Digital innovation is seen as a potential contributor to sustainability transitions, but little theoretical discussion has taken place. In this conceptual paper, the authors draw on literature to critically explore the role of digital innovation. They propose that digital innovation can positively impact sustainability through different types of coupling with sustainable innovation, such as incremental and radical twin innovations.


Article Social Issues

The role of technology adoption in sustainable development: Overview, opportunities, challenges, and future research agendas

Mostafa Al-Emran et al.

Summary: Digital technologies and innovative solutions are crucial for sustainable development, but their adoption can have both positive and negative impacts. This study aims to identify and analyze the opportunities and challenges of technology adoption in sustainable development. Various research agendas have been proposed based on the pillars of sustainability, and the insights from this study contribute to the existing literature and have practical implications for stakeholders.


Article Social Issues

Twin transitions & industry 4.0: Unpacking the relationship between digital and green factors to determine green competitive advantage

Shafique Ur Rehman et al.

Summary: The topic of twin transition is significant and receiving increasing attention from researchers, managers, and policy makers. This study examines whether pursuing twin transition can improve a company's green-based competitive advantage. The findings show that IoT, green HRM, and investment in environmental management strategies are directly and indirectly linked to a company's green competitive advantage. The study also suggests that technological innovation and green work climate perception play important roles in enhancing green competitive advantage, and that management seeking to improve green competitive advantage can adopt twin transition. This study contributes to the literature on twin transition by incorporating various factors and theories to measure green competitive advantage.


Article Geography

ICTs capability and strategic emerging technologies: Evidence from Pearl River Delta

Kangmin Wu et al.

Summary: The integration of disruptive innovation with industrial development is crucial in driving global economic and societal reform. Through a case study in the Pearl River Delta in China, this research explores the relationship between ICTs capability and the regional production of strategic emerging technologies (SETs). It is found that ICTs capability plays a critical role in promoting the acquisition of emerging technologies, and effective management of these technologies is vital for firms and nations to enhance competitiveness.


Article Business

How do complementary technological linkages affect carbon emissions efficiency?

Mo Xu et al.

Summary: Complementary technological linkages provide access to external technology at lower cost, playing an important role in improving carbon emissions efficiency. This study examines this issue in the Chinese industrial sector and finds an inverted U-shaped impact of complementary technological linkages on industrial carbon emissions efficiency. The results also show a positive effect of the interactive term of regional technological capabilities and complementary technological linkages. The findings can guide regional policymakers in choosing innovative strategies for green transition.


Article Business

Does China's low-carbon city pilot policy promote green development? Evidence from the digital industry

Zeyu Wang et al.

Summary: The low-carbon city pilot policy in China is a crucial strategy in combating climate change and achieving comprehensive green transformation. This study evaluates the impact of the policy on digital economy growth, finding that it encourages growth and promotes green development. The results are supported by multiple tests and indicate that the policy has a more profound influence on digital economy growth in coastal, non-resource-based, and large-scale cities.


Article Geography

Geographies of infrastructure III: Infrastructure with Chinese characteristics

Kathryn Furlong

Summary: China has been focusing on domestic and global infrastructure expansion for 25 years. This progress report explores the implications of China's infrastructure initiatives on critical infrastructure studies, suggesting a reengagement with the state, a complex approach to infrastructure as part of long-term state projects, and a concern with infrastructures in wider processes of making things 'flow'.


Article Economics

The knowledge mobility of Renewable Energy Technology

P. G. J. Persoon et al.

Summary: The development of different renewable energy technologies is influenced by the analyticity and cumulativeness of their knowledge base. Technologies with high analyticity and low cumulativeness tend to have more widespread development. The study found that certain renewable energy technologies, such as photovoltaics, fuel cells, and energy storage, have a highly analytic knowledge base and develop more widespread, while others like wind turbines, solar thermal, geothermal, and hydro energy have a less analytic knowledge base and develop less widespread.


Article Economics

Do Capabilities Reside in Firms or in Regions? Analysis of Related Diversification in Chinese Knowledge Production

Yiou Zhang et al.

Summary: Research shows that the knowledge structure of firms is more important than the knowledge structure of cities in shaping technological diversification within establishments. The rate of technological diversification varies according to plant status, location, and the complexity of knowledge introduced.


Article Engineering, Industrial

Enabling technologies mitigating climate change: The role of dominant designs in environmental innovation ecosystems

Petra A. Nylund et al.

Summary: This paper explores the emergence patterns of environmental technologies as enabling technologies in innovation ecosystems based on analysis of patent citation data. Complex and complementary technologies have a greater impact on subsequent innovation, while collaborative generated dominant designs rarely become enabling technologies. The findings provide guidance for governmental bodies and investors to direct funding towards innovations with lasting impact on global warming.


