4.7 Article

Central inspections of environmental protection and transition for low-carbon Chinese cities: Policy intervention and mechanism analysis


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Do Central Inspections of Environmental Protection Affect the Efficiency of the Green Economy? Evidence from China's Yangtze River Delta

Haisheng Chen et al.

Summary: The Central Inspections of Environmental Protection (CIEP) in China have a significant contribution to the green economic efficiency of cities. The inspections have promoted the application of green technology research and development, and have improved the overall green economic efficiency of cities. However, some enterprises choosing to relocate to non-inspected areas have had a negative spillover effect on the green economic efficiency of the cities they moved into.


Article Economics

How effective has the low-carbon city pilot policy been as an environmental intervention in curbing pollution? Evidence from Chinese industrial enterprises

Shubo Yang et al.

Summary: In response to China's environmental pollution, policymakers implemented a low-carbon city pilot policy (LCCP) since 2010 and expanded its scope. This study evaluates the consequences of LCCP using econometric approaches, finding that it significantly reduces enterprise pollution, promotes healthy urbanization, and is more effective in controlling emissions for foreign or private-owned, capital and technology-intensive firms located in eastern and western regions of China. The study supports the Chinese Government's LCCP policy and provides empirical evidence for the revamping strategy of carbon-neutral cities.


Article Business

Green innovation effect of pilot zones for green finance reform: Evidence of quasi natural experiment

Sheng Liu et al.

Summary: This paper examines the impact of establishing green finance reform pilot zones on enterprises' green innovation performance in China and finds that the policy leads to an increase in green patent applications. The effects are stronger for private-owned and non-heavy-polluting enterprises, and more significant for individual applications.


Article Economics

Does the renovation of waste-to-energy incineration plants attenuate the housing price gradient? Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in Shenzhen, China

Jinbo Song et al.

Summary: Waste-to-energy incineration plants often face protests from residents due to the negative externalities they cause. This study examines the impact of the renovation of a WTE incineration plant in Shenzhen on housing prices using a quasi-natural experiment design and a hedonic price model. The results show that the renovation narrows the price gap between proximate and distant apartments by 35.25% and significantly reduces the housing price gradient. The analysis suggests that the improved environment resulting from the renovation is the underlying mechanism for the decrease in the housing price gradient.


Article Economics

The effect of broadband infrastructure construction on urban green innovation: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China

Yuan Feng et al.

Summary: This study examines the impact of broadband infrastructure construction on urban green innovation using the Broadband China exemplary cities policy as a quasi-natural experiment. Through a staggered difference-in-differences model and panel data of 283 Chinese cities, the empirical findings show that the policy has a positive effect on urban green innovation, particularly in eastern and high-grade cities. The policy primarily promotes green innovation by increasing the proportion of science and technology expenditure in fiscal budgets and improving human capital. The study also reveals the moderating effects of environmental regulations and intellectual property protection on the relationship between the policy and green innovation.


Article Environmental Studies

Asymmetric impact of fiscal decentralization and environmental innovation on carbon emissions: Evidence from highly decentralized countries

Meng Lingyan et al.

Summary: This study investigates the relationship between fiscal decentralization, environmental innovation, and carbon emissions in decentralized countries. The findings suggest that fiscal decentralization has a greater impact on reducing carbon emissions at lower to medium levels, while environmental innovation is more effective at medium to higher levels. Additionally, economic growth and population increase contribute to higher carbon emissions, with varying effects across different emission levels.


Article Economics

Design of energy use rights trading policy from the perspective of energy vulnerability

Yuling Pan et al.

Summary: This paper improves the design of energy use rights trading policy in Sichuan Province, China, by setting total energy consumption targets, adopting different allocation models, and simulating the effects on energy vulnerability. The results show that regional energy vulnerability is minimized under the allocation results of Game-EFCAM.


Article Environmental Sciences

Consumption-based carbon emissions, trade, and globalization: an empirical study of Bolivia

Dervis Kirikkaleli et al.

Summary: This empirical research addresses the gap in the literature regarding the consumption-based carbon emissions adjusted for international trade in the case of Bolivia. The study finds that Bolivia's consistent negative trade deficit may lead to an increase in consumption-based carbon emissions in the area. It also identifies significant emissions attributable to the consumption of commodities and services transferred to Bolivia. Additionally, the study reveals that imports and globalization have a favorable impact on consumption-based carbon emissions.


Article Environmental Sciences

How does Chinese central environmental inspection affect corporate green innovation? The moderating effect of bargaining intentions

Zeye Zhang et al.

Summary: Central environmental inspection (CEI) is an environmental governance tool launched by the Chinese central government in recent years, aimed at enhancing the implementation of environmental regulations. This study finds that CEI has a positive effect on corporate green innovation. The relationship between CEI and corporate green innovation is influenced by political connections and industry competition.


Article Environmental Sciences

Assessing the impact of energy internet and energy misallocation on carbon emissions: new insights from China

Xiaodong Yang et al.

Summary: The research found that energy misallocation significantly contributes to carbon emissions, while energy internet can inhibit carbon emissions. Over time, China's carbon emission gravity center shifts gradually to the northwest.


Article Environmental Sciences

Energy-related carbon emissions and structural emissions reduction of China's construction industry: the perspective of input-output analysis

Tangyang Jiang et al.

Summary: This paper studies the carbon emissions and emissions reduction of China's construction industry from 2007 to 2017 using input-output analysis method, energy consumption method, and structural decomposition model. The results show that optimizing energy consumption structure, energy intensity effect, and input structure effect have a significant impact on reducing carbon emissions from the construction industry. However, the final demand effect has a positive effect on carbon emission growth.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Can the central environmental protection inspection reduce transboundary pollution? Evidence from river water quality data in China

Juan Lu

Summary: This study explores the impact of central environmental protection inspection on transboundary water pollution and finds that it can significantly reduce transboundary water pollution, with a stronger effect observed in the eastern areas and tributaries.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Evaluating the impact of central environmental protection inspection on air pollution: An empirical research in China

Xiaoxiao Liu et al.

Summary: This study analyzes the panel data of air pollution indicators from 288 prefecture-level cities in China between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2018. It uses the first round of central environmental protection inspection as a quasi-natural experiment and empirically examines its impact on urban air pollution using a multi-period difference-in-difference method. The results show that the inspections have significantly reduced the concentration of seven pollutants, with the first five batches having a stronger effect than the subsequent "looking back" inspections. Furthermore, the inspections continue to have a significant reduction effect on air pollution in the short term. The impact of the inspections varies across different batches, urban scales, economic development levels, and pre-inspection air quality levels. The research findings provide policy recommendations and decision-making basis for the Chinese central government to further reform the environmental protection supervision mechanism and mitigate multiple pollutants emissions.


Article Economics

The operational mechanism and effectiveness of China's central environmental protection inspection: Evidence from air pollution

Po Kou et al.

Summary: The central environmental protection inspection has great guiding significance for China's environmental management system reform, improving environmental quality but with unsustainable effectiveness.


Review Psychology, Biological

Equity, technological innovation and sustainable behaviour in a low-carbon future

Benjamin K. Sovacool et al.

Summary: This review examines the impact of low-carbon technological and behavioral innovations on inequality and discusses how to ensure a sustainable and equitable low-carbon future.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Impacts of poverty alleviation on national and global carbon emissions

Benedikt Bruckner et al.

Summary: Carbon inequality reflects global wealth and income inequalities, with wealthy nations having high levels of consumption-based carbon emissions. This study shows that poverty alleviation has limited impact on global emissions, although emissions in poorer countries could more than double. Inequality in wealth and income distribution has direct consequences on consumption patterns, leading to carbon inequality. Although lifting people out of poverty under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 1 results in only small relative increases in global emissions, poverty alleviation can significantly increase carbon emissions in low- and lower-middle-income countries in sub-Saharan Africa. To ensure poverty alleviation without exceeding climate targets, high-emitting countries need to reduce their emissions substantially.


Article Energy & Fuels

Can Environmental Governance and Corporate Performance be Balanced in the Context of Carbon Neutrality? - A Quasi-Natural Experiment of Central Environmental Inspections

Xiang Deng et al.

Summary: This paper creatively examines the impact of environmental governance on corporate performance in China. The results show that central environmental inspections have significantly improved the performance of listed companies in polluting industries, reducing agency costs and addressing internal agency problems. Moreover, state-owned and large-scale companies are more responsive to environmental inspections, leading to more noticeable improvements in corporate performance.


Article Business

The role of information and communication technology on green total factor energy efficiency: Does environmental regulation work?

Yu Hao et al.

Summary: This study explores the impact of ICT development on GTFEE in China's 30 provincial administrative regions from 2006 to 2017, finding that ICT development plays a positive role in promoting GTFEE, which is moderated by environmental regulations. The regression results of the dynamic threshold model indicate that diverse environmental regulation intensities lead to different influences of ICT development on GTFEE, with varying impacts among different regions.


Article Environmental Sciences

International trade and consumption-based carbon emissions: evaluating the role of composite risk for RCEP economies

Taimoor Hassan et al.

Summary: The study examines the impact of financial, economic, political, and composite risks on consumption-based carbon dioxide emissions in selected RCEP economies during the period from 1990 to 2020. It reveals that lower political risk can help mitigate emissions, while lower financial, economic, and composite risk can increase carbon emissions. Additionally, exports and renewable energy supply have a mitigating effect, while imports lead to an increase in emissions.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Does the Central Environmental Protection Inspectorate Accountability System Improve Environmental Quality?

