4.7 Article

Model incorporating multiple diffusion MRI features: development and validation of a radiomics-based model to predict adult-type diffuse gliomas grade


Article Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging

Applying MAP-MRI to Identify the WHO Grade and Main Genetic Features of Adult-type Diffuse Gliomas: A Comparison of Three Diffusion-weighted MRI Models

Peng Wang et al.

Summary: This study investigated the association between MAP-MRI and WHO grade 2/3, IDH 1/2 mutations, and chromosome 1p/19q combined deletion genotypes in adult-type diffuse gliomas. The results showed that MAP-MRI effectively predicts these factors and performs better than DTI and DKI.


Article Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging

Diffusion propagator metrics are biased when simultaneous multi-slice acceleration is used

L. Tugan Muftuler et al.

Summary: This study investigated the effects of SMS acceleration on the accuracy of propagator metrics obtained from MAP-MRI, revealing significant alterations in diffusion metrics when SMS acceleration was used, particularly in zero-displacement metrics and non-Gaussianity metrics. The study also found that MAP-MRI metrics calculated from SMS-3 showed significant differences compared to SMS-2, indicating a change in bias characteristics with the shorter TR afforded by SMS acceleration.


Article Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging

Whole-Tumor Histogram Analysis of Multiple Diffusion Metrics for Glioma Genotyping

Ankang Gao et al.

Summary: This study compares the diagnostic performance of histogram features in predicting glioma IDH and 1p/19q genotyping. The results indicate that whole-tumor histogram analysis of multiple diffusion metrics is a promising approach for this purpose.


Article Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging

Multiparametric MR radiomics in brain glioma: models comparation to predict biomarker status

Jinlong He et al.

Summary: This study compared the performance of clinical features and radiomics features from multiple MR sequences in predicting the genotype status of glioma. The results showed that the combined model had better predictive performance in certain genotype statuses, and the multi-sequence model performed better in predicting IDH, MGMT, and TERT. The study highlights the effectiveness of the multi-sequence model in identifying the genotype status of cerebral glioma.


Article Oncology

Combining radiomics and deep convolutional neural network features from preoperative MRI for predicting clinically relevant genetic biomarkers in glioblastoma

Evan Calabrese et al.

Summary: This study evaluated a novel artificial intelligence method for predicting clinically relevant genetic biomarkers from preoperative brain MRI in patients with glioblastoma. By analyzing various genetic biomarkers, the combined model using radiomics and CNN features showed superior performance in predicting certain biomarkers compared to individual models.


Article Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging

Neural Fiber Integrity in High-Versus Low-Grade Glioma using Probabilistic Fiber Tracking

Pohchoo Seow et al.

Summary: This study investigated the integrity and distribution of white matter tracts within and around glioma regions using probabilistic fiber tracking. Significant differences were found in affected white matter tracts, with intact tracts often observed inside the tumor in high-grade gliomas. The results suggest that there are differences in diffusion tensor imaging indices between low-grade and high-grade gliomas, particularly in solid nonenhancing tumor regions.


Article Oncology

EANO guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of diffuse gliomas of adulthood

Michael Weller et al.

Summary: The European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) has released guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of adult patients with diffuse gliomas, incorporating major changes in diagnostic algorithms based on the 2016 update of the WHO Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System, as well as evidence from recent large clinical trials.


Article Oncology

Unique challenges for glioblastoma immunotherapy-discussions across neuro-oncology and non-neurooncology experts in cancer immunology. Meeting Report from the 2019 SNO Immuno-Oncology Think Tank

Pavlina Chuntova et al.

Summary: Cancer immunotherapy has seen significant progress in recent years, with challenges remaining in treating brain tumors. A meeting on immuno-oncology was held during the 2019 Annual Society for Neuro-Oncology Scientific Conference, addressing the unique challenges and future directions in the field of immune neuro-oncology.


Review Oncology

Clinical practice guidelines for the management of adult diffuse gliomas

Tao Jiang et al.

Summary: The joint guideline committee of Chinese Glioma Cooperative Group, Society for Neuro-Oncology of China, and Chinese Brain Cancer Association has updated the clinical practice guideline to provide recommendations for the diagnosis and management of diffuse gliomas. The guidelines focus on molecular and pathological diagnostics, as well as main treatment modalities including surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Additionally, the guidelines integrate results from clinical trials of immune therapies and target therapies as future directions.


Article Neurosciences

High-resolution mapping and digital atlas of subcortical regions in the macaque monkey based on matched MAP-MRI and histology

Kadharbatcha S. Saleem et al.

Summary: Subcortical nuclei and other deep brain structures play a crucial role in regulating the central and peripheral nervous systems. Utilizing a multi-modal approach including high-resolution MAP-MRI and histological staining, it is possible to accurately map the location, boundaries, subdivisions, and micro-architectural features of subcortical gray matter regions in non-human primate brains. This allows for a comprehensive validation of structures identified with MAP-MRI and provides anatomical details not visible in conventional T-1-weighted images. The resulting D99 digital brain atlas (V2.0) serves as a reference standard for macaque neuroanatomical, functional, and connectional imaging studies.


Review Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging

Why did European Radiology reject my radiomic biomarker paper? How to correctly evaluate imaging biomarkers in a clinical setting

Steve Halligan et al.

Summary: This review provides simple explanations on the correct research methods for developing and evaluating imaging biomarkers in a clinical setting, including the distinction between diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers and the importance of assessing clinical utility within a multivariable model. The article emphasizes the need for adequate representative data to avoid underpowering and overfitting, and offers advice on how to report research accurately.


Review Clinical Neurology

Machine Learning for the Prediction of Molecular Markers in Glioma on Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Anne Jian et al.

Summary: Machine learning models show good performance in predicting molecular subtyping of gliomas, especially for predicting IDH mutation, MGMT methylation, and 1p/19q codeletion with high accuracy. Data augmentation and MRI sequence type are weakly associated with heterogeneity.


Review Clinical Neurology

MRI biomarkers in neuro-oncology

Marion Smits

Summary: The central role of MRI in neuro-oncology is vital for diagnosis and monitoring, treatment decision-making, and assessing treatment response. While currently primarily used qualitatively, advances in quantitative imaging techniques show promising clinical potential for neuro-oncology.


Review Oncology

The 2021 WHO Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System: a summary

David N. Louis et al.

Summary: The fifth edition of the WHO Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System integrates molecular diagnostics into CNS tumor classification, introduces different approaches to tumor nomenclature and grading, and emphasizes the importance of integrated diagnoses and layered reports.


Article Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging

Laplacian-Regularized Mean Apparent Propagator-MRI in Evaluating Corticospinal Tract Injury in Patients with Brain Glioma

Rifeng Jiang et al.

Summary: This study evaluated the application of laplacian-regularized mean apparent propagator (MAPL)-MRI in assessing corticospinal tract (CST) injury induced by brain glioma. The results showed significant changes in certain characteristics of the entire and peritumoral CST in the affected side, with more prominent changes in patients with motor weakness.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Guidelines for clinical trial protocols for interventions involving artificial intelligence: the SPIRIT-AI extension

Samantha Cruz Rivera et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

FeAture Explorer (FAE): A tool for developing and comparing radiomics models

Yang Song et al.

PLOS ONE (2020)

Review Oncology

Radiomics: the bridge between medical imaging and personalized medicine

Philippe Lambin et al.


Article Clinical Neurology

Super-Resolution Track Density Imaging of Glioblastoma: Histopathologic Correlation

R. F. Barajas et al.


Article Operations Research & Management Science

Simple explanation of the no-free-lunch theorem and its implications

YC Ho et al.