4.7 Article

Moving towards sustainable environment development in emerging economies: The role of green finance, green tech-innovation, natural resource depletion, and forested area in assessing the load capacity factor


Article Environmental Sciences

The causal relationship between green finance and geopolitical risk: Implications for environmental management

Dongna Zhang et al.

Summary: This study explores the time-varying causal relationship between geopolitical risk and green finance from March 1, 2012, to February 16, 2022. The findings indicate that there is time heterogeneity in the causal relationship between geopolitical risk and green finance. Geopolitical risk has a more prolonged impact on the volatility of green bonds and renewable energy, while its influence on the return of clean energy is more persistent. Moreover, geopolitical risk has a sustained impact on the return and volatility of renewable energy, which has implications for effective environmental management.


Article Environmental Studies

Green innovation and environmental sustainability: Do clean energy investment and education matter?

Liang Li et al.

Summary: The study found that increased green innovation can lead to a long-term reduction in CO2 emissions in China, India, and Japan. However, increased clean energy investment and education also contribute to a decrease in CO2 emissions in Russia and Japan. Overall, green innovation, clean energy investment, and education improve environmental sustainability in the long run.


Article Environmental Sciences

Exploring the nexus between natural resource depletion, renewable energy use, and environmental degradation in sub-Saharan Africa

Mwoya Byaro et al.

Summary: This study examines the relationship between natural resource depletion, renewable energy use, and environmental degradation in sub-Saharan African countries. The findings indicate that natural resource depletion is positively associated with environmental degradation at higher quantiles, but negatively affects it at lower quantiles. Additionally, the study shows that renewable energy use reduces environmental degradation across different quantiles. Furthermore, industrialization, trade, and economic growth contribute to environmental degradation. The policy implication is to reduce poverty and promote renewable energy use to address natural resource depletion and environmental degradation in sub-Saharan Africa.


Article Forestry

Carbon dynamics in old-growth forests of the Central Hardwoods Region, USA

Jacob S. Fraser et al.

Summary: Managing old-growth forests and promoting old-growth complexity in aging forests for carbon emissions mitigation has become an important component of diversified land management strategies. Understanding carbon storage potential in old-growth forests across the Central Hardwoods Region (CHR) is crucial for evaluating climate-adaptive management strategies. The study found that old-growth forests on more productive sites in the eastern portion of the CHR stored more aboveground carbon than less productive sites to the west. Over a twenty-year period, old-growth forests in the region accumulated 7% more total aboveground carbon, with varying impacts on different carbon pools.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Environmental concerns in the United States: Can renewable energy, fossil fuel energy, and natural resources depletion help?

Sun Yi et al.

Summary: The United States, the second-largest polluter in the world, has set specific goals to reduce net CO2 emissions by 50 to 52 percent from 2005 levels by 2030. The study examines the relationship between renewable energy, fossil fuel energy, natural resources depletion, and globalization on CO2 emissions in the United States. The findings suggest that while renewable energy has a positive impact, the country still relies heavily on fossil fuels and faces challenges in reducing CO2 emissions.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Nexus between green finance, renewable energy, and carbon intensity in selected Asian countries

Gang Du

Summary: This study aims to estimate the impact of green finance and renewable energy on carbon intensity in 10 Asian economies. The results show that green finance has a negative significant impact on carbon intensity in both the short and long run, while the negative significant impact of renewable energy consumption is only in the long run. These results confirm that green finance and renewable energy consumption help reduce carbon intensity in Asian economies. The study also provides important policy suggestions for carbon neutrality targets.


Review Environmental Sciences

Conservation finance: What are we not doing? A review and research agenda

Simona Cosma et al.

Summary: Conservation finance refers to innovative financing mechanisms that aim to raise and manage capital for biodiversity conservation. This paper highlights the urgent need for financial support in the face of the climate emergency and sustainable development. However, the challenge lies in finding solutions that generate revenue for biodiversity while effectively managing existing funding for social and community benefits. The study reveals that conservation finance is mainly studied by scholars and journals in ecology, biology, and environmental sciences, while finance scholars pay little attention to the topic despite numerous opportunities for future research. The results are important for researchers in banking and finance, as well as policymakers and managers.


Article Environmental Studies

Non-linear impact of natural resources, green financing, and energy transition on sustainable environment: A way out for common prosperity in NORDIC countries

Bin Yang et al.