Li Feng et al.

Summary: China aims to enhance the quality of its ecological environment through the Central Environmental Protection Inspectorate (CEPI) system. This study investigates whether the CEPI accountability system contributes to improving environmental quality. The results show that the CEPI system has improved in terms of precision and effectiveness, and has a positive impact on wastewater-discharge reduction. However, the system lacks sustainability.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Asymmetric and time-varying linkages between carbon emissions, globalization, natural resources and financial development in China

Gao Ling et al.

Summary: This study utilizes the NARDL method and cross-wavelet modeling framework to explore the long- and short-run nonlinear and time-varying associations between globalization, natural resources, financial development, and carbon emissions. Findings suggest that positive shocks in globalization and financial development have a significant positive impact on carbon emissions, while negative shocks in natural resources have a significant positive impact on carbon emissions. Wavelet transformation results confirm causal linkages between variables, varying across different time and frequency domains.


Article Economics

The spatial spillover effect of low-carbon city pilot scheme on green efficiency in China?s cities: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment

Lifeng Chen et al.

Summary: This paper examines the effects of the low-carbon city pilot scheme (LCCPS) on China's cities' green efficiency. It finds that the LCCPS has a positive impact on both local and neighboring cities' green efficiency, promoting innovation resources aggregation and technological progress. However, there are also negative effects on neighboring cities' green efficiency.


Editorial Material Environmental Studies

Glass half full or glass half empty?: the 2021 Glasgow Climate Conference

Joanna Depledge et al.


Article Environmental Studies

The potency of natural resources on ecological sustainability in PIIGS economies

Asif Razzaq et al.

Summary: This study assesses the nonlinear/asymmetric influences of natural resources on the ecological footprint in PIIGS countries and utilizes advanced quantile-on-quantile technique and quantile causality method for analysis. The results indicate significant and varying impacts of natural resources on the ecological footprint in PIIGS countries, suggesting that policymakers should consider the differences among countries when formulating resource-related policies.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The Effect of Environmental Regulation on Corporate Environmental Governance Behavior and Its Mechanisms

Di Zhu et al.

Summary: Based on data from listed companies in China, this study empirically examines the impact of environmental regulation on firms' environmental governance behavior. The findings reveal that environmental regulation significantly enhances firms' motivation to participate in environmental governance, and central environmental protection inspectors have a mediating role in this process. Furthermore, the study also shows that the impact of environmental regulation is more significant for large-scale firms and nonstate enterprises.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Effect of financial development and technological innovation on green growth-Analysis based on spatial Durbin model

Jianhong Cao et al.

Summary: This research examines the spatial effect of financial development and technological innovation on green growth in China using the Spatial Durbin Model (SDM). The results show that financial development has a negative effect on local green growth but a positive effect on surrounding provinces' green growth. The stock market has a positive effect on green growth in both local and surrounding provinces. Technological innovation has a positive effect on local green growth but a less significant effect on surrounding provinces. The interaction between financial development and technological innovation increases the negative effect on green growth.


Article Economics

Digitalization and energy: How does internet development affect China's energy consumption?

Siyu Ren et al.

Summary: This study investigates the impact of internet development on China's energy consumption and finds a significant positive correlation between internet development and energy consumption in China. Additionally, internet development has a significant negative impact on the energy consumption structure and intensity in China, suggesting that internet development can help accelerate the decline in energy consumption intensity.


Article Environmental Studies

Has central environmental protection inspection improved air quality? Evidence from 291 Chinese cities

Jiayi Lin et al.

Summary: This paper examines the impact of CEPI on air quality governance performance of Chinese local governments through a difference-in-differences approach and finds that CEPI significantly reduces pollutant concentrations and increases O3 concentration. Qualitative evidence also demonstrates that CEPI promotes environmental protection performance through campaign-oriented governance within the hierarchical system.


Article Social Issues

Asymmetric inter-linkages between green technology innovation and consumption-based carbon emissions in BRICS countries using quantile-on-quantile framework

Asif Razzaq et al.

Summary: The study reveals that in BRICS countries, green technology innovation has a significant emission-reducing effect at high emission quantiles, while it is weakly or positively correlated with carbon emissions at low emission quantiles. Conversely, high carbon emissions instigate green innovation across medium to high emission quantiles. The results suggest that when a country has higher emissions levels, green technology innovation can help mitigate carbon emissions.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

How does international technology spillover affect China's carbon emissions? A new perspective through intellectual property protection

Yu Hao et al.

Summary: This study analyzes the impact of international technology spillovers on carbon emissions in China and finds regional heterogeneity. International technology spillovers increase carbon emissions in the eastern and central regions while having a inhibitory effect on carbon emissions in the western region.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Assessment of the policy effectiveness of Central Inspections of Environmental Protection on improving air quality in China

Yutong Tan et al.

