4.7 Article

Spatiotemporal Nutrient Patterns, Stoichiometry, and Eutrophication Assessment in the Tieshan Bay Coastal Water, China


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Integrated risk assessment approach for eutrophication in coastal waters: Case of Baltic Sea

Pierre Guy Atangana Njock et al.

Summary: This study proposes a flexible methodology for quantifying the risk status of coastal subbasins, which integrates the characteristics of multi-criteria analysis and fuzzy set theory. The methodology includes constructing a risk index to reveal the extent of cumulative nutrients discharges. The application of the proposed model in the Baltic Sea shows an increasing trend of risk index over the years and aligns well with field observations and HELCOM predictions.


Article Environmental Sciences

Ocean acidification and warming significantly affect coastal eutrophication and organic pollution: A case study in the Bohai Sea

Yuqiu Wei et al.

Summary: Data on the independent or combined effects of ocean acidification and warming on coastal eutrophication and organic pollution are limited. Acidification favors eutrophication and organic pollution, while warming inhibits these two variables. However, the interaction between acidification and warming in the future may exacerbate organic pollution but mitigate eutrophication.


Article Environmental Sciences

Unravelling Nutrients and Carbon Interactions in an Urban Coastal Water during Algal Bloom Period in Zhanjiang Bay, China

Jibiao Zhang et al.

Summary: This study aimed to explore the nutrients and carbon interactions in the spring algal bloom of urban Jinsha Bay (JSB) coastal water. The results showed that the average concentration of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and dissolved silicon in coastal water was high, indicating the presence of nutrient sources from land. The average concentration of total dissolved carbon, dissolved inorganic carbon, and organic carbon in JSB was also high, mainly derived from marine sources. The dominant species during the spring algal bloom were Phaeocystis globosa and Nitzschia closterium. The study revealed the interactions between nutrients and carbon in the development of spring algal bloom, which has implications for understanding the biogeochemical cycle and mitigation of algal blooms in the future.
Article Environmental Sciences

Effects of river input flux on spatiotemporal patterns of total nitrogen and phosphorus in the Pearl River Estuary, China

Sheng Ke et al.

Summary: The increasing riverine nutrient sources have significantly affected the ecological environment of estuaries and coastal waters, resulting in deteriorating land-sea water quality and intensified eutrophication in the Pearl River Estuary (PRE). This study examined the spatiotemporal patterns of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations and river input flux in the PRE based on 2019 monitoring data. The results showed different patterns of TN and TP concentrations in the eight rivers of the PRE, and the TN and TP fluxes discharged into the PRE were significant.


Article Environmental Sciences

Satellite-Based Monitoring of Eutrophication in the Earth's Largest Transboundary Lake

Zohra Mozafari et al.

Summary: Large lakes worldwide, including the Caspian Sea, are facing an increasing threat of eutrophication due to global warming. This study used satellite data and field measurements to assess the trophic state of the Caspian Sea. The results show a significant increase in chlorophyll-a concentration, indicating potential eutrophication and ecosystem health risks. The lack of implemented legal agreements poses additional challenges for lake conservation.


Article Marine & Freshwater Biology

Spatiotemporal nutrient patterns, composition, and implications for eutrophication mitigation in the Pearl River Estuary, China

Sheng Ke et al.

Summary: Human activities and climate change have altered the ecosystem of the Pearl River Estuary, leading to increased nutrient levels in coastal waters. This study examined the spatiotemporal patterns and composition of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) in the estuary, as well as their relationships with eutrophication and environmental factors.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Outwelling of nutrients into the Pasur River estuary from the Sundarbans mangrove creeks

Jahid Hasan et al.

Summary: This study investigated the effects of tides and runoff on the transport of nutrients from Sundarbans mangrove creeks to the Pasur River estuary. The results showed that tidal fluctuations significantly influenced the concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, phosphate, and silica, while chlorophyll-a concentrations varied between the wet and dry seasons. Furthermore, the mangrove creeks played an important role in transporting nutrients from the mangrove forest to the estuary.

HELIYON (2022)

Article Water Resources

Terrestrial or oceanic forcing? Water level variations in coastal lagoons constrained by river inflow and ocean tides

Yves Morel et al.

Summary: The study investigates the impact of tides and river fluxes on the water level evolution in lagoons. By deriving new approximate analytical solutions and applying them to a specific lagoon, the study successfully predicts the mean water level and tide amplitude. The study also analyzes the phase shift between ocean and lagoon tides, the asymmetry of ebb and flood tide duration, and estimates the net river fluxes. The results demonstrate the ability of the simplified model to represent the complex interaction of tides and river fluxes and their influence on the low-frequency water level variations in coastal lagoons.


