4.5 Article

Phase Imaging through Scattering Media Using Incoherent Light Source


Article Optics

Recognition of Orbital Angular Momentum of Vortex Beams Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Multi-Objective Classifier

Yanzhu Zhang et al.

Summary: Vortex beams with orbital angular momentum have potential applications in optical communication and information processing. However, measuring the OAM of vortex beams accurately is challenging due to distortion caused by random media. In this study, a framework based on convolutional neural network and multi-objective classifier is proposed to identify the OAM of vortex beams with high accuracy using small data.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Live-dead assay on unlabeled cells using phase imaging with computational specificity

Chenfei Hu et al.

Summary: The study introduces a method for assessing cell viability without the need for labeling, utilizing deep learning techniques combined with quantitative phase imaging to accurately determine cell survival status without causing damage to the cells.


Article Optics

Underwater image restoration by red channel compensation and underwater median dark channel prior

Jingchun Zhou et al.

Summary: This study proposes an underwater image restoration method that compensates for the red channel and restores the blue-green channel, significantly improving contrast and color distortion of underwater images, while preserving more details.


Article Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture

Underwater image enhancement method with light scattering characteristics

Jingchun Zhou et al.

Summary: This study developed a method based on light scattering characteristics to enhance the quality of underwater images. By correcting color cast and enhancing contrast, the method effectively improves the image quality of underwater images with color distortion, low contrast, and detail loss.


Article Optics

Enhance the delivery of light energy ultra-deep into turbid medium by controlling multiple scattering photons to travel in open channels

Jing Cao et al.

Summary: This paper presents an innovative method to overcome the limitations of multiple light scattering in deep imaging and focusing in turbid media. By using wide-field reflection matrix optical coherence tomography, the delivery of light energy deep into turbid media is significantly improved. This technique provides a powerful tool to understand the propagation of photons in scattering media and opens up new possibilities for focusing light inside biological tissues.


Article Optics

Real-time X-ray phase-contrast imaging using SPINNet-a speckle-based phase-contrast imaging neural network

Zhi Qiao et al.

Summary: By utilizing deep learning, the speckle-based phase-contrast imaging neural network (SPINNet) significantly enhances imaging quality and retrieval speed compared to existing methods. It enables high-resolution and fast data acquisition and processing for various applications.

OPTICA (2022)

Article Optics

Single-Shot Recognition of 3D Phase Images With Deep Learning

Weiru Fan et al.

Summary: Optical phase is crucial for biomedical imaging and astronomical observation, but it is often obscured by scattering media. Current methods are limited in retrieving phases at different depths. To address this challenge, a speckle three-dimensional reconstruction network (STRN) is developed to simultaneously extract multiple phase objects at different depths with high fidelity from speckle patterns.


Review Physics, Multidisciplinary

Imaging in complex media

Jacopo Bertolotti et al.

Summary: This review summarizes the techniques used to overcome scattering in optical imaging, including physical correction and computational inversion methods. The study shows that the effects of scattering in different fields of imaging are fundamentally equivalent and can be translated to each other.


Article Optics

Displacement-agnostic coherent imaging through scatter with an interpretable deep neural network

Yunzhe Li et al.

Summary: The study introduces a new deep learning model that can adapt to a broader range of perturbations and achieve generalization under different scattering conditions. The research develops an analysis framework and dimension reduction technique for interpreting and visualizing the mechanism and generalizability of the deep learning model.


Article Optics

Reconstructing images of two adjacent objects passing through scattering medium via deep learning

Xuetian Lai et al.

Summary: In this paper, a deep learning based method for reconstructing images of two adjacent objects passing through scattering media is introduced. The trained YGAN shows high-quality image reconstruction and demonstrates strong generalization ability and effectiveness.


Article Optics

Single-parameter estimation construction algorithm for Gm-APD ladar imaging through fog

Di Liu et al.

Summary: This paper proposes Single-parameter Estimation (SPEA) to effectively extract accurate target signals when imaging through fog using Geiger mode avalanche photon diode (Gm-APD) ladar. By analyzing the physical properties of the gamma distribution model, improving the model based on Gm-APD ladar's counting characteristics, and conducting Monte Carlo simulation for photons propagating in fog, SPEA demonstrates the best recovering effect with 71% recovery using 20,000 frames. This study shows that SPEA enables imaging through fog with Gm-APD ladar.


Article Optics

Incoherent imaging through highly nonstatic and optically thick turbid media based on neural network

Shanshan Zheng et al.

Summary: This study proposes a method for single-shot incoherent imaging through highly nonstatic and optically thick turbid media using a deep neural network, achieving high fidelity reconstruction of object images in severe environments with high turbidity.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Fast holographic scattering compensation for deep tissue biological imaging

Molly A. May et al.

Summary: Scattering in biological tissues is a major hindrance for in vivo optical imaging, but wavefront shaping has shown promise in overcoming this challenge. The authors introduced an algorithm called DASH, which utilizes holographic phase stepping interferometry to quickly update phase information after each measurement, leading to rapid improvement in wavefront correction. This method achieved a significant increase in signal enhancement compared to previous technologies after just one measurement iteration.


Review Optics

Quantitative phase imaging in biomedicine

YongKeun Park et al.


Article Optics

Multimode optical fiber transmission with a deep learning network

Babak Rahmani et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Memory-effect based deconvolution microscopy for super-resolution imaging through scattering media

Eitan Edrei et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Low spatial coherence electrically pumped semiconductor laser for speckle-free full-field imaging

Brandon Redding et al.