4.8 Article

Self-Assembled Lithiophilic Interface with Abundant Nickel-Bis(Dithiolene) Sites Enabling Highly Durable and Dendrite-Free Lithium Metal Batteries


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Electrolyte engineering for highly inorganic solid electrolyte interphase in high-performance lithium metal batteries

Yan Zhao et al.

Summary: By using a specific electrolyte, high electron transfer efficiency can be achieved, improving the stability of the lithium metal surface and its operation at high voltages.
Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Covalent organic frameworks with Ni-Bis(dithiolene) and Co-porphyrin units as bifunctional catalysts for Li-O2 batteries

Si-Wen Ke et al.

Summary: In this study, bifunctional cathode catalysts for ORR/OER were constructed in a COF platform by incorporating Ni-bis(dithiolene) and Co-porphyrin units. The resulting bimetallic Ni/Co-COF exhibited high surface area, good electrical conductivity, and excellent chemical stability. Li-O2 batteries with the Ni/Co-COF-based cathode showed low discharge/charge potential gap and stable cycling, comparable to PtAu nanocrystals. DFT computations and control experiments revealed the critical role of Ni and Co sites in regulating the Li2O2 deposition.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Electrolyte design for Li-ion batteries under extreme operating conditions

Jijian Xu et al.

Summary: This study introduces an electrolyte design strategy based on soft solvents, which can meet various requirements of the widely used LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 (NMC811)||graphite lithium-ion batteries, such as high voltage, fast charging, wide temperature range for charging/discharging, and non-flammability. This design principle can also prevent lithium plating at low temperatures.

NATURE (2023)

Article Chemistry, Physical

Recent progress in constructing halogenated interfaces for highly stable lithium metal anodes

Yaoda Wang et al.

Summary: Lithium metal batteries (LMBs) have great potential for enhancing energy density, but the uncontrolled dendrite growth and formation of solid electrolyte interface (SEI) limit their practical applications. Constructing halogenated interfaces on Li metal anodes (LMAs) can solve these challenges by passivating active Li surfaces, regulating Li ion diffusion and migration, and improving interface mechanical stability. This review discusses the effects of various halogenated interfaces on LMAs and summarizes the strategies and protection mechanisms for constructing advanced halogenated interfaces.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Nonafluorobutane-1-Sulfonic Acid Induced Local High Concentration Additive Interface for Robust SEI Formation of High-Voltage (5 V-Class) Lithium Metal Batteries

Jinqiu Zhou et al.

Summary: In order to optimize the degradation issues in high-voltage lithium metal batteries, it is necessary to have robust solid-electrolyte interfaces (SEI) on both the anode and cathode surfaces. The introduction of a nonafluorobutane-1-sulfonic acid (NFSA) additive assists in the formation of a stable and robust SEI to protect both electrodes. By using NFSA, high concentrations of NFSALi and NFSA(-) can be achieved on the surface of the anode and cathode respectively, resulting in the formation of conformal and dense SEI passivation films, ensuring stable operation of the battery.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Highly Soluble Lithium Nitrate-Containing Additive for Carbonate-Based Electrolyte in Lithium Metal Batteries

Venkata A. K. Adiraju et al.

Summary: While the poor solubility of lithium nitrate (LiNO3) limits its use in conventional carbonate-based electrolytes, a new LiNO3-containing electrolyte additive called 1-trimethylsilyl imidazole lithium nitrate adduct (TMSILN) has been synthesized to improve its solubility. The presence of TMSILN in the electrolyte significantly enhances the electrochemical performance of Li/Li and NCM622/Li cells, resulting in a circular morphology of deposited lithium metal with a thin surface film containing lithium nitrate decomposition products. This improvement is attributed to the favorable features of the SEI and morphology of the deposited lithium with TMSILN additive.


Article Electrochemistry

Restructuring the lithium-ion battery: A perspective on electrode architectures

Samantha N. Lauro et al.

Summary: This article introduces the latest advances in electrode design for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), emphasizing the importance of synthetic platforms and future research directions. By tuning the composite structure of the electrodes, the energy density and fast-charging capability of the batteries can be improved. The integration of new electrode architectures with improved active materials holds promise for unlocking the next generation of LIBs.


