4.7 Article

Advancing sustainable growth and energy transition in the United States through the lens of green energy innovations, natural resources and environmental policy


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Do energy and environmental taxes stimulate or inhibit renewable energy deployment in the European Union?

Eyup Dogan et al.

Summary: The modern lifestyle and economic development of the European Union countries are closely connected to high energy consumption and environmental pollution. Renewable energy has arisen as one solution to this problem, even though the obstacles and challenges regarding the deployment of renewable energy lie in high costs, technology and legislation. The investigation of the determinants of renewable energy has become very attractive and popular because of the Sustainable Development Goals and COP26 targets. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the role of energy taxes and environmental taxes in addition to that of economic and environmental indicators in renewable energy development for the panel of EU countries by applying reliable and robust econometric techniques to the annual data from 1995 to 2019. The empirical results suggest that an increase in economic growth and oil prices supports renewable energy while environmental taxes and energy taxes have a negative impact on renewable energy deployment in EU countries. Thus, it is crucial to reform the structure of taxes to support the use of renewable energy. In addition, increasing environmental taxes to transform EU countries into energy-efficient economies will require additional EU policy adjustments.


Article Environmental Sciences

The impact of renewable energy transition, green growth, green trade and green innovation on environmental quality: Evidence from top 10 green future countries

Shanxiang Wei et al.

Summary: This analysis explores the impact of variables such as renewable energy consumption, green economic growth, green technology, green trade, and inward financial inflow on environmental quality in the world's top green future economies from 1990 to 2018. The findings suggest that green trade and inbound FDI have a positive effect on environmental quality, supporting the hypothesis of a pollution halo. Additionally, the study indicates that both short and long-term improvements in environmental quality can be achieved through trade liberalization and green economic growth.


Article Environmental Studies

Natural resources, green innovation, fintech, and sustainability: A fresh insight from BRICS

Liu Lisha et al.

Summary: This research examines the nexus between sustainability, green innovations, financial technologies (FinTech), financial development, and natural resources for BRICS economies during 2000-2019. The results show that FinTech and natural resources adversely impact environmental sustainability, while green innovations and financial development promote environmental sustainability. Economic growth contributes to higher emissions. The findings have important policy implications.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Understanding the imperativeness of environmental-related technological innovations in the FDI - Environmental performance nexus

Emmanuel Uche et al.

Summary: The inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) is regarded as a viable pathway to the developmental prospects of emerging economies. It has both positive and negative effects on environmental quality, which can be mitigated through the interactions of FDI and environmental-related technological innovations (EVT) in BRICS countries.


Article Energy & Fuels

Sustainability policies to reduce pollution in energy supply and waste sectors in the V4 countries

Mihaela Simionescu et al.

Summary: Sustainability is achieved through reduced natural resource consumption and pollution. This study focuses on assessing the impact of electricity prices, innovation, and economic development on pollution in the energy supply and waste sectors in the V4 countries (2010-2021). The analysis reveals a U-shaped pattern in the energy supply sector and an inverted U-shape in the waste sector. Higher electricity prices for non-households, increased renewable energy consumption in the waste sector, and patents for environment-related technologies at higher GDP levels are recommended to reduce pollution. These empirical findings provide valuable insights for policy proposals.


Article Development Studies

Do green innovation and financial globalization contribute to the ecological sustainability and energy transition in the United Kingdom? Policy insights from a bootstrap rolling window approach

Muhammad Ramzan et al.

Summary: This study investigates the impact of green innovation and financial globalization on environmental sustainability and energy transition in the UK. The results show that green innovation and financial globalization have a unidirectional causality towards environmental sustainability and energy transition.


Article Environmental Studies

Time-Varying linkages among financial development, natural resources utility, and globalization for economic recovery in China

Yali Li et al.

Summary: The relationship between the availability of natural resources and environmental degradation has significant ecological effects. Understanding the importance of natural resources, urbanization, and human capital is crucial for rapid economic growth. Examining the connections between China's total natural resources, GDP, urbanization, and economic recovery, this study shows the long-term impact of these factors on economic development, financial growth, and green economic growth.