Summary: This study investigates the impact of natural resources, green finance, green energy, and economic growth on the ecological footprint in Nordic countries from 1990 to 2018. The results show that natural resources and economic growth have a significantly positive influence on the ecological footprint, while green finance and green energy have a significantly negative association. The findings suggest that green finance and green energy are the solutions, while natural resources and economic growth are the main drivers of environmental degradation.


Article Environmental Studies

The influence of economic complexity processes and renewable energy on CO2 emissions of BRICS. What about industry 4.0?

Daniel Balsalobre-Lorente et al.

Summary: This study examines the relationship between carbon dioxide emissions per capita, economic complexity index, renewable energy, and inward foreign direct investment in the BRICS countries from 1995 to 2020. The findings confirm the existence of the environmental Kuznets curve, indicating a positive but decreasing impact of economic development on environmental deterioration, with the potential for achieving CO2 emissions neutrality in the long term. Additionally, the study supports the Pollution Haven Hypothesis, suggesting that BRICS economies choose to prioritize economic growth over environmental protection. The results also indicate the potential of Industry 4.0 technologies in contributing to the neutrality of polluting emissions.


Article Environmental Sciences

Revisiting the environmental Kuznetz curve and pollution haven hypothesis in N-11 economies: Fresh evidence from panel quantile regression

Parisa Esmaeili et al.

Summary: Human activities in recent decades have had severe impacts on environmental quality, particularly through CO2 emissions. This study evaluates the effects of foreign direct investment, economic complexity, and renewable energy utilization on CO2 emissions in N-11 countries from 1995 to 2019 using Panel Quantile Regression. The interaction between economic complexity and foreign direct investment is also considered. The results confirm the validity of the Environmental Kuznetz Curve in these countries and highlight the importance of economic complexity, especially in the early stages of industrialization. Furthermore, foreign direct investment negatively affects environmental quality, and the Pollution Haven Hypothesis is not rejected. An interesting finding is that the interaction between economic complexity and foreign direct investment mitigates the trend of CO2 emissions. Finally, the study suggests stricter environmental regulations, development of green energy infrastructure and technologies, improvement in institutional quality, and support for knowledge-based and technology-intensive exports.


Article Economics

Green financing and resources utilization: A story of N-11 economies in the climate change era

Tianyu Li et al.

Summary: This research examines the impact of green finance and natural resource rents on environmental sustainability in the Next Eleven (N-11) countries. The findings indicate that green financing contributes to a significant reduction in carbon emissions, while natural resource rents have detrimental effects on environmental sustainability. Therefore, it is recommended to implement green strategies and policies to promote green financing investments and regulate natural resource extraction for achieving environmental sustainability.


Article Environmental Sciences

Environmental impact of globalization: The case of central and Eastern European emerging economies

Daniel Balsalobre-Lorente et al.

Summary: This study examines the validity of the Pollution Haven Hypothesis (PHH) and the relevance of globalization in Eastern European emerging countries, and aims to address the lack of consensus on the globalization-economic complexity-environment relation in European countries. It also explores the existence of an N-shaped Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) related to economic complexity, considering the impact of renewable energy on environmental degradation. The results show a non-linear relationship between economic complexity and carbon emissions, and confirm the presence of an N-shaped EKC. Globalization and renewable energy consumption have contrasting effects on emissions. Additionally, economic complexity moderates the carbon emissions-boosting effect of globalization. The findings provide insights for environmental development policies that promote economic complexity and renewable energy as key factors in mitigating carbon emissions.


Article Environmental Sciences

Can green finance, green technologies, and environmental policy stringency leverage sustainability in China: evidence from quantile-ARDL estimation

Sahar Afshan et al.

Summary: This study empirically evaluates the impact of green finance, eco-innovation, and environmental policy stringency on the ecological footprint in China from 2000 to 2017 using the novel quantile autoregressive distributed lag (QARDL) approach. The results show positive associations between eco-innovation, green finance, and environmental policy stringency with the ecological footprint of China, but the extent of the relationship varies across different quantiles. The findings are further validated through the Wald test, which confirms bi-directional causality among all variables at several quantiles. This study provides helpful suggestions for policymakers on enhancing the positive effects of environmentally supported innovation, green finance, and stringent environmental policies on the ecosystem.


Article Business, Finance

Does green finance really deliver what is expected? An empirical perspective

Muhammad Asif Khan et al.

Summary: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is playing a significant role in sustainable development and climate change through climate finance, which has shown positive impacts on reducing ecological footprints in Asian economies.


