4.7 Article

Sustainable development of the mining sector for achieving common prosperity in Chinese rural areas


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Key axes of global progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals

Caichun Yin et al.

Summary: This study identified the major dimensions of Sustainable Development Goals through Principal Component Analysis. It found that resources and ecosystems, the living environment, and well-being and equality are the key dimensions supporting basic needs, governance, and higher needs goals, respectively. The study also revealed that high-income countries have made better progress in basic needs, while most countries are progressing slowly in higher needs. These findings contribute to identifying research priorities and developing effective strategies for achieving the SDGs by 2030.


Article Environmental Studies

Towards a decoupling between regional economic growth and CO2 emissions in China?s mining industry: A comprehensive decomposition framework

Yonglin Li et al.

Summary: This study employs the Tapio model to examine the decoupling process of China's mining industry at different levels. The results indicate that the mining industry has achieved strong decoupling, with variations among regions. Policy recommendations for decoupling and low carbon development are proposed.


Article Environmental Studies

Role of natural resources utilization efficiency in achieving green economic recovery: Evidence from BRICS countries

Linhai Zhao et al.

Summary: The main goal of this article is to evaluate the impact of natural resource utilization efficiency on green economic growth in the BRICS countries. Panel data analysis is used to estimate coefficients and confirm a unidirectional causal relationship from resource utilization efficiency to green economic growth. The results suggest that promoting green FDI, green financing, and implementing the principle of 3Rs are recommended practical policies for achieving green economic growth in the BRICS countries.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Effect of income, industry structure and environmental regulation on the ecological impacts of mining: An analysis for Guangxi Province in China

Shiquan Dou et al.

Summary: Mineral resource extraction often leads to severe environmental pollution and ecological damage, hindering sustainable development in mining economies. This study aims to promote cleaner production in the extractive industries by understanding the impact of human activities more accurately. A framework for ecological threat assessment in mining is proposed, integrating biophysical variables, technical indicators, and human activity data. The study evaluates the ecological impact of mines in Guangxi, China based on 17 indicators, considering economic and technical indicators, surrounding economic activity, geological and environmental vulnerability, and ecological site status. The results show that population income growth and reduced reliance on the industrial sector have improved environmental conditions. However, environmental regulation impacts vary regionally, with lower effects in mineral-dependent cities and regions where extraction companies have more bargaining power. The findings of this study will inform environmental management and support sustainable development in the mining sector.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Measuring green development index and coupling coordination of mining industry: An empirical analysis based on panel data in China

Dejiang Luo et al.

Summary: Due to the growing demand for minerals and metals, the green mining industry has gained significant support. China has taken specific actions and made green mining a crucial part of establishing an eco-society. This study used 16 common indicators divided into four categories and employed the analytic hierarchy process and entropy weight method to reflect the relationship between indicators at different levels.



Measurement of Common Prosperity of Chinese Rural Households Using Graded Response Models: Evidence from Zhejiang Province

Mei Zhang et al.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2023)

Article Economics

Does neighboring green development benefit or suffer from local economic growth targets? Evidence from China

Tao Ge et al.

Summary: This study examines the impact of economic growth targets on green development. Using data from 285 cities in China, the results show that economic growth targets have both positive and negative effects on green development. Green total factor productivity is improved while pollution emission intensity is increased. The results also reveal the influence of green innovation, resource misallocation, strategic interaction, and transboundary pollution on the outcome.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Assessing the role of green economy on sustainable development in developing countries

Nourhane Houssam et al.

Summary: This study investigates the role of the green economy (GE) in achieving sustainable development (SD) in developing countries. The empirical results show a positive relationship between the GE and GDP per capita and total unemployment rate, while there is a negative relationship between the GE and poverty rate in developing countries.

HELIYON (2023)

Article Environmental Studies

A scientometrics view on sustainable development in surface mining: Everything from the beginning

Mahdi Pouresmaieli et al.

Summary: The study on sustainable development in open-pit mining aimed to balance economic, social, and environmental factors. It found that mining has both negative and positive impacts. Analysis of 77 articles showed a growing trend in scientific interest from 1985 to 2022, indicating a shift towards qualitative research. The importance of comprehensive approaches and clear regulations aligned with sustainable development principles was emphasized, along with the need to incorporate technological advancements and interdisciplinary perspectives in future studies.


Article Environmental Studies

Natural resources and financial development: Role of corporate social responsibility on green economic growth in Vietnam

Lu Cai et al.

Summary: This study examines the relationship between natural resources, financial development, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and green economic growth in Vietnam. The Pooled Mean Group-Autoregressive Distributed Lag (PMG-ARDL) model is used to assess this relationship from 1990 to 2018. The Johansen-Fisher panel cointegration and Kao tests confirm the cointegration of the variables. The findings indicate a long-term positive association but a short-term negative relationship between CSR, PMG-ARDL results, financial development, natural resources development, and green economic growth. Failure to implement effective fiscal and financial management measures may jeopardize public debt sustainability in panel nations due to CSR's reliance on natural resources rents (NRR). Natural resources can have a detrimental impact on financial growth without proper regulations. CSR regulations in Vietnam can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote green economic growth. Meeting this criteria may sustain NRR-related improvements in financial development and allow for relevant policy recommendations.