Article Environmental Sciences

Formulating sustainable development policies for China within the framework of socioeconomic conditions and government stability

Tomiwa Sunday Adebayo et al.

Summary: This study examines the causal impacts of various factors on the environmental quality in China, using quarterly data from 1984 to 2018. The results show that nuclear energy and government stability have a positive influence on environmental quality, while economic growth, financial development, and socioeconomic conditions degrade it. The study suggests that increasing nuclear energy consumption and implementing green financial measures can effectively improve environmental quality and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in China.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Achieving ecological sustainability through technological innovations, financial development, foreign direct investment, and energy consumption in developing European countries

Rong Wang et al.

Summary: This research examines the impact of technological innovations, financial development, renewable and non-renewable energy, and FDI inflows on ecological footprint in 14 developing European Union economies. The study finds that renewable energy and technological innovation can reduce environmental degradation, while financial development, non-renewable energy use, and FDI contribute to increased environmental degradation. The study suggests implementing measures in clean technology, renewable energy use, financial development, and FDI to address these issues.


Article Environmental Sciences

Environmental quality and energy transition prospects for G-7 economies: The prominence of environment-related ICT innovations, financial and human development

Sami Ullah et al.

Summary: Energy transition and reducing greenhouse gas emissions are crucial for sustainable development. This study explores the long-term influence of environment-related ICT innovations on energy transition and greenhouse gas emissions in G-7 economies, while considering the role of financial development and human development. The results show that ICT innovations, financial development, and human development have a significant positive effect on long-term energy transition and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, financial development amplifies the influence of ICT innovations and human development in energy transition and greenhouse gas emissions.


Article Business

Green innovation-green growth nexus in BRICS: Does financial globalization matter?

Rui Chen et al.

Summary: This study investigates the impact of green innovation and financial globalisation on green growth in the BRICS economies, and employs the CS-ARDL model for analysis. The findings show that environmental innovations and patents have a positive and significant long-term effect on green growth in the BRICS economies. Additionally, financial globalisation has a significantly positive effect on green growth in these economies. The study suggests that policymakers should focus on R&D activities to promote the development of green innovations and achieve green growth in the BRICS economies.


Article Economics

Investigating the role of environmental taxes and regulations for renewable energy consumption: evidence from developed economiesv

Muhammad Farhan Bashir et al.

Summary: The study shows that environmental regulations impede renewable energy consumption in OECD countries, suggesting that environmental policy initiatives should focus on implementing strategies to inspire cohesiveness between environmental regulations and the development of environmental technologies to promote the renewables industry in developed countries.


Article Economics

Research on influencing factors of renewable energy, energy efficiency, on technological innovation. Does trade, investment and human capital development matter?

Jun Wen et al.

Summary: This study analyzes the impact of renewable energy and energy efficiency on technological innovation using data from 1995 to 2017, showing that both promote innovation. The research also highlights the moderating impact of investment, trade, and human development on this relationship, and proposes a series of policy suggestions.


Article Environmental Sciences

A road map for environmental sustainability and green economic development: an empirical study

Syed Abdul Rehman Khan et al.

Summary: The study found that factors such as technological input, environmental policies, government involvement, manufacturing and logistics industry cooperation, and renewable energy consumption are significantly linked to green total factor productivity, playing a crucial role in the transformation process.


Article Environmental Sciences

European Union policies and their role in combating climate change over the years

Javier Cifuentes-Faura

Summary: The worrying environmental situation has led many countries, including the EU, to take measures to reduce negative impacts on the environment. The EU has implemented policies to protect citizens' health and well-being and preserve natural resources. The aim is to make the economy of member states more environmentally friendly by addressing challenges such as climate change, resource scarcity, pollution, and unsustainable consumption and production.


Article Development Studies

Renewable energy and advanced logistical infrastructure: Carbon-free economic development

Syed Abdul Rehman Khan et al.

Summary: Economic development and growth heavily rely on energy consumption, with many countries depending on fossil fuels. To address environmental issues and achieve carbon neutrality, a shift towards renewable energy is necessary. Additionally, green policies are crucial for industries like tourism, and advanced logistics infrastructure and renewable energy play vital roles in enhancing economic growth and international tourism.