Article Thermodynamics

Does digitization improve green total factor energy efficiency? Evidence from Chinese 213 cities

Da Gao et al.

Summary: The Digital China strategy is transforming China's economic development model towards high-quality economic growth. This study examines the impact of urban information and communication technology (ICT) development on green total factor energy efficiency (GTFEE). The findings show that ICT development has a positive influence on GTFEE, with its effects moderated by technological innovation and industrial structure. The study also reveals that the impact of ICT development on GTFEE varies based on resource mismatch levels and regional development disparities.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Geography, Physical

The driving effect of informal economies on urbanization in China

Gengzhi Huang et al.

Summary: This paper examines the rise of informal economies in China and their impact on urbanization. The study finds that the informal economy in China is significant in size and has a driving effect on urbanization. It also reveals regional differences in the influence of the informal economy on urbanization and identifies four paths through which it drives urbanization. This study highlights the role of the informal economy as a hidden economic power in cities.


Article Construction & Building Technology

Spatial division of labor, specialization of green technology innovation process and urban coordinated green development: Evidence from China

Bin Liao et al.

Summary: This paper constructs a theoretical framework for urban green coordinated development based on China's reform experience and space science, and empirically tests the impact of specialization in urban green technology innovation on urban green development.


Article Management

The ability of European regions to diversify in renewable energies: The role of technological relatedness

Rosina Moreno et al.

Summary: Despite the global consensus on the importance of renewable energy, the regional drivers of innovation in this field have been neglected in previous research. This study shows that renewable energy inventions differ from other green inventions in terms of knowledge recombination processes and their impact on subsequent inventions. The findings suggest that relatedness plays a crucial role in explaining regional specialization in renewable energy, more so than for other green technologies.


Article Urban Studies

Spatio-temporal variations of traffic congestion under work from home (WFH) arrangements: Lessons learned from COVID-19

Becky P. Y. Loo et al.

Summary: This study reveals that working from home arrangement during the COVID-19 pandemic has alleviated peak-hour congestion in Hong Kong. Significant improvements in congestion were observed not only in the central business district and urban cores but also in some new town areas. This has important implications for urban planners in creating sustainable cities that address the commuting needs of residents.

CITIES (2022)

Article Geography

A century of integrated research on the human-environment system in Chinese human geography

Jie Fan

Summary: Research on the integration of the human-environment system is an important and distinct aspect of Chinese human geography. The development of this discipline aligns with the principles advocated by Future Earth and has had significant societal impacts. The adherence of Chinese human geography to the integration of human and environment systems is influenced by various factors.


Article Business

Boundary spanning R&D collaboration: Key enabling technologies and missions as alleviators of proximity effects?

Matthijs J. Janssen et al.

Summary: This study assesses the extent to which pre-commercial R&D collaborations span geographic and cognitive boundaries, and finds that key enabling technology (KET) projects are less dependent on cognitive proximity, while health and care missions and energy transition and sustainability missions foster collaboration between cognitively proximate firms.


Article Environmental Studies

The proximity and dynamics of intercity technology transfers in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area: Evidence from patent transfer networks

Haitao Ma et al.

Summary: This study modeled intercity technology transfer networks in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area based on patent transfer data, and examined the impact and interaction of different forms of proximities on technology transfer. The results indicate that certain types of proximities can promote technology transfer, while others do not have significant impacts. Geographical proximity can indirectly affect technology transfer through other dimensions of proximity.


Article Geography, Physical

The pattern, evolution, and mechanism of venture capital flows in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, China

Wu Kangmin et al.

Summary: This study examines the spatial distribution, industry differentiation, and cross-scale network characteristics of venture capital flows in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). The findings show that venture capital institutions and startups in the GBA are highly concentrated, with Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong forming the core of the urban network structure. Different types of venture capital have significantly different urban network structures, with manufacturing, the Internet industry, the financial sector, the cultural media industry, and the medical and health industry being the top five industries with the largest capital flow. The GBA serves as a capital hub in China and has formed a dense venture capital connection network with major cities nationwide. The network structure of venture capital in the GBA is influenced by proximity, institutional factors, urban economy, and path dependence.


Article Urban Studies

Future smart cities requirements, emerging technologies, applications, challenges, and future aspects

Abdul Rehman Javed et al.

Summary: Future smart cities are crucial for fulfilling increasing demands and better resource management through information and communication advancements. However, rapid population growth poses challenges in creating sustainable urban spaces. The rise of smart cities ensures citizen rights and well-being, along with evaluating urban planning from an environmental perspective. This paper surveys future technologies and requirements for smart cities, reviews existing application frameworks, discusses technological challenges, and identifies future dimensions for developing smart cities.