Article Environmental Studies

Evaluation and empirical research on green mine construction in coal industry based on the AHP-SPA model

Quanlong Liu et al.

Summary: Green mine construction is crucial for achieving sustainable development in the coal industry and promoting a low-carbon economy. We propose an innovative approach by developing a comprehensive green mine evaluation index system based on eight dimensions, and combine the analytic hierarchy process and set-pair analysis to provide a more accurate and comprehensive assessment of green mine construction.


Article Environmental Studies

Can renewable energy technology innovation promote mineral resources? green utilization efficiency? Novel insights from regional development inequality

Chen-Yu Feng et al.

Summary: Strengthening green utilization of mineral resources is crucial for sustainable mining in China. The impact of renewable energy technology innovation (RETI) on green utilization efficiency varies depending on regional location. Results show that RETI significantly affects mineral resources' green utilization efficiency.


Article Economics

China?s growing but slowing inequality of household wealth, 2013-2018: A challenge to ?common prosperity??

Haiyuan Wan et al.

Summary: This paper follows up on a previous study that examined the increasing wealth inequality in China from 2002 to 2013. It finds that although the Gini coefficient continued to rise during the period of 2013-2018, it did so at a slower pace compared to the earlier period. The lower rate of house price inflation is identified as an important factor contributing to this slowdown. The paper also discusses policies and options to address wealth inequality and control house price inflation. However, the growing inequality of wealth per capita among households in China remains a challenge to achieving "common prosperity" and deserves more attention.


Article Economics

How does energy poverty eradication promote common prosperity in China? The role of labor productivity

Kangyin Dong et al.

Summary: Eradicating energy poverty has a significant positive effect on common prosperity in China, with increased labor productivity playing an indirect role. The impact is more pronounced in central and eastern regions, while less significant in western regions. Furthermore, the impact on common prosperity is stronger in low energy-poverty areas. Based on these findings, policies to promote common prosperity through eradicating energy poverty are proposed.


Article Environmental Studies

Rural China Staggering towards the Digital Era: Evolution and Restructuring

Yitian Ren

Summary: This research explores the evolution and restructuring of rural China in the digital era. It argues that rural China has the potential to transform from a top-down, policy-driven regime to a bottom-up and top-down, technology and policy jointly driven regime in the digital era. The study also suggests that the digital era presents opportunities for a distinct form of rural in-situ urbanisation in China. The findings of this research are valuable for understanding the trajectory of rural society's development in China and crafting evidence-based policy instruments to leverage digital transformation for rural development.
Article Business

Economic poverty, common prosperity, and underdog entrepreneurship

Yiyi Su et al.

Summary: This study examines the impact of economic poverty on entrepreneurial choice, considering varying levels of regional common prosperity. Results indicate that economic poverty promotes entrepreneurship. Additionally, the effect of economic poverty on the decision to become an entrepreneur is weakened by regional economic development and strengthened by regional income equality. This study contributes to the discussion on common prosperity and expands the existing literature on underdog entrepreneurship by considering regional contexts.


Review Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Technology strategies to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality for China's metal mines

Qifeng Guo et al.

Summary: This study reviews and discusses technical strategies to achieve China's dual carbon targets in metal mines, including analyzing global carbon emissions and emission intensities from metal mining industries, examining the metal mining status and carbon emissions in China, reviewing advanced technologies for carbon mitigation and carbon sequestration in metal mines, and proposing a technical roadmap for achieving carbon neutrality.


Review Environmental Sciences

Mining pollution in Greenland-the lesson learned: A review of 50 years of environmental studies and monitoring

Jens Sondergaard et al.

Summary: This review provides an overview of environmental studies and monitoring at mine sites in Greenland since the early 1970s. It discusses the significant metal pollution caused by mining activities at legacy mine sites and the development of methods for environmental monitoring. The review also highlights the importance of site-specific monitoring practices and lessons learned for future monitoring programs.


Article Geography

Rural innovation system: Revitalize the countryside for a sustainable development

Ximing Yin et al.

Summary: A world with large disparities in development between rural and urban areas cannot achieve sustainable development goals. This paper proposes the concept of rural innovation system and compares it with urban innovation system. It introduces a theoretical model of the rural innovation system and outlines future challenges. This has significant implications for rural studies, innovation systems, and public policy.


Article Environmental Studies

Sustainable mining - Challenge of Polish mines

Katarzyna Pactwa et al.

Summary: The study analyzed the impact of lignite mining activities in Poland on the implementation of sustainable development goals, emphasizing the importance of the design phase in achieving SD objectives. Despite various tools and guidelines for sustainable development, there is a lack of consistent integrated approach to support the national mining industry.


Article Environmental Studies

Driving forces of sustainability in the mining industry: Evidence from a developing country

Samuel Famiyeh et al.

Summary: Based on institutional theory, a study in Ghana's mining sector found that coercive and normative pressures are significant drivers of sustainability decisions, while mimetic institutional pressures primarily impact environmental and social sustainability. The research suggests that understanding various institutional pressures is crucial for guiding sustainability policies in mining organizations.