Article Environmental Sciences

Impact of financial inclusion and human capital on environmental quality: evidence from emerging economies

Qiang Du et al.

Summary: Emerging nations have experienced significant economic development, resulting in increased extraction and consumption of natural resources. This study examines the impact of financial inclusion and human capital on environmental quality in these nations. The findings suggest that financial inclusion positively affects environmental quality, while human capital contributes to environmental deterioration.


Article Environmental Sciences

Exploring the impact of tourism and energy consumption on the load capacity factor in Turkey: a novel dynamic ARDL approach

Ugur Korkut Pata et al.

Summary: In the past two decades, the tourism and energy sectors in Turkey have experienced rapid growth, boosting economic development while also causing environmental changes. Research indicates that tourism, income, and energy consumption have negative impacts on the load capacity factor of the environment, with economic growth being the most significant factor influencing environmental degradation in both the short and long term. The study supports the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis for Turkey, with implications for policy recommendations to improve environmental quality.


Article Environmental Sciences

Analyzing global inequality in access to energy: Developing policy framework by inequality decomposition

Avik Sinha et al.

Summary: This study examines the issue of energy poverty globally, analyzes the components of inequality, and proposes a policy framework to help countries achieve Sustainable Development Goals.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Asymmetric role of renewable energy, green innovation, and globalization in deriving environmental sustainability: Evidence from top-10 polluted countries

Yunpeng Sun et al.

Summary: This study examines the asymmetric impact of renewable energy consumption, green innovation, globalization, and economic growth on carbon emissions in the top 10 polluted countries. The findings show that globalization contributes to higher carbon emissions across all quantiles, while renewable energy consumption mitigates carbon emissions at extreme lower and extreme higher quantiles. Green innovations only reduce carbon emissions from medium to higher quantiles. Economic growth and population lead to higher emissions across all quantiles.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The environmental Kuznets curve, based on the economic complexity, and the pollution haven hypothesis in PIIGS countries

Daniel Balsalobre-Lorente et al.

Summary: This study investigates the dynamic association between economic complexity, foreign direct investment, renewable energy, urbanization process, and carbon emissions in PIIGS countries. The results show an inverted-U and further N-shaped relationship between economic complexity and CO2 emissions, confirming the presence of the environmental Kuznets curve hypotheses. The findings also support the pollution haven hypothesis and reveal the inhibiting effect of renewable energy on CO2 emissions. Urbanization process exerts significant pressure on environmental quality. Additionally, a bidirectional causal link is found between economic complexity and CO2 emissions.


Article Development Studies

Influence of growth and urbanization on CO2 emissions: The moderating effect of foreign direct investment on energy use in BRICS

Daniel Balsalobre-Lorente et al.

Summary: This study analyzes the relationship between foreign direct investment, economic growth, urbanization, energy use, and carbon emissions in BRICS countries between 1990 and 2014. The results confirm both the environmental Kuznets curve and pollution haven hypotheses, highlighting the moderating effects of foreign direct investment and energy usage on carbon emissions. The study suggests promoting renewable sources and boosting clean foreign industries in host countries.


Article Business, Finance

The role of green finance in reducing CO2 emissions: An empirical analysis

Muhammad Saeed Meo et al.

Summary: This study examines the relationship between green finance and carbon dioxide emissions. The findings indicate a negative impact of green finance on CO2 emissions, but this relationship varies across different quantiles.


Article Environmental Sciences

Role of financial development, environmental-related technologies, research and development, energy intensity, natural resource depletion, and temperature in sustainable environment in Canada

Muhammad Kamran Khan et al.

Summary: The study reveals that environmental-related technologies in Canada play a positive role in reducing environmental degradation, while financial development, energy intensity, renewable energy production, research and development, natural resource depletion, and temperature exacerbate environmental degradation. To achieve sustainable environmental development, Canada needs to strengthen innovation in environmental-related technologies.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

How to control air pollution with economic means? Exploration of China's green finance policy

Ailian Zhang et al.

Summary: Air pollution is both an environmental and economic problem, and green finance policy can help control it to a certain extent. However, the effectiveness of reducing different pollutants varies, with better results in economically underdeveloped regions.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

How environmental taxes and carbon emissions are related in the G7 economies?

Buhari Dogan et al.