CITIES (2022)

Article Social Issues

The response of green energy and technology investment to climate policy uncertainty: An application of twin transitions strategy

Shaiara Husain et al.

Summary: This study investigates the responsiveness of green markets to climate policy uncertainty (CPU) and finds a positive relationship between green financial investment and CPU in the long term. It also reveals that green equity returns are more responsive to CPU during bearish market conditions and that CPU provides more opportunities in the green equity market than in the green bond market. The study further suggests that CPU is a better explanatory factor for green market responsiveness compared to other uncertainty indices.


Editorial Material Management

Digital technologies, innovation, and skills: Emerging trajectories and challenges

Tommaso Ciarli et al.

Summary: Understanding the coevolution between digital technologies, innovation, and skills is crucial for organizations to adapt and innovate in the evolving digital landscape. Future trajectories of digital technologies and their impact on productivity, employment, and inequality require a new set of stylized facts to better map and anticipate their development.


Article Economics

4.0 Technologies and the rise of new islands of innovation in European regions

Roberta Capello et al.

Summary: The Fourth Technological Revolution has brought about significant changes and restructuring in the markets for 4.0 technologies, leading to important spatial consequences. Through empirical analysis of a large-scale patent database covering the creation of all 4.0 technologies across European regions, the paper highlights how some regions have achieved 4.0 technological leadership without a strong pre-existing 3.0 technological base. These innovation hubs can serve as examples for areas lagging behind in terms of technology.


Editorial Material Economics

Regions beyond Industry 4.0

Lisa De Propris et al.

Summary: The papers in this special issue explore the opportunities and challenges that Industry 4.0 poses to regions and cities, focusing on regional economic potential, the implications of social and economic shocks on labor markets, and the role of technology awareness and adoption in transforming regions and places.


Article Economics

Digital urban production: how does Industry 4.0 reconfigure productive value creation in urban contexts?

Hans-Christian Busch et al.

Summary: Enabled by Industry 4.0, new forms of productive value creation, such as Digital Urban Production (DUP), integrate production and design to develop complex production-related solutions. DUP firms in urban spaces benefit from proximity to customers, employees, and knowledge, which surpass the advantages of digital tools.


Article Social Issues

Will researching digital technology really empower green development?

Lei Wang et al.

Summary: Technology innovation in the information industry can increase carbon emissions intensity, but cross-industry technology spillovers have a persistent role in reducing domestic carbon emissions intensity, empowering domestic green development with digital technology. Increasing the proportion of non-fossil energy use and optimizing industrial structure are effective mechanisms for digital technology innovation to reduce carbon emissions.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Future city visions. The energy transition towards carbon-neutrality: lessons learned from the case of Roeselare, Belgium

Riccardo Maria Pulselli et al.

Summary: The paper discusses the significance and impact of the city decarbonisation roadshows conducted under the EU City-zen project. Through collaboration between experts and stakeholders, cities were assisted in identifying decarbonisation pathways, with a successful design process highlighted for potential replication in other cities.


Article Environmental Sciences

Impact of the Built Environment on the Spatial Heterogeneity of Regional Innovation Productivity: Evidence from the Pearl River Delta, China

Wu Kangmin et al.

Summary: This study examines the impact of the built environment on the spatial heterogeneity of regional innovation productivity (RIP) using China's Pearl River Delta as a case study. The results show that factors such as healthy environment, mixed land use, commuting convenience, and technology atmosphere have significant positive impacts on RIP, with technology atmosphere having the greatest impact intensity. As regional development discourse shifts towards the knowledge and innovation economy, policymakers will need to focus on innovation-oriented design and updating of built environments.


Editorial Material Environmental Sciences

On digitalization and sustainability transitions

Allan Dahl Andersen et al.


Article Management

Digital skills, relatedness and green diversification: A study of European regions

Artur Santoalha et al.

Summary: This study examines the impact of digital literacy on regional diversification into green technologies, finding that e-skills endowment can enhance regions' specialization in new technological domains and moderate the effect of relatedness on technological diversification. These results highlight the potential of digitalization in the transition towards a greener economy.


Article Environmental Sciences

The urbanisation-environment conflict: Insights from material stock and productivity of transport infrastructure in Hanoi, Vietnam

Alessio Miatto et al.

Summary: This study on the transport infrastructure development plan in Hanoi, Vietnam from 2010 to 2030 shows an increase in material demand and decrease in material stock productivity due to rapid urbanization. Policy recommendations to prioritize improving in-use stock productivity are suggested to ensure more efficient utilization of natural resources.


Article Economics

Going beyond Relatedness: Regional Diversification Trajectories and Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) in Italian Regions

Roberto Antonietti et al.

