4.7 Article

Combination of searches for WW, WZ, and ZZ resonances in pp collisions at s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector


卷 755, 期 -, 页码 285-305


DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2016.02.015




  1. ANPCyT, Argentina
  2. YerPhI, Armenia
  3. ARC, Australia
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  5. FWF, Austria
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  13. CERN
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  20. VSC CR, Czech Republic
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  23. Lundbeck Foundation, Denmark
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  30. GSRT, Greece
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  35. Benoziyo Center, Israel
  36. INFN, Italy
  37. MEXT, Japan
  38. CNRST, Morocco
  39. FOM, Netherlands
  40. NWO, Netherlands
  41. RCN, Norway
  42. MNiSW, Poland
  43. NCN, Poland
  44. NCN, Poland
  45. FCT, Portugal
  46. MNE/IFA, Romania
  47. MES of Russia, Russian Federation
  48. NRC KI, Russian Federation
  49. JINR
  50. MESTD, Serbia
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  52. ARRS, Slovenia
  53. MIZS, Slovenia
  54. DST/NRF, South Africa
  55. MINECO, Spain
  56. SRC, Sweden
  57. Wallenberg Foundation, Sweden
  58. SERI, Switzerland
  59. SNSF, Switzerland
  60. Canton of Bern, Switzerland
  61. Canton of Geneva, Switzerland
  62. MOST, Taiwan
  63. TAEK, Turkey
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  65. DOE, United States
  66. NSF, United States
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  68. Canada Council, Canada
  69. CANARIE, Canada
  70. CRC, Canada
  71. Compute Canada, Canada
  72. FQRNT, Canada
  73. Ontario Innovation Trust, Canada
  74. EPLANET, European Union
  75. ERC, FP7, Horizon 2020, European Union
  76. Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, European Union
  77. Investissements d'Avenir Labex and Idex, France
  78. ANR, France
  79. Region Auvergne, France
  80. Fondation Partager le Savoir, France
  81. DFG, Germany
  82. AvH Foundation, Germany
  83. Herakleitos
  84. Thales programme
  85. Aristeia programme - EU-ESF
  86. Greek NSRF, Israel
  87. BSF, Israel
  88. GIF, Israel
  89. Minerva, Israel
  90. BRF, Norway
  91. Royal Society, United Kingdom
  92. Leverhulme Trust, United Kingdom
  93. STFC [ST/H00100X/1, ST/K00137X/1, ST/K00073X/1, ST/K001248/1, ST/G50228X/1, ST/H00100X/2, ST/I006056/1, ST/L001144/1, PP/D002915/1, PP/E000355/1, PP/E002846/1, ST/I00372X/1, ST/L001179/1, ST/L003414/1, ST/L001195/1, ST/H001093/1, ST/J005487/1, ST/J005525/1, ST/M004937/1, ST/K000705/1, ST/K000039/1, ST/M001407/1, ST/M006980/1, ST/N000463/1, ST/J00474X/1, ST/M001504/1, ST/N000420/1, ST/I000119/1, ST/K00140X/1, ST/K001302/1, ST/K003895/1, ST/M002306/1, ST/L00352X/1, PP/E000347/1, ST/M000761/1, ST/J004979/1, ST/L006111/1, ST/K001361/1, ST/N000277/1, ST/L003112/1, ST/I000178/1, ST/M001733/1, ST/K001329/1, ST/M001431/1, ST/I003533/1, ST/H001093/2] Funding Source: UKRI
  94. Science and Technology Facilities Council [ST/I00372X/1, ST/J00474X/1, PP/E000347/1, ST/K001361/1 LHCb Upgrades, ST/L003112/1, ST/L00352X/1, ST/H001093/1, 1366825, ST/K001361/1, ST/K001302/1, ST/K001264/1 ATLAS, ST/I000119/1, ST/M000761/1, ST/K001248/1, ST/K001361/1 ATLAS, ST/G50228X/1, ST/L001195/1, ST/M001407/1, ST/M002306/1 ATLAS Upgrades, ST/I000178/1, ST/M006980/1, ST/M002071/1 ATLAS Upgrades, 1521422, PP/D002915/1, ST/J005525/1, ST/M001474/1, ST/L001179/1 ATLAS Upgrades, ST/M007103/1 ATLAS Upgrades, ST/K001310/1 ATLAS, ST/K001361/1 MINOS/MINOS+, ST/I00372X/1 GRIDPP, 1368329, ST/M001431/1, ST/L001209/1 ATLAS Upgrades, ST/K00137X/1, ST/L001179/1, ST/N000463/1, ST/H001093/2, ST/K000039/1, ST/L003414/1, ST/N000277/1, 1366364, ST/M001504/1, ST/I006056/1, ST/K001418/1, ST/K003895/1, ST/K000705/1, ST/N000420/1, ST/K001310/1 LHCb Upgrades, ST/M006980/1 ATLAS Upgrades, ST/H00100X/2, ST/L001144/1, PP/E002846/1, ST/M001733/1, ST/J00474X/1 ATLAS Upgrades, 1334588, ST/L006111/1, ST/K001310/1, PP/E000444/1, 1201187, 1082012, GRIDPP, ST/K00073X/1, ST/J004979/1, ST/M004937/1, ST/M002306/1, ST/I003533/1, ST/L001179/1 ATLAS Upgrade, ST/K001310/1 ATLAS Upgrades, ST/K001361/1 ATLAS Upgrades, ST/I006056/1 ATLAS Upgrade, ST/I006056/1 ATLAS Upgrades, PP/E000355/1, ST/J005487/1, ST/H00100X/1, ST/M004937/1 GRIDPP, ST/K001361/1 LHCb, ST/K001310/1 LHCb, ST/K001426/1 ATLAS, ST/K00140X/1, 1575161, ST/K001329/1, ATLAS] Funding Source: researchfish
  95. Division Of Physics
  96. Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien [1119200] Funding Source: National Science Foundation
  97. Division Of Physics
  98. Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien [1506173, 1404362, 1410972] Funding Source: National Science Foundation
  99. Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research [15H03657] Funding Source: KAKEN
  100. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia [CERN/FIS-NUC/0005/2015] Funding Source: FCT
  101. ICREA Funding Source: Custom


The ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider has performed searches for new, heavy bosons decaying to WW, WZ and ZZ final states in multiple decay channels using 20.3 fb(-1) of pp collision data at root s = 8 TeV. In the current study, the results of these searches are combined to provide a more stringent test of models predicting heavy resonances with couplings to vector bosons. Direct searches for a charged diboson resonance decaying to WZ in the l nu l'l' (l = mu, e), llq (q) over bar, l nu q (q) over bar and fully hadronic final states are combined and upper limits on the rate of production times branching ratio to the WZ bosons are compared with predictions of an extended gauge model with a heavy W' boson. In addition, direct searches for a neutral diboson resonance decaying to WW and ZZ in the llq (q) over bar, l nu q (q) over bar, and fully hadronic final states are combined and upper limits on the rate of production times branching ratio to the WW and ZZ bosons are compared with predictions for a heavy, spin-2 graviton in an extended Randall-Sundrum model where the Standard Model fields are allowed to propagate in the bulk of the extra dimension. (C) 2016 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS Collaboration. Published by Elsevier B.V.