Summary: The paper explores the impact of an environmental tax on carbon emissions for the G7 nations from 1994 to 2014, as well as the importance of factors such as energy use, economic complexity, natural resources rent, and economic growth in driving emissions. The study confirms the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis for the G7 countries and examines the marginal effects of an environmental tax on traditional energy consumption, natural resources rent, and renewable energy consumption. The findings suggest that environmental taxes effectively reduce emissions for the G7 countries, and the marginal effects of the tax vary with the level of taxation.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Role of Environmental Degradation, Institutional Quality, and Government Health Expenditures for Human Health: Evidence From Emerging Seven Countries

Jiping Wei et al.

Summary: This study investigates the impact of various economic, non-economic, governance, and environmental indicators on human health in seven emerging economies. The results show that economic growth, government health expenditure, and human capital significantly reduce human health disasters, while greenhouse gas emissions and regulatory quality are positively correlated with human health issues.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Structural emissions reduction of China's power and heating industry under the goal of double carbon: A perspective from input-output analysis

Tangyang Jiang et al.

Summary: Since 2020, emissions reduction has been a key focus for the Chinese government. The power and heating sector in China accounts for about 50% of total energy utilization. This study examines the structural emission reduction of China's power and heating industry from 2007 to 2015 using various analytical methods. The findings show that factors such as energy intensity, input, and energy composition play a critical role in reducing CO 2 e emissions. The ultimate demand is identified as the core driving factor for CO 2 e growth in the power and heating sector. Low-carbon power has a reduction effect, while high-carbon energy sources do not show significant emissions reduction.


Article Environmental Studies

Financialization, natural resources rents and environmental sustainability dynamics in Saudi Arabia under high and low regimes

Abdulaziz Abdulmohsen Alfalih et al.

Summary: This study explores the roles of financialization and natural resources endowments in achieving a sustainable environment, finding that financialization promotes environmental sustainability in high sustainability regime but not its dynamics. Natural resources rents are beneficial for environmental sustainability in low and high sustainability regimes, but do not preserve its dynamics. Biomass energy consumption has negative effects on ecological gap and its dynamics under high sustainability regime, while economic growth has varying impacts on environmental sustainability in different regimes.


Article Environmental Studies

Nexus between natural resources, financial development, green innovation and environmental sustainability in China: Fresh insight from novel quantile ARDL

Fu Chen et al.

Summary: This study investigates the influence of natural resource rent, financial development, green technology innovation, and economic growth on environmental sustainability in China from 1990 to 2020. The empirical findings suggest that natural resource rent, financial development, and economic growth have a positive impact on carbon emissions at both high and low emission quantiles. However, green technology innovation significantly reduces emissions across all quantiles. The study concludes that there are varying effects of these factors on different emission levels.


Article Business

The impact of green technological innovation and institutional quality on CO2 emissions in African countries

Emma Serwaa Obobisa et al.

Summary: The study reveals that green technological innovation and renewable energy consumption have a significant negative impact on CO2 emissions in African countries, while institutional quality, economic growth, and fossil fuel energy consumption have a positive impact on CO2 emissions.


Article Development Studies

Nexus between green technology innovation, green financing, and CO2 emissions in the G7 countries: The moderating role of social globalisation

Arshian Sharif et al.

Summary: This study examines the importance of green technology innovation and green financing in achieving sustainable environmental development. The findings demonstrate that green technology innovation and green financing have a significant negative impact on CO2 emissions. Additionally, social globalization moderates the relationship between CO2 emissions and GDP positively, while negatively influencing the relationship between green financing, green technology innovation, and CO2 emissions.


Article Social Issues

Can technological innovation, foreign direct investment and natural resources ease some burden for the BRICS economies within current industrial era?

Bright Akwasi Gyamfi et al.

Summary: The study examines the relationship between industrialization, total reserves, FDI inflows, technical innovation, renewable and natural resources, and CO2 emissions, finding that technological innovation and renewable energy can reduce emissions, while industrial value-added, natural resources, FDI, and total reserves contribute to environmental degradation.


Article Environmental Sciences

Dynamic impacts of economic growth, energy use, urbanization, tourism, agricultural value-added, and forested area on carbon dioxide emissions in Brazil

Asif Raihan et al.

Summary: This study empirically investigates the dynamic impacts of various factors on CO2 emissions in Brazil and finds that economic growth, fossil fuel energy use, urbanization, tourism, and agricultural value-added contribute to environmental degradation by increasing CO2 emissions, while renewable energy use and forested areas help to mitigate CO2 emissions. The findings suggest the need for strong regulatory policies to reduce CO2 emissions and achieve sustainable development.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Towards achieving eco-efficiency in top 10 polluted countries: The role of green technology and natural resource rents

Fu Chen et al.