Article Electrochemistry

Electrolyte solvation chemistry to construct an anion-tuned interphase for stable high-temperature lithium metal batteries

Jiahang Chen et al.

Summary: By rationally designing the electrolyte solvation chemistry of lithium metal batteries, a stable anode interface can be constructed, enhancing the efficiency and stability of lithium deposition and achieving high Coulombic efficiency and long lifespan.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Constructing a Stable Interface Layer by Tailoring Solvation Chemistry in Carbonate Electrolytes for High-Performance Lithium-Metal Batteries

Zhihong Piao et al.

Summary: By adding lithium nitrate additive and a small amount of tetramethylurea as a multifunctional cosolvent to a commercial carbonate electrolyte, it is possible to improve the performance and cycle life of lithium-metal batteries, providing a simple and effective way to extend the use of commercial carbonate electrolytes for next-generation battery systems.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Efficient diffusion of superdense lithium via atomic channels for dendrite-free lithium-metal batteries

Shiyuan Zhou et al.

Summary: A new strategy is proposed in this article to address dendrite growth issue in lithium metal batteries by promoting the diffusion of lithium in graphite material through the construction of atomic channels, achieving efficient energy storage.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Redox-Active Covalent Organic Frameworks with Nickel-Bis(dithiolene) Units as Guiding Layers for High-Performance Lithium Metal Batteries

Si-Wen Ke et al.

Summary: The combination of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and covalent organic frameworks (COFs) opens up new possibilities for designing advanced materials. In this study, two COFs based on Ni-bis(dithiolene) units and imine bonds were constructed, bridging the gap between traditional MOFs and COFs. These COFs showed high surface area, good conductivity, and high chemical stability, making them suitable for use as lithium metal anodes in high-energy-density battery systems.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Stable electrode-electrolyte interfaces constructed by fluorine- and nitrogen-donating ionic additives for high-performance lithium metal batteries

Saehun Kim et al.

Summary: The advancement of electrolyte systems has facilitated the development of high-performance Li metal batteries by creating robust electrode-electrolyte interfaces, which address the challenges of dendritic Li growth and irreversible Li plating/stripping. The application of specific electrode-electrolyte interface modifiers, LiNO3 and LiDFBP, have demonstrated improved cycle life and Coulombic efficiency for Li|NCM811 full cells.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Hybrid Electrolyte with Dual-Anion-Aggregated Solvation Sheath for Stabilizing High-Voltage Lithium-Metal Batteries

Xianshu Wang et al.

Summary: This study proposed a dual-salt electrolyte with LiPF6 and LiNO3 to stabilize high-voltage LMBs, improving Li plating/stripping kinetics with a unique Li+ solvation and forming a uniform solid electrolyte interface (SEI) layer. The electrolyte system enabled large Li deposits with high Coulombic efficiency and excellent lifespan in full batteries at 4.3 V.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

An Inorganic-Rich Solid Electrolyte Interphase for Advanced Lithium-Metal Batteries in Carbonate Electrolytes

Sufu Liu et al.

Summary: In this study, an inorganic-rich solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) was designed on the Li-metal surface in carbonate electrolytes to reduce the bonding energy with Li metal, enabling high Li plating/stripping efficiency and cycling performance. The weak bonding of the SEI to Li promotes Li diffusion and prevents Li dendrite penetration, resulting in a high Coulombic efficiency during cycling.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Electroless Formation of a Fluorinated Li/Na Hybrid Interphase for Robust Lithium Anodes

Yingli Wang et al.

Summary: The study demonstrates the construction of a fluorinated lithium/sodium hybrid interphase via an electroless electrolyte-soaking approach to stabilize lithium metal and enhance its performance. The hybrid SEI shows improved ionic conductivity and mechanical strength compared to traditional SEI, leading to extended cycling of metallic lithium and good capacity retention in full cells.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets Enabling Composite Polymer Electrolyte for All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries at Room Temperature

Shuixin Xia et al.

Summary: A novel solid electrolyte with enhanced lithium ion conductivity and stability at room temperature has been designed, providing a new solution for constructing high-safety and high-energy-density energy storage devices.


Review Chemistry, Physical

Stabilizing metal battery anodes through the design of solid electrolyte interphases

Qing Zhao et al.