Summary: This study focuses on the impact of China's strict environmental supervision policy on air quality. The results show significant reductions in SO2 and PM10 concentrations after the policy implementation, while the effects on PM2.5, CO, and NO2 were not significant.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The impact of campaign-style enforcement on corporate environmental Action : Evidence from China's central environmental protection inspection

Hongru Wang et al.

Summary: The study reveals that central environmental protection inspection has a significant impact on corporate environmental actions, including reducing the number of polluting firms and industrial chemical oxygen demand emissions, and this impact is robust.


Article Environmental Sciences

Measuring energy and environmental efficiency interactions towards CO2 emissions reduction without slowing economic growth in central and western Europe

Jijian Zhang et al.

Summary: This study uses an improved DEA model to assess the energy and environmental efficiency of selected countries in central and western Europe, with the UK ranking highest and Ireland coming in second. The findings suggest effective reforms for countries with lower energy efficiency levels.


Article Environmental Sciences

Carbon emissions determinants and forecasting: Evidence from G6 countries

Duc Khuong Nguyen et al.

Summary: The study found that economic growth, capital market expansion, and trade openness are major drivers of carbon emissions in developed economies, while stock market capitalization and foreign direct investment have weak negative effects on carbon emissions. Additionally, enhancing the model with energy consumption and oil prices improves forecasting performance. The empirical findings have important policy implications for climate commitments.


Article Economics

Does internet development improve green total factor energy efficiency? Evidence from China

Haitao Wu et al.

Summary: The study shows that internet development can directly improve local GTFEE and enhance GTFEE in neighboring regions. It can also indirectly improve regional GTFEE by reducing resource mismatch, enhancing innovation capabilities, and promoting industrial structure upgrades. Furthermore, the impact of internet development on GTFEE is influenced by a nonlinear relationship, with the effect gradually increasing with improved regional innovation capabilities and industrial structure.


Article Economics

Policies and Institutions to Support Carbon Neutrality in China by 2060

Michael Davidson et al.

Summary: This review examines China's current policies and institutions in relation to climate change mitigation, exploring necessary changes for deep decarbonization. It discusses the landscape of policies, command-and-control strategies, market-based instruments, and institutional improvements in the energy sector to support the 2060 carbon neutrality goal.


Review Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

A framework for complex climate change risk assessment

Nicholas P. Simpson et al.

Summary: Real-world experience highlights the complexity of interactions among multiple drivers of climate change risk and the compounding or cascading effects of multiple risks. The article presents a framework for assessing increasingly complex climate change risks by focusing on interactions among the multiple drivers of risk and multiple risks. An innovative aspect is recognizing that risks can arise from both potential impacts of climate change and responses to climate change.

ONE EARTH (2021)

Article Environmental Studies

From targets to inspections: the issue of fairness in China's environmental policy implementation

Genia Kostka et al.

Summary: Documenting unfairness in the implementation of China's environmental and climate policy goals, the study highlights inequitable assignment of responsibilities, lack of differentiation based on economic criteria, and discretionary enforcement as key structural defects affecting the sustainability of environmental protection efforts.


Review Environmental Sciences

Climate change, vulnerability, and its impacts in rural Pakistan: a review

Shah Fahad et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Can Water Rights Trading Scheme Promote Regional Water Conservation in China? Evidence from a Time-Varying DID Analysis

Lin Fang et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

County-level CO2 emissions and sequestration in China during 1997-2017

Jiandong Chen et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Does the Miracle Drug of Environmental Governance Really Improve Air Quality? Evidence from China's System of Central Environmental Protection Inspections

Ruxin Wu et al.


Article Environmental Studies

Environmental Inspections and the EU: Securing an Effective Role for a Supranational Union Legal Framework

Martin Hedemann-Robinson


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Potential impacts of industrial structure on energy consumption and CO2 emission: a case study of Beijing

Zhi-Fu Mi et al.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

The impact of economic growth, industrial structure and urbanization on carbon emission intensity in China

Yue-Jun Zhang et al.


Article Environmental Studies

Evaluating economic and environmental efficiency of global airlines: A SBM-DEA approach

Young-Tae Chang et al.


Review Environmental Studies

The politics of climate change in India: narratives of equity and cobenefits

Navroz K. Dubash


Review Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Analyses and perspectives for Brazilian low carbon technological development in the energy sector

Joao Lampreia et al.


Article Business, Finance

Big Bad Banks? The Winners and Losers from Bank Deregulation in the United States

Thorsten Beck et al.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The effect of energy end-use efficiency improvement on China's energy use and CO2 emissions: a CGE model-based analysis

Qiao-Mei Liang et al.


Article Development Studies

Fiscal Decentralization, Chinese Style: Good for Health Outcomes?

Hiroko Uchimura et al.