Article Environmental Sciences

Seasonal Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus Variation, Speciation, and Composition in the Maowei Sea Affected by Riverine Flux Input, South China Sea

Chaoxing Ren et al.

Summary: Human activities have altered the global nutrient cycling, especially in the Maowei Sea, where there have been significant changes in nitrogen and phosphorus availability. The assessment of nutrient concentrations and fluxes in the river estuaries and coastal waters of the Maowei Sea indicates that nutrient pollution may lead to eutrophication in the river estuaries and adjacent coastal waters.
Article Environmental Sciences

Effects of tidal variations on total nitrogen concentration, speciation, and exchange flux in the Shuidong Bay coastal water, South China Sea

Peng Zhang et al.

Summary: Nitrogen plays a crucial role in marine ecosystems, and tidal cycles have a significant impact on nitrogen speciation and exchange flux in coastal waters, which has important implications for nitrogen biogeochemistry and water quality improvement.


Article Environmental Sciences

Hyper-Nutrient Enrichment Status in the Sabalan Lake, Iran

Roohollah Noori et al.

Summary: The study found that the Sabalan dam reservoir in northwest Iran is facing eutrophication issues primarily due to phosphorus and nitrogen enrichment. The reservoir is classified as hypereutrophic, with nutrient levels showing significant variations throughout the year. Water residence time plays a crucial role in controlling eutrophication in the reservoir, with longer residence times contributing to nutrient accumulation.
Article Marine & Freshwater Biology

Seasonal phosphorus variation in coastal water affected by the land-based sources input in the eutrophic Zhanjiang Bay, China

Jibiao Zhang et al.

Summary: The study found that the seasonal dynamics of total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) in the coastal area of Zhanjiang Bay (ZJB) were largely influenced by land-based sources, leading to significant variations in TDP concentration. The coastal water and land-based water sources in ZJB were seriously polluted by phosphorus, indicating the need for an integrated phosphorus pollution control strategy to improve water quality and mitigate eutrophication in the area.


Article Environmental Sciences

Influence of rainfall and seasonal crop practices on nutrient and pesticide runoff from soybean dominated agricultural areas in Pampean streams, Argentina

Victoria Soledad Andrade et al.

Summary: Climate change is expected to increase spatial variability in rainfall, leading to higher rainfall rates in the Pampas region during spring and summer, which may result in more pesticides and nutrients being carried into surface water systems. The growth stage of crops can also impact pesticide and nutrient runoff. In this study, the influence of rainfall and seasonal crop practices on water quality was assessed, with significant effects observed on pesticide concentrations and water quality.


Article Environmental Sciences

Investigating the link between Pearl River-induced eutrophication and hypoxia in Hong Kong shallow coastal waters

Naomi Geeraert et al.

Summary: This study found that nitrogen distribution around Hong Kong is influenced by the Pearl River, with two distinct regimes characterized by nitrate dominance and dissolved organic nitrogen dominance. The impact of nitrate originating from the Pearl River on local hypoxia generation in Hong Kong may be less significant than previously thought, while the oxidation of locally released ammonium might play a bigger role than initially believed.


Article Environmental Sciences

Riverine nutrient fluxes and environmental effects on China's estuaries

Gaojie Wu et al.


Article Water Resources

Temporal and depth variation of water quality due to thermal stratification in Karkheh Reservoir, Iran

Roohollah Noori et al.


Article Microbiology

Environmental influences on living marine stromatolites: insights from benthic microalgal communities

Gavin M. Rishworth et al.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Nutrient dynamics from the Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary to the East China Sea

Su Mei Liu et al.


Article Marine & Freshwater Biology

Ecosystem responses to long-term nutrient management in an urban estuary: Tampa Bay, Florida, USA

H. Greening et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Anthropogenic nutrients and harmful algae in coastal waters

Keith Davidson et al.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Acidification of subsurface coastal waters enhanced by eutrophication

Wei-Jun Cai et al.


Editorial Material Multidisciplinary Sciences

ECOLOGY Controlling Eutrophication: Nitrogen and Phosphorus

Daniel J. Conley et al.

SCIENCE (2009)

Review Marine & Freshwater Biology

Coastal nitrogen pollution: A review of sources and trends globally and regionally

Robert W. Howarth


Article Marine & Freshwater Biology

Effects of nutrient enrichment in the nation's estuaries: A decade of change

S. B. Bricker et al.


Article Fisheries

Integrated mariculture: asking the right questions

M Troell et al.


Article Oceanography

Nutrients and carