4.5 Article

Spurious heritability of ability tilts: A comment on Coyle et al. (2023)


Article Mathematical & Computational Biology

The Multi-Causal Basis of Developmental Potential Construction

Davide Vecchi et al.

Summary: In this article, the issue of developmental potential is analyzed, referring to the possible manifestations of a developing organism during ontogeny. Two theses are proposed. Firstly, the complete causal basis for an organism's potential to develop does not solely lie within itself or in any specific part, such as its genome, but also in the extra-organismal environment. Secondly, a constructivist view of the developmental process is defended, suggesting that the developmental potential is a result of interaction-based construction and can sometimes generate genuine developmental novelty. An interactionist multi-causal basis view of developmental potential construction is argued for, providing a biologically tenable and metaphysically coherent account of developmental dynamics.


Article Psychology, Multidisciplinary

Further arguments that ability tilt correlations are spurious: A reply to Coyle (2022)

Kimmo Sorjonen et al.

Summary: Ability tilt refers to a difference between two abilities within an individual. The authors argue that previous research showing correlations between ability tilts and constituent abilities is false because the tilt variable is dependent on the constituent abilities. They further demonstrate that reported tilt associations are inconsistent with simulations, suggesting that the correlations are spurious. The authors respond to arguments by Coyle, showing that the difference between regression effects and correlations is not relevant and discussing how empirical tilt-correlations can be observed even if they cannot be explained by current theories.


Article Psychology, Social

The heritability of ability tilts

Thomas R. Coyle et al.

Summary: Tilts are differences in cognitive ability measures within individuals, independent of general cognitive ability (GCA). They may be due to differences in time and resource investment in specific abilities. Research shows that tilts can predict real-world outcomes. The heritability of tilts and the role of environmental factors are still debated, but studies have found modest heritability in different samples and age ranges, suggesting a genetic component.


Article Psychology, Social

Spurious correlations in research on ability tilt

Kimmo Sorjonen et al.

Summary: Studies have found that the associations between ability tilts and their constituent abilities may be spurious due to the non-independence of the measures, and the correlations between ability and ability tilt may simply be attributed to more positive associations between two measures of the same or similar abilities.


Article Psychology, Multidisciplinary

Sex differences in spatial and mechanical tilt: Support for investment theories

Thomas R. Coyle

Summary: Tilt refers to a pattern of specific abilities, where one ability (spatial) is relatively strong, and another ability (academic) is relatively weak. This study investigated sex differences in spatial and mechanical tilt. The results showed that spatial and mechanical tilt were negatively correlated with verbal and math scores on college tests, indicating that tilt predicted low scores on these tests. Spatial and mechanical tilt also predicted jobs and college majors in STEM fields. The findings support theories on sex differences in vocational preferences.


Article Psychology, Multidisciplinary

White-Black differences in tech tilt: Support for Spearman's law and investment theories

Thomas R. Coyle

Summary: The study examined tilt in technical and academic abilities for Whites and Blacks and its relationship with college tests. There were differences in the relationship between tech tilt and college tests for Whites and Blacks, with tech tilt being more predictive of STEM criteria for Whites.


Article Psychology, Multidisciplinary

Sex differences in tech tilt: Support for investment theories

Thomas R. Coyle


Article Psychology, Multidisciplinary

Ability tilt for whites and blacks: Support for differentiation and investment theories

Thomas R. Coyle


Article Psychology, Multidisciplinary

Sex differences in ability tilt: Support for investment theory

Thomas R. Coyle et al.


Article Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications

Estimating heritability for cause specific mortality based on twin studies

Thomas H. Scheike et al.


Article Psychology, Multidisciplinary

Ability tilt on the SAT and ACT predicts specific abilities and college majors

Thomas R. Coyle et al.