4.7 Article

Hydrogeochemical processes in rural coastal aquifer (Haha region, Morocco)


Article Agronomy

Modelling of potential groundwater artificial recharge in the transboundary Algero-Tunisian Basin (Tebessa-Gafsa): The application of stable isotopes and hydroinformatics tools*

Younes Hamed et al.

Summary: This research focused on investigating the spatial distribution of groundwater recharge and water resources management in the Algero-Tunisian area of the Tebessa-Gafsa Basin in North Africa. Using various data and models, the study evaluated the seasonal and early groundwater recharge and evapotranspiration, revealing spatio-temporal changes in recharge values. The application of isotopic tools helped pinpoint the recharge period of transboundary aquifers, coinciding with humid periods in the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene.


Article Environmental Sciences

Determination of Physicochemical Water Quality of the Ghis-Nekor Aquifer (Al Hoceima, Morocco) Using Hydrochemistry, Multiple Isotopic Tracers, and the Geographical Information System (GIS)

Nordine Nouayti et al.

Summary: The chemical characterization of Ghis-Nekor groundwater is of great importance for the environment and socioeconomic development in Morocco. Researchers have examined various parameters and isotopic elements of the water samples, and used GIS for spatial data analysis. The study revealed pollution factors and raised concerns about the potential risks to human and animal health.
Article Environmental Sciences

Trends in groundwater research development in the South and Southeast Asian Countries: a 50-year bibliometric analysis (1970-2020)

Meeta Gupta et al.

Summary: Groundwater plays a crucial role in South and Southeast Asia, but overexploitation and unsustainable practices have led to depletion and deterioration. This study analyzed groundwater-related literature from the last 50 years and found that South and Southeast Asia contributes significantly to global research productivity. The study identified the most productive countries, institutions, and disciplines, as well as international collaboration trends. The research also highlighted the hot topics and trends in groundwater research, providing valuable insights and opportunities for researchers in this field.


Article Environmental Sciences

Groundwater quality and vulnerability in farms from agricultural-dairy basin of the Argentine Pampas

Noelia Urseler et al.

Summary: This study investigated the quality and suitability of groundwater supply used in dairy farms in the Pampa plain of Cordoba, Argentina. It identified contamination issues in the groundwater and made recommendations to improve agricultural and livestock management.


Article Environmental Sciences

Soil Salinity Detection and Mapping in an Environment under Water Stress between 1984 and 2018 (Case of the Largest Oasis in Africa-Morocco)

Abdellatif Rafik et al.

Summary: Water stress is a major global problem and has already affected more than 400 million hectares of land. The Tafilalet plain in Morocco suffers from soil salinization, which can be detected and predicted using GIS tools and remote sensing. The study found that soil salinization in the Tafilalet oasis is mainly influenced by water stress and drought cycles. By using appropriate index models, the soil salinity can be effectively detected and predicted.


Article Environmental Sciences

Groundwater quality evolution in the agro-based areas of southern Tunisia: environmental risks of emerging farming practices

Houda Besser et al.

Summary: The increase in agricultural production has led to serious contamination of groundwater resources, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions where water is used for irrigation. The pollution, mainly caused by trace elements and heavy metals in shallow aquifers, poses a huge challenge as it is difficult to survey and remediate. In SW Tunisia, the impact of agricultural activities on natural resources has raised concerns about resource availability and quality, with deep aquifers being contaminated for over a decade, leading to environmental issues and health risks.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Isotopic signature of groundwater and climate change within a semi-arid environment

Salah Ouhamdouch et al.

Summary: This paper assesses the impact of climate change on water resources in semi-arid environments, focusing on the Essaouira Basin. Using the isotopic signature of groundwater, the study finds that decreased precipitation has resulted in a low recharge rate and overexploitation of groundwater in the basin. The isotopic composition of groundwater is also affected by climate change, with an enrichment of O-18 likely due to increased evaporation caused by rising temperatures.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Evaluation of groundwater quality and hydrochemical characteristics in the shallow aquifer of El-Oued region (Algerian Sahara)

Boualem Bouselsal et al.

