4.6 Article

Moulting behaviour in the trilobite Oryctocephalus indicus (Reed, 1910) from the Cambrian Miaolingian Series (Wuliuan Stage) of Jianhe, South China


Article Paleontology

Moulting in the Cambrian oryctocephalid trilobiteArthricocephalites xinzhaiheensisfrom Guizhou Province, South China

Yifan Wang et al.

Summary: Understanding the moulting behavior of trilobites through different growth stages, this study focuses on the detailed exploration of moulting behaviors in Arthricocephalites xinzhaiheensis based on a large number of disarticulated specimens. The findings show that the trilobites commonly utilized cephalic sutures and cephalothoracic joint for moulting, involving rotation or inversion of the cranidium to create a wide exuvial gape.

LETHAIA (2021)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Ontogenetic moulting behavior of the Cambrian oryctocephalid trilobite Arthricocephalites xinzhaiheensis

Yifan Wang et al.

Summary: Moulting behaviors in trilobites are a crucial strategy during development, with studies showing variability within and between species. This study focused on the ontogenetic moulting behavior of Arthricocephalites xinzhaiheensis, revealing a gradual transition from Somersault configuration to Henningsmoen's configuration.
Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Synchronized moulting behaviour in trilobites from the Cambrian Series 2 of South China

Alejandro Corrales-Garcia et al.


Article Entomology

The fossil record of ecdysis, and trends in the moulting behaviour of trilobites

Allison C. Daley et al.


Article Geology

A paradoxidid moult ensemble from the Cambrian of Sweden

Jan Ove R. Ebbestad et al.

Article Biochemical Research Methods

NIH Image to ImageJ: 25 years of image analysis

Caroline A. Schneider et al.


Article Geography, Physical

Stratigraphic and microfacies analysis of the Kaili Formation, a candidate GSSP for the Cambrian Series 2-Series 3 boundary

Robert R. Gaines et al.