Summary: The solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) is a chemically distinct material phase formed by a combination of electrochemical reduction and chemical reactions at both the explicit and implicit interfaces in all electrochemical cells. Understanding the structure, chemistry, and thermodynamics of the materials that accumulate in such interfacial material phases plays a crucial role in achieving high levels of anode reversibility in secondary batteries. Strategies focusing on the rational design of the SEI at metal anodes, including taking advantage of redox chemistry of electrolyte components and creating artificial SEI outside the cell, are highlighted in the study.
Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Template-Sacrificed Hot Fusion Construction and Nanoseed Modification of 3D Porous Copper Nanoscaffold Host for Stable-Cycling Lithium Metal Anodes

Huinan Lin et al.

Summary: A new method for constructing Au/Cu nanoscaffold as an effective Li metal hosting material to solve the dendrite growth and unstable interface issues during Li plating/stripping process is proposed in this work. The symmetric cells based on this nanoscaffold exhibit stable performance, demonstrating great potential for high-performance lithium metal batteries.


Review Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

High-voltage liquid electrolytes for Li batteries: progress and perspectives

Xiulin Fan et al.

Summary: The energy density of LIBs has been increased threefold since their introduction, but the capacity of transition metal oxide cathodes is approaching its limit due to stability limitations of electrolytes. To further enhance energy density, new high-capacity and high-voltage cathode materials need to be explored, and graphite anodes may need to be replaced. One of the main challenges for future development is the development of new electrolyte compositions that can accommodate high-voltage cathodes and anodes while ensuring the stability of the batteries.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

An artificial hybrid interphase for an ultrahigh-rate and practical lithium metal anode

Anjun Hu et al.

Summary: An artificial hybrid SEI layer composed of lithium-antimony alloy and lithium fluoride was constructed to reduce electron tunneling between the Li anode and SEI, resulting in uniform Li deposition and stable Li plating/stripping behaviors at an ultrahigh rate. This work uncovers the internal mechanism of Li+ transport within the SEI component, providing a pathway to stabilize the Li anode under practical high-rate conditions.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

C-F-rich oil drop as a non-expendable fluid interface modifier with low surface energy to stabilize a Li metal anode

Qifan Yang et al.

Summary: A strategy for modifying the lithium metal anode with a non-expendable fluid interface is proposed to protect the anode from side reactions with the electrolyte, thus enhancing the commercial potential of lithium metal batteries. This study provides a novel route to high-performance lithium metal batteries based on immiscible liquid interlayers.


Article Chemistry, Physical

An Anion-Tuned Solid Electrolyte Interphase with Fast Ion Transfer Kinetics for Stable Lithium Anodes

Zhenxing Wang et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

High-Safety and High-Energy-Density Lithium Metal Batteries in a Novel Ionic-Liquid Electrolyte

Hao Sun et al.


Review Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear

Metal dithiolene complexes in olefin addition and purification, small molecule adsorption, H2 evolution and CO2 reduction

Jayaraman Pitchaimani et al.


Review Chemistry, Physical

Interface Engineering for Lithium Metal Anodes in Liquid Electrolyte

Pengbo Zhai et al.


Review Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Regulating electrodeposition morphology of lithium: towards commercially relevant secondary Li metal batteries

Jingxu Zheng et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Liquid Polydimethylsiloxane Grafting to Enable Dendrite-Free Li Plating for Highly Reversible Li-Metal Batteries

Junwei Meng et al.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Lithium Bis(oxalate)borate Reinforces the Interphase on Li-Metal Anodes

Qiankui Zhang et al.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Accurate Determination of Coulombic Efficiency for Lithium Metal Anodes and Lithium Metal Batteries

Brian D. Adams et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Highly Stable Lithium Metal Batteries Enabled by Regulating the Solvation of Lithium Ions in Nonaqueous Electrolytes

Xue-Qiang Zhang et al.


Review Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Before Li Ion Batteries

Martin Winter et al.


Article Energy & Fuels

A facile surface chemistry route to a stabilized lithium metal anode

Xiao Liang et al.


Review Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Toward Safe Lithium Metal Anode in Rechargeable Batteries: A Review

Xin-Bing Cheng et al.


Review Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Lithium metal anodes for rechargeable batteries

Wu Xu et al.


Review Multidisciplinary Sciences

Issues and challenges facing rechargeable lithium batteries

JM Tarascon et al.

NATURE (2001)