4.5 Article

Molecular typing of a collection of Iranian clinical Trichophyton tonsurans isolates based on the non-transcribed spacer region of rDNA and antifungal susceptibility testing of the species


Article Mycology

Clonal Outbreak of Trichophyton tonsurans Causing Tinea Capitis Among a Wrestling Team in Beijing, China

Qiqi Wang et al.

Summary: An outbreak of tinea capitis caused by Trichophyton tonsurans was reported among five juvenile athletes in a wrestling team in Beijing, China. The fungal pathogens were identified as T. tonsurans by morphology and sequencing. Multilocus genotyping analysis revealed a single genotype among the five isolates. Antifungal susceptibility testing showed that these isolates were susceptible to common antifungal drugs for treating tinea capitis.


Article Mycology

Insights into Changing Dermatophyte Spectrum in India Through Analysis of Cumulative 161,245 Cases Between 1939 and 2021

Pawan Kumar et al.

Summary: Dermatophytosis, a common superficial skin infection, affects approximately one-fifth of the global population. India has reported a significant burden of terbinafine-resistant cases in recent years, with nearly 30% belonging to Trichophyton mentarophytes/Trichophyton interdigitale and Trichophyton rubrum. Despite regional variations in climatic conditions, dermatophytosis is prevalent throughout India. The study reveals a shift in the predominant dermatophyte species from T. rubrum to T. mentagrophytes/T. interdigitale complex since 2015, and suggests geographic specificity based on high relatedness among prevalent dermatophytes.


Article Microbiology

Phenotypic and Genotypic Identification of Dermatophytes from Mexico and Central American Countries

Angelica Perez-Rodriguez et al.

Summary: This study aimed to identify dermatophyte isolates through phenotypic and genotypic methods and determine their phylogenetic relationships. The isolates were classified into different genera based on their morphological characteristics, and genotypic analysis revealed the most frequent species. The study demonstrated the usefulness of genotypic markers for phylogenetic analysis of dermatophytes.


Article Infectious Diseases

Trichophyton tonsurans in Chile: Genotyping in search of an origin

Massimo Cogliati et al.

Summary: Trichophyton tonsurans is a globally distributed dermatophyte fungus, recently reported for the first time in Chile. The study found that the Chilean isolate presented a new genotype, closely related to isolates from Europe, USA, and Mexico.


Article Dermatology

Genotyping of Trichophyton tonsurans strains isolated between 2016 and 2020, and terbinafine susceptibility of the species in Japan

Taketoshi Futatsuya et al.

Summary: Trichophyton tonsurans is the most prevalent fungus causing dermatophytosis in contact sports players in Japan. Previous studies have identified eight genotypes of this fungus, but recent isolates have been predominantly of one genotype. Furthermore, the isolates remain susceptible to the antifungal drug terbinafine, suggesting its continued effectiveness in controlling the epidemic of this fungus.


Article Dermatology

Trichophyton tonsurans-an emerging pathogen in wrestling in Germany

Jasmin Schiessl et al.

Summary: Trichophyton tonsurans is the main causative agent of tinea gladiatorum in contact sports, leading to recurrent outbreaks. In a national wrestling squad, dermatophytoses were frequently found in children and adolescents, confirmed by mycological examination and PCR. Environmental investigations in the training center revealed T. tonsurans growth on mats and floors, along with susceptibility to terbinafine in in vitro testing.


Article Microbiology

Molecular Epidemiology and Antifungal Susceptibility of Trichophyton Isolates in Greece: Emergence of Terbinafine-Resistant Trichophyton mentagrophytes Type VIII Locally and Globally

Maria Siopi et al.

Summary: The study investigated the molecular epidemiology and in vitro antifungal susceptibility patterns of Greek Trichophyton isolates over the last 10 years using the new EUCAST reference method. It was found that a high incidence of terbinafine non-WT T. mentagrophytes isolates without cross-resistance to other antifungals was discovered for the first time in Greece. This highlights the need for susceptibility testing of dermatophytes at a local scale, especially in cases of non-responding dermatophytoses.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

MEGA11 Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis Version 11

Koichiro Tamura et al.

Summary: MEGA software, a mature tool for computational molecular evolution, has been enhanced with new additions for building timetrees of species, pathogens, and gene families using rapid relaxed-clock methods. These additions include methods for estimating divergence times, confidence intervals, and new options for tagging sequences with spatiotemporal sampling information. The enhancements aim to improve user experience, result quality, and the pace of biological discovery.


Article Ecology

POPART: full-feature software for haplotype network construction

Jessica W. Leigh et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Trichophyton tonsurans strains from Brazil: phenotypic heterogeneity, genetic homology, and detection of virulence genes

Jose Julio Costa Sidrim et al.


Review Infectious Diseases

Molecular epidemiology, phylogeny and evolution of dermatophytes

Claudia Cafarchia et al.


Article Mycology

Divergence Among an International Population of Trichophyton tonsurans Isolates

Susan M. Abdel-Rahman et al.


Article Mycology

Strain Differentiation of Dermatophytes

Susan M. Abdel-Rahman


Article Microbiology

Genetic heterogeneity in the rRNA gene locus of Trichophyton tonsurans

A Gaedigk et al.