Summary: This study examines the influence of green technology and natural resource rents on eco-efficiency using panel data from the top 10 polluted nations. The results show that green technology, natural resource rents, the squared term of economic complexity, and the interaction term of green technology with financial development positively affect eco-efficiency. However, financial development has a negative impact on eco-efficiency. The study suggests that governments should focus on improving environmental quality and shifting investment programs towards green strategies.


Article Environmental Sciences

The role of green finance and energy innovation in neutralizing environmental pollution: Empirical evidence from the MINT economies

Cai Li et al.

Summary: This study examines the relationship between economic growth, green finance, renewable energy use, natural resource rent, energy innovation, urbanization, and environmental pollution in the MINT economies. The findings reveal that economic growth, natural resource rent, and urbanization contribute to environmental pollution, while green finance, renewable energy consumption, and energy innovation can neutralize it.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Dynamic ARDL Simulations Effects of Fiscal Decentralization, Green Technological Innovation, Trade Openness, and Institutional Quality on Environmental Sustainability: Evidence from South Africa

Maxwell Chukwudi Udeagha et al.

Summary: In South Africa, fiscal decentralization, green technological innovation, and institutional quality improve environmental sustainability, while trade openness, population size, and energy consumption contribute to environmental deterioration. Per capita GDP has a complex impact on carbon emissions, and international cooperation is critical in reducing carbon emissions and addressing environmental issues.


Article Energy & Fuels

Renewable energy, economic growth, and CO2 emissions contained Co-movement in African oil-producing countries: A wavelet based analysis

Olivier Joseph Abban et al.

Summary: Electricity power generation in Africa has expanded, especially in oil-producing countries. Renewable energy sources, with hydro being the most prevalent, have played a significant role in electricity generation. This study used wavelet analysis to examine the relationship between renewable energy, CO2 emissions, and economic growth. The findings showed a strong association among the variables in the long-run estimation, with renewable energy and CO2 emissions having an anti-cyclic impact.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The impact of green finance on environmental degradation in BRI region

Mui-Yin Chin et al.

Summary: The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a significant infrastructure project that has a major impact on global economic growth. However, this growth also leads to environmental degradation. In response, the concept of green BRI and the role of green finance in mitigating environmental deterioration have been explored.


Article Economics

Do green bonds have environmental benefits?

Lei Chang et al.

Summary: This research explores the relationship between green finance and environmental quality in the top 10 countries that support green finance. The findings show that green financing improves environmental quality in most countries, but the results are mixed in two countries. The study also reveals that the asymmetry between variables varies by nation, highlighting the importance of paying attention to this when adopting green finance and ecological sustainability policies.


Article Environmental Studies

A step towards environmental mitigation: How do economic complexity and natural resources matter? Focusing on different institutional quality level countries

Meysam Rafei et al.

Summary: This study evaluates the impacts of economic complexity, natural resources, renewable energy consumption, and foreign direct investment on ecological footprint in countries with different levels of institutional quality. The findings show that economic complexity has a positive impact on ecological footprint and has the greatest influence among the considered variables. Additionally, the interaction of economic complexity and natural resources contributes to environmental quality.


Article Environmental Studies

How do natural resources, digitalization, and institutional governance contribute to ecological sustainability through load capacity factors in highly resource-consuming economies?

Zehua Ni et al.

Summary: This study investigates the role of natural resources, digitalization, governance, and economic growth in improving the load capacity factor (LCF) of high-resource-consuming economies. The long-run results reveal that reliance on natural resources and economic growth reduce LCF, while digitalization and good governance improve LCF.


Article Environmental Sciences

The dynamics effect of green technology innovation on economic growth and CO2emission in Singapore: new evidence from bootstrap ARDL approach

Tang Meirun et al.

Summary: There is a positive relationship between green technology innovation and economic growth, and a negative relationship between green technology innovation and carbon emissions. Therefore, developing green technology can help reduce environmental damage while pursuing economic growth.


Article Environmental Sciences

Modeling the effect of green technology innovation and renewable energy on carbon neutrality in N-11 countries? Evidence from advance panel estimations

Xuefeng Shao et al.

Summary: The study found that in the long run, green technology innovation and renewable energy have a negative and significant impact on CO2 emissions, while the short-term association of green technology innovation is not significant. To reduce environmental degradation in N-11 countries, governments are recommended to implement policies to support green innovation technologies and renewable energy.