Article Environmental Sciences

Accounting for the combined impacts of natural resources rent, income level, and energy consumption on environmental quality of G7 economies: a panel quantile regression approach

Bright Akwasi Gyamfi et al.

Summary: This study utilizes multiple empirical methods to investigate the impact of natural resource rents and energy consumption on the environmental quality of G7 economies, revealing a significant positive relationship between natural resource rents and pollution, as well as adverse and significant effects of renewable energy consumption and positive effects of fossil fuel energy consumption on carbon dioxide emissions. Additionally, income levels combined with fossil fuel use strongly affect environmental degradation, while natural resource rents Granger cause clean energy consumption within the G7 countries.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Linking energy transitions, energy consumption, and environmental sustainability in OECD countries

Irfan Khan et al.

Summary: This study investigates the impact of energy transitions, energy consumption, natural resources, and urbanization on the ecological footprint and economic growth of OECD countries from 1990 to 2015. The results indicate that energy transitions, renewable energy consumption, and natural resources have a positive relationship with environmental quality, while non-renewable energy consumption and urbanization have a negative relationship.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The transition of renewable energy and ecological sustainability through environmental policy stringency: Estimations from advance panel estimators

Zhuo Wang et al.

Summary: This study investigates the impacts of environmental policy stringency and renewable energy transition on environmental quality for BRICS economies. The findings suggest that stringent environmental policies are effective in reducing carbon emissions, and renewable energy has a negative relationship with carbon emissions. Additionally, industrial value-added and economic growth have a positive impact on carbon emissions. The study highlights the importance of combining renewable energy transition and stringent environmental policies for achieving carbon emission reductions.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

How environmental taxes and carbon emissions are related in the G7 economies?

Buhari Dogan et al.

Summary: The paper explores the impact of an environmental tax on carbon emissions for the G7 nations from 1994 to 2014, as well as the importance of factors such as energy use, economic complexity, natural resources rent, and economic growth in driving emissions. The study confirms the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis for the G7 countries and examines the marginal effects of an environmental tax on traditional energy consumption, natural resources rent, and renewable energy consumption. The findings suggest that environmental taxes effectively reduce emissions for the G7 countries, and the marginal effects of the tax vary with the level of taxation.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

An Ideology of Sustainability under Technological Revolution: Striving towards Sustainable Development

Syed Abdul Rehman Khan et al.

Summary: This study investigates the impacts of renewable energy and transport services on economic growth in Germany, while considering the additional roles of digital technology, FDI, and carbon emissions. The results show that renewable energy and transport services positively drive economic growth, and other variables such as digital technology and carbon emissions also stimulate economic growth.


Article Environmental Studies

The effect of natural resources and economic factors on energy transition: New evidence from China

Shi-Zheng Huang

Summary: This study investigates the impact of natural resources and economic factors on energy transition in China, finding a positive association between them. The research suggests that energy transition is crucial for China due to high usage of natural resources and high economic development.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Facilitating renewable energy transition, ecological innovations and stringent environmental policies to improve ecological sustainability: Evidence from MM-QR method

Sahar Afshan et al.

Summary: Given the alarming rate of ecological corrosion, countries around the globe are seeking ways of curtailing environmental deficits to attain future sustainability. This study analyzed the influence of renewable energy transition, ecological innovation, and environmental policy stringency on the ecological footprint of OECD economies and provided policy recommendations.


Article Environmental Studies

Natural resources and green economic growth: An analysis based on heterogeneous growth paths

Chien-Chiang Lee et al.

Summary: This research examines the impact of natural resources on the resource curse phenomenon in green economic growth (GTFP) under heterogeneous growth path conditions and investigates how market-oriented institutions affect the relationship between resources and GTFP. The study utilizes a data-driven finite mixture model to analyze panel data from China's provinces from 2008 to 2018. The findings reveal that the effects of resources on GTFP differ under different growth path conditions, and the relationship is influenced by the level of market orientation. Additionally, the study observes that several provinces switched their growth paths during the study period. These results provide a new perspective for research on the resource curse phenomenon.


