3.8 Article

The Practical Bearings of Truth as Correspondence


Article Philosophy

Truth from the Agent Point of View

Matthew Shields

Summary: This paper presents a novel pragmatist account of truth, namely 'truth from the agent point of view' or 'agential truth', based on insights from Hilary Putnam. According to this view, as inquirers, we consider ourselves and other thinkers accountable for achieving a shared target that is independent of any individual's or community's perspective. This relationship enables us to engage in disagreement and agreement even under self-conscious reflection, and is a crucial element in our capacity for rational thought.


Article History & Philosophy Of Science

Truth and its uses: deflationism and alethic pluralism

Tom Kaspers

Summary: This article discusses the different interpretations of truth by deflationists and pluralists, arguing that the plurality of truth exists only at the level of use. Truth is seen as a tool for transferring justificatory burdens, as well as a standard and norm in certain areas of discourse. This usage introduces a division in our discourse.


Article History & Philosophy Of Science

Alethic pluralism for pragmatists

Tom Kaspers

Summary: This article discusses the relationship between pragmatism and the correspondence theory of truth, proposing a view of alethic pluralism. It argues that pragmatists can accept truth as correspondence in certain discourses without betraying their pragmatist principles.


Article History & Philosophy Of Science

Alethic pluralism and the value of truth

Filippo Ferrari

Summary: The paper aims to investigate the value of truth and how pluralistic accounts of the nature of truth may address this issue. The author discusses the variability of truth value in different areas of discourse and challenges truth pluralism models, particularly focusing on Michael Lynch's Manifestation Alethic Pluralism (MAP) which lacks the resources to account for the value of truth.


Article Philosophy

Pragmatism and Correspondence

Andrew Howat

Summary: The common description of pragmatist conception of truth as incompatible with correspondence theory relies on a deflationary reading of Peirce and James. However, there are no compelling reasons to support this view, and pragmatism and correspondence theory can be compatible conceptions of truth.


Article Philosophy

Ecumenical alethic pluralism

Filippo Ferrari et al.


Article Philosophy

The value of truth

P Horwich

Article Philosophy

Minimalism and the value of truth

MP Lynch


Article Philosophy

Truth as convenient friction

H Price