Article Ecology

Economic growth, environmental constraints and convergence The declining growth premium for developing economies

Nicolas Blampied

Summary: This paper models the relationship between economic growth and the environment, suggesting that developing economies may face an environmental constraint that could slow down income convergence and reduction of income inequality worldwide.


Article Environmental Studies

Determinants of the load capacity factor in China: A novel dynamic ARDL approach for ecological footprint accounting

Ugur Korkut Pata et al.

Summary: The study analyzed data from China from 1981 to 2017 and found that an increase in income, energy intensity, and resource rent leads to a decline in the load capacity factor, while human capital improves environmental quality in the long-run. Additionally, the study showed that the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis holds true for China, with short-run income elasticity being lower than long-run elasticity.


Article Environmental Studies

Modeling the dynamic links among natural resources, economic globalization, disaggregated energy consumption, and environmental quality: Fresh evidence from GCC economies

Abdul Majeed et al.

Summary: This study examines the impact of natural resource abundance, economic globalization, and disaggregated energy consumption on the environmental quality of GCC countries from 1990 to 2018. The findings indicate that natural resource abundance improves environmental quality, while economic globalization and renewable energy consumption help mitigate emission levels in the GCC economies. However, urbanization, economic growth, and non-renewable energy consumption contribute to the deterioration of environmental quality.


Article Environmental Studies

Does natural resources depletion and economic growth achieve the carbon neutrality target of the UK? A way forward towards sustainable development

Kashif Raza Abbasi et al.

Summary: The study examines the impact of natural resource depletion, energy use, economic growth, population growth, and industrial value added on CO2 emissions in the UK. It finds that in the short run, economic growth, industrial value added, and natural resource depletion substantially stimulate CO2 emissions, while in the long run, energy use, industrial value added, and population growth boost environmental sustainability. The study suggests that the UK government should introduce a new long-term environmental strategy to achieve carbon neutrality.


Article Environmental Sciences

Testing role of green financing on climate change mitigation: Evidences from G7 and E7 countries

Xueying Wu et al.

Summary: The study estimates the impact of climate change mitigation on GDP in E7 and G7 countries, finding that it has a greater effect on G7 countries. Green financing techniques are shown to improve environmental quality in both groups, with a 1% increase leading to improvements of 0.375% in G7 countries and 0.392% in E7 countries. The study highlights the importance of reducing environmental pollution and transitioning to alternative energy sources.


Article Environmental Sciences

Role of green technology innovation and renewable energy in carbon neutrality: A sustainable investigation from Turkey

Shan Shan et al.

Summary: The study examines the linkages between green technology innovation, renewable energy, and carbon emissions, showing significant long-term association in Turkey. Green technology innovation and renewable energy help reduce carbon emissions, while energy consumption, population, and per capita income contribute to carbon emissions.


Article Development Studies

The role of natural resources abundance and dependence in achieving environmental sustainability: Evidence from resource-based economies

Seyfettin Erdogan et al.

Summary: The study shows that resource dependence and abundance increase pressure on the environment, while urbanization worsens ecological conditions. However, globalization and human capital appear to be the main sources of creating a cleaner and sustainable environment.


Article Environmental Sciences

Investigating the effects of renewable energy on international trade and environmental quality

Syed Abdul Rehman Khan et al.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Dynamic Impacts of Economic Growth and Forested Area on Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Malaysia

Rawshan Ara Begum et al.


Article Economics

Testing for Slope Heterogeneity Bias in Panel Data Models

Murillo Campello et al.


Editorial Material Multidisciplinary Sciences

Forest age improves understanding of the global carbon sink

Kai Zhu et al.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Forest, agriculture, renewable energy, and CO2 emission

Rida Waheed et al.


Article Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications


Anindya Banerjee et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

The key role of forests in meeting climate targets requires science for credible mitigation

Giacomo Grassi et al.


Article Economics

Green inventions and greenhouse gas emission dynamics: a close examination of provincial Italian data

Ding Weina et al.


Article Economics


Vasilis Sarafidis et al.


Article Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods

Estimating panel time-series models with heterogeneous slopes

Markus Eberhardt


Article Economics

Testing slope homogeneity in large panels

M. Hashem Pesaran et al.


Article Economics

Testing for error correction in panel data

Joakim Westerlund


Article Economics

A simple panel unit root test in the presence of cross-section dependence

M. Hashem Pesaran