4.7 Article

Implementing and Maintaining a SARS-CoV-2 Exposure Notification Application for Mobile Phones: The Finnish Experience


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Efficacy and effectiveness of case isolation and quarantine during a growing phase of the COVID-19 epidemic in Finland

Kari Auranen et al.

Summary: Based on data from contact tracing in Helsinki, the study evaluated the effectiveness of isolating COVID-19 cases and quarantining their contacts in Finland during a mild growth phase of the epidemic. Without isolation or quarantine, 40% of transmission was estimated to occur on or after symptom onset. Quarantining cases before symptoms led to a 50% reduction in secondary infections, but the effectiveness was smaller for cases isolated after symptoms. Overall, case isolation and quarantine were found to significantly reduce the growth rate of the COVID-19 epidemic.


Article Health Care Sciences & Services

Public Perspectives on Exposure Notification Apps: A Patient and Citizen Co-Designed Study

Esli Osmanlliu et al.

Summary: The study assessed the use, knowledge, and concerns of the COVID Alert app in Canada, identified predictors of app downloads, and developed strategies to promote social acceptability. Key findings included government messaging as the biggest influence on app download and concerns about cybersecurity and privacy. Identified predictors for app uptake included nine characteristics. Strategies for promoting social acceptability included improved communication, design features, socio-technical inclusivity, and public partnership.


Review Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Smartphone apps in the COVID-19 pandemic

Jay A. Pandit et al.

Summary: During the COVID-19 pandemic, smartphone apps played a crucial role in tracking outbreaks, individual screening, and contact tracing. Despite limitations and concerns, there is ample evidence that these apps have been beneficial in understanding and controlling the spread of the virus.


Review Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

A Brief History of Exposure Notification During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States, 2020-2021

Henry Bair et al.

Summary: The global spread of COVID-19 has led to the exploration of digital technologies for contact tracing, with exposure notification being favored due to its ease of use, scalability, and protection of personal privacy. The Google Apple Exposure Notification (GAEN) protocol, developed through a partnership between Google and Apple, has been widely implemented worldwide. However, the deployment of GAEN apps and their effectiveness assessment present challenges.


Article Health Care Sciences & Services

COVID Alert: Factors Influencing the Adoption of Exposure Notification Apps Among Canadian Residents

Kiemute Oyibo et al.

Summary: This study investigates the key factors influencing the adoption of COVID Alert, with perceived risk, perceived usefulness, perceived trust, and perceived compatibility being identified as significant factors. The study also found that design type, use case, and adoption status moderate the relationships between these factors and intention to use.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Quarantine and testing strategies in contact tracing for SARS-CoV-2: a modelling study

Billy J. Quilty et al.

Summary: The study suggests that testing contacts and reducing quarantine duration can be effective in limiting onward transmission of COVID-19, with potential for substantial reduction in the length of quarantine with a small excess in transmission risk. Adherence to quarantine and self-isolation, along with decreasing test and trace delays, are key factors in improving the effectiveness of these strategies. Further research is needed to evaluate the costs and benefits of implementing such strategies as policy.


Article Psychology, Biological

A global panel database of pandemic policies (Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker)

Thomas Hale et al.

Summary: The Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT) records data on 19 different government COVID-19 policy indicators for over 190 countries. Covering closure and containment, health and economics measures, it creates an evidence base for effective responses.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Learning about COVID-19-related stigma, quarantine and isolation experiences in Finland

Anna-Leena Lohiniva et al.

Summary: The study examined the experiences of individuals quarantined or isolated at home in Finland during the spring of 2020, revealing the various forms of social stigma stemming from fear and blame for infection, as well as self-stigma arising from conflicting information and advice about coronavirus and COVID-19.

PLOS ONE (2021)

Review Health Care Sciences & Services

Best Practice Guidance for Digital Contact Tracing Apps: A Cross-disciplinary Review of the Literature

James O'Connell et al.

Summary: A collaborative cross-disciplinary approach was used to derive best practice guidance for designing the ideal digital contact tracing app. Various considerations from the literature, such as ethical, user experience, privacy and data protection, technical, clinical and societal, and evaluation factors, were identified. Key recommendations include voluntary participation, equitable availability, user engagement strategies, adherence to data protection principles, use of Bluetooth Low Energy for contact event detection, and decentralized privacy-preserving protocols. Evaluation metrics for digital contact tracing apps were also highlighted, emphasizing the importance of transparent reporting of outcomes.


Review Medicine, General & Internal

The SwissCovid Digital Proximity Tracing App after one year: Were expectations fulfilled?

Paola Daniore et al.

Summary: Digital proximity tracing, exemplified by the SwissCovid app, has shown promising results in mitigating the pandemic with its effectiveness, public perception, and international comparison. However, challenges such as prevalent misconceptions and varying effectiveness estimations compared to other countries still exist.


Editorial Material Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Use of apps in the COVID-19 response and the loss of privacy protection

Tanusree Sharma et al.


Article Health Care Sciences & Services

Acceptability of App-Based Contact Tracing for COVID-19: Cross-Country Survey Study

Samuel Altmann et al.


Review Health Care Sciences & Services

COVID-19 Mobile Apps: A Systematic Review of the Literature

Haridimos Kondylakis et al.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Adoption of a Contact Tracing App for Containing COVID-19: A Health Belief Model Approach

Michel Walrave et al.