Summary: The water quality of the El-Oued region in the Algerian Sahara is deteriorating due to anthropogenic effects and overexploitation of groundwater resources. This study assesses the groundwater quality for domestic and irrigation purposes and identifies the geochemical processes contributing to its mineralization. The results show that the water is unsuitable for drinking and irrigation, with 92% falling into the unsuitable category for drinking. Various factors such as mixing processes, salt dissolution, cation exchange, and anthropogenic influences contribute to the evolution of water types in the aquifer.


Article Engineering, Environmental

The combination of the quality index, isotopic, and GIS techniques to assess water resources in a semi-arid context (Essaouira watershed in Morocco)

Abdellatif Rafik et al.

Summary: This study evaluated the water quality in the Essaouira basin, finding that most elements met the allowable limits set by the World Health Organization, except for Cl- and SO42- in a few locations. The analysis of water quality indices showed that the water in the study area is suitable for agricultural purposes. Stable isotope analysis revealed that the recharge of these waters is primarily from precipitation of Atlantic origin, with surface water contributing between 32.16% and 70.42% of the recharge to specific aquifers.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Isotopic and Chemical Tracing for Residence Time and Recharge Mechanisms of Groundwater under Semi-Arid Climate: Case from Rif Mountains (Northern Morocco)

Mohammed Hssaisoune et al.

Summary: This study provides crucial information about the factors and processes influencing groundwater recharge and residence time in the karst aquifer in the Rif Mountains of Morocco. Isotopic and chemical analysis of groundwater samples reveal that the recharge is derived from meteoric water at different elevations and the age of groundwater ranges from modern to 1460 years. The results indicate the vulnerability of the hydrological system to climate variability and human activities, emphasizing the importance of sustainable management in this karstic zone.


Article Environmental Sciences

Surface and Groundwater Characteristics within a Semi-Arid Environment Using Hydrochemical and Remote Sensing Techniques

Abdellatif Rafik et al.

Summary: The understanding of hydro systems is crucial in monitoring changes in water resources. The Essaouira region in Morocco faces challenges to water stability due to climate change and water exploitation. Physico-chemical parameters of groundwater and surface water quality were studied, showing the need for treatment before consumption and evaluation for agricultural purposes.
Article Environmental Sciences

Groundwater chemistry affected by trace elements (As, Mo, Ni, U and V) from a burning alum shale waste deposit, Kvarntorp, Sweden

Kristina Ahlgren et al.

Summary: The study demonstrated the potential long-term impact of black shale waste deposits on the surrounding environment, mainly due to the influence of metal elements from shale waste on groundwater quality, including pH and redox conditions.


Article Environmental Sciences

Integrated approach to groundwater quality assessment in the Plio-Quaternary aquifer of Essaouira Basin, Western Morocco

Driss Ouazar et al.

Summary: The study identified the dominant facies type of Na-Cl in the Plio-Quaternary aquifer of Essaouira Basin and determined that groundwater mineralization was primarily caused by dissolution, evaporation, and cation exchange triggered by seawater intrusion. Nitrate contamination was observed in most samples, with over half exceeding WHO drinking water standards, but remaining suitable for plants. Groundwater recharge was supported by oceanic precipitation, and the water source was determined to be of modern age.


Article Environmental Sciences

Exploring the spatial-temporal variations and policy-based driving force behind groundwater contamination and remediation research in past decades

Bo Li et al.

Summary: This study utilized bibliometric analysis to depict the spatial-temporal evolution of groundwater contamination and remediation research, with the USA identified as the leading country contributing the largest number of articles. Scholars from different countries have conducted in-depth studies in various aspects of groundwater research. America and Asia are the continents that have published the most articles on this topic.


Article Environmental Sciences

Hydrochemical and isotopic investigation of groundwater of Al-Batin alluvial fan aquifer, Southern Iraq

Majid Alkinani et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Synoptic sampling and principal components analysis to identify sources of water and metals to an acid mine drainage stream

Patrick Byrne et al.


Article Geography, Physical

Geochemical and isotopic study of surface and groundwaters in Ain Bou Mourra basin, central Tunisia

Intissar Farid et al.


Article Geochemistry & Geophysics

Geochemistry's vital contribution to solving water resource problems

W. M. Edmunds


Article Biology

Groundwater: the processes and global significance of aquifer degradation

SSD Foster et al.


Article Chemistry, Analytical

Statistical analysis of the physico-chemical data on the coastal waters of Cochin

CSP Iyer et al.