Article Environmental Studies

Green growth, natural resources and sustainable development: Evidence from BRIGS economies

Jiaqi Xu et al.

Summary: This study investigates the impact of green growth, green innovation, natural resources, and renewable energy on the economic performance of the BRICS economies. The results indicate heterogeneous effects of green growth on economic performance, with green innovation, renewable energy consumption, and natural resources being the prominent factors.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

How Do Institutional Quality, Natural Resources, Renewable Energy, and Financial Development Reduce Ecological Footprint without Hindering Economic Growth Trajectory? Evidence from China

Muhammad Sohail Amjad Makhdum et al.

Summary: This paper investigates the impact of institutional quality, financial development, natural resources, and renewable energy on economic growth and the environment in China. It finds that institutional quality and renewable energy utilization can reduce ecological footprint, while financial expansion and natural resources increase ecological footprint levels. Additionally, the study reveals causal relationships between different factors.


Article Business

Green process innovation and financial performance: The role of green social capital and customers' tacit green needs

Xuemei Xie et al.

Summary: This study examines the effects of different levels of green process innovation on firms' financial performance, with a focus on the moderating roles of green social capital and customers' tacit green needs. The research findings reveal a U-shaped impact of green process innovation on firms' financial performance, indicating that the impact is negative initially but becomes more positive as the level of green process innovation increases. The study also highlights the moderating effects of green social capital and green needs' tacitness on this U-shaped relationship.


Article Environmental Sciences

USA carbon neutrality target: Evaluating the role of environmentally adjusted multifactor productivity growth in limiting carbon emissions

Hongru Yang et al.

Summary: The study investigates the significant role of green growth in limiting carbon emissions in the USA, with results showing that green growth, output, renewable energy, and globalization are important factors affecting CO2 emissions. The results of frequency causality test indicate a unidirectional causal relationship from output, renewable energy consumption, green growth, and globalization to CO2 emissions.


Article Environmental Sciences

Modeling the effect of green technology innovation and renewable energy on carbon neutrality in N-11 countries? Evidence from advance panel estimations

Xuefeng Shao et al.

Summary: The study found that in the long run, green technology innovation and renewable energy have a negative and significant impact on CO2 emissions, while the short-term association of green technology innovation is not significant. To reduce environmental degradation in N-11 countries, governments are recommended to implement policies to support green innovation technologies and renewable energy.


Article Environmental Sciences

The effect of energy resources on economic growth and carbon emissions: A way forward to carbon neutrality in an emerging economy

Kexiang Hu et al.

Summary: The research indicates that an increase in renewable energy consumption and technological innovation can help reduce CO2 emissions, promote economic growth, and achieve carbon neutrality.


Article Energy & Fuels

Do Environment-Related Policy Instruments and Technologies Facilitate Renewable Energy Generation? Exploring the Contextual Evidence from Developed Economies

Umer Shahzad et al.

Summary: The study examines the impact of environmental taxes and regulations on renewable energy generation in developed countries, finding that environmental regulations and income levels support renewable electricity generation, while bureaucratic qualities such as decision-making and trade openness may reduce renewable energy generation.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Effect of green technology innovation on green total factor productivity in China: Evidence from spatial durbin model analysis

Haoran Wang et al.

Summary: Green technology innovation has a significant positive effect on China's GTFP, but there are still spatial differences that require better spatial arrangements.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Tourism, institutional quality, and environmental sustainability

Canh Phuc Nguyen et al.

Summary: The study found that reduced environmental sustainability indices improved in low- and middle-income countries, but degraded in some high-income countries. Improvements in institutional quality support environmental sustainability, but tourism spending degrades it. Surprisingly, negative environmental effects of international tourism are exacerbated in countries with good institutional quality.


Article Environmental Studies

Investigating the asymmetric linkages between infrastructure development, green innovation, and consumption-based material footprint: Novel empirical estimations from highly resource-consuming economies

Asif Razzaq et al.