Summary: This study proposes a new approach to regional diversification, investigating regions' ability to follow different diversification trajectories. It finds that knowledge of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) plays a crucial role in enabling regions to engage in unrelated diversification trajectories.


Article Economics

Mapping the potentials of regions in Europe to contribute to new knowledge production in Industry 4.0 technologies

Pierre-Alexandre Balland et al.

Summary: The study identifies future Industry 4.0 technology (I4T) centers of knowledge production in Europe and finds that regions with high potential in I4T-related technologies are more likely to successfully diversify in new I4Ts. However, there are significant differences across regions, with some showing high potential while most show weak potential in I4T.


Article Economics

Strong Links and Weak Links: How Do Unrelated Industries Survive in an Unfriendly Environment?

Shengjun Zhu et al.

Summary: The emphasis on related diversification in evolutionary economic geography generally leads to greater territorial polarization, with more advanced regions performing better. However, there are cases where countries/regions may deviate and jump into new, unrelated industries which could generate growth and convergence. It is important to understand how unrelated industries can survive in unfriendly environments and the distinct preferences related and unrelated industries have in terms of network properties.


Article Environmental Studies

Proximity and the evolving knowledge polycentricity of megalopolitan science: Evidence from China's Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, 1990-2016

Haitao Ma et al.

Summary: This study focuses on measuring and explaining the evolving knowledge polycentricity of the science system of China's Greater Bay Area (GBA) megalopolis during the 1990-2016 period. The results show that the degree of knowledge polycentricity has generally been increasing at different geographical scales during the study period, though it becomes smaller at higher geographical scales. The increasing geographical, institutional, and social proximity between cities within and beyond the GBA megalopolis have contributed to the strengthening knowledge polycentricity of its science system at different geographical scales.


Article Geography

Geographies of infrastructure II: Concrete, cloud and layered (in)visibilities

Kathryn Furlong

Summary: This report focuses on the evolving infrastructures of our digital worlds, highlighting the importance of visibility and materiality in infrastructure studies.


Article Economics

The Internet of Things and economic growth in a panel of countries

Harald Edquist et al.

Summary: This paper examines the potential impact of IoT on economic growth, finding a significant correlation between IoT connections and TFP growth. Longer run predictions suggest that IoT could contribute approximately 0.99% per annum to global growth, equivalent to around $849 billion of world GDP in 2018 prices.


Article Economics

The geography of Industry 4.0 technologies across European regions

Carlo Corradini et al.

Summary: This study investigates the spatial distribution of Industry 4.0 technologies in European regions using patent data, finding that robots and 3D printing are more influenced by cumulative technological capabilities and spatial proximity, while big data and the Internet of Things tend to be more spatially distributed.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

China's bold climate pledge earns praise—but is it feasible?

Dennis Normile

SCIENCE (2020)

Review Environmental Sciences

Plastic pollution solutions: emerging technologies to prevent and collect marine plastic pollution

Emma Schmaltz et al.


Article Business

Three characteristics of technology competition by IoT-driven digitization

Sang-Jin Ahn


Article Economics

The role of e-skills in technological diversification in European regions

Fulvio Castellacci et al.


Article Geography

Geographies of infrastructure 1: Economies

Kathryn Furlong


Article Geography, Physical

China's road towards sustainable development: Geography bridges science and solution

Hongyan Liu et al.


Article Engineering, Industrial

Resilience assessment for interdependent urban infrastructure systems using dynamic network flow models

Nils Goldbeck et al.


Review Construction & Building Technology

Urban resilience: A conceptual framework

Paulo Jorge Gomes Ribeiro et al.


Article Business

Digital academic entrepreneurship: The potential of digital technologies on academic entrepreneurship

Pierluigi Rippa et al.


Article Economics

Specialisation in key enabling technologies and regional growth in Europe

Rinaldo Evangelista et al.


Article Environmental Studies

Industry 4.0: national and regional comparative advantages in key enabling technologies

Andrea Ciffolilli et al.


Review Construction & Building Technology

Smart sustainable cities of the future: An extensive interdisciplinary literature review

Simon Elias Bibri et al.


Article Urban Studies

Path Dependence in Financing Urban Infrastructure Development in China: 1949-2016

Changjie Zhan et al.


Article Business

Digital Entrepreneurship: Toward a Digital Technology Perspective of Entrepreneurship

Satish Nambisan


Article Environmental Sciences

Branching innovation, recombinant innovation, and endogenous technological transitions

Koen Frenken et al.


Article Computer Science, Information Systems

Geographical Detectors-Based Health Risk Assessment and its Application in the Neural Tube Defects Study of the Heshun Region, China

Jin-Feng Wang et al.