Summary: Reliable resource consumption measurement is crucial for climate policy, with this study examining the linkages between infrastructure development, green innovation, and consumption-based material footprint in highly material-consuming countries. The study rejects data normality and uses Method of Moments Quantile Regression to handle non-normal data, revealing varying effects of infrastructure development and economic growth on resource consumption across different quantiles. Population shows an inverted-U relationship with material footprint.


Article Environmental Studies

Does natural resources depletion and economic growth achieve the carbon neutrality target of the UK? A way forward towards sustainable development

Kashif Raza Abbasi et al.

Summary: The study examines the impact of natural resource depletion, energy use, economic growth, population growth, and industrial value added on CO2 emissions in the UK. It finds that in the short run, economic growth, industrial value added, and natural resource depletion substantially stimulate CO2 emissions, while in the long run, energy use, industrial value added, and population growth boost environmental sustainability. The study suggests that the UK government should introduce a new long-term environmental strategy to achieve carbon neutrality.


Article Environmental Studies

The dynamic heterogeneous impacts of nonrenewable energy, trade openness, total natural resource rents, financial development and regulatory quality on environmental quality: Evidence from BRIGS economies

Ridwan Lanre Ibrahim et al.

Summary: The study found that coal, fuel, and gas production lead to an increase in carbon emissions per capita, while gas consumption decreases per capita emissions. The impact of trade on the environment is not significant, but total natural resource rents, financial development, and regulatory quality positively contribute to an increase in carbon emissions. Causality tests show both bi-directional and uni-directional relationships among the variables.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The Commodity Life Cycle Costing Indicator. An Economic Measure of Natural Resource Use in the Life Cycle

Giulio Mela et al.

Summary: This study defines a methodology for the development of an economic indicator of natural resource use, based on market prices and incorporating information from both the demand and supply sides, to be applied in the framework of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. Monte Carlo analysis is used to account for price volatility. The study also provides alternative versions of the indicator and compares it with ReCiPe's Mineral and Fossil Resource Depletion indicators, applying the methodology to several types of batteries for stationary energy storage.


Article Thermodynamics

Unveiling the heterogeneous impacts of environmental taxes on energy consumption and energy intensity: Empirical evidence from OECD countries

Muhammad Farhan Bashir et al.

Summary: This study reveals the role of environmental taxes in energy usage and energy efficiency, calling for further examination of the impact of environmental taxes on energy consumption and efficiency to promote innovation in environmental technologies and sustainable development.

ENERGY (2021)

Article Environmental Studies

The causality direction between environmental performance and financial performance in Australian mining companies - A panel data analysis

Abdul Rashid Abban et al.

Summary: This study examines the bi-directional causation between environmental and financial performance in the Australian mining industry, finding that improved environmental performance leads to better financial performance. Additionally, the study suggests that the marginal cost of environmental initiatives is higher for more productive firms.


Article Geography

Urbanization, coal consumption and CO2 emissions nexus in China using bootstrap Fourier Granger causality test in quantiles

Kai Cheng et al.

Summary: Using a new quantile causality approach, the study reveals a causal relationship between urbanization and both CO2 emissions and coal consumption in China. The findings have important policy implications for the Chinese government's urbanization and energy policies.


Article Environmental Sciences

Modeling the nexus between coal consumption, FDI inflow and economic expansion: does industrialization matter in South Africa?

Joshua Udi et al.


Article Energy & Fuels

The role of renewable energy in the global energy transformation

Dolf Gielen et al.


Article Economics

Does environmental policy stringency foster innovation and productivity in OECD countries?

Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

The invisible hand and EKC hypothesis: what are the drivers of environmental degradation and pollution in Africa?

Samuel Asumadu Sarkodie


Article Engineering, Environmental

Economic and environmental influences of coal resource tax in China: A dynamic computable general equilibrium approach

Ling Tang et al.


Article Economics

The Impacts of Environmental Regulations on Competitiveness

Antoine Dechezlepretre et al.


Proceedings Paper Business, Finance

Innovation and economic growth: An empirical analysis for CEE countries

Andreea Maria Pece et al.


Article Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications

A stationarity test in the presence of an unknown number of smooth breaks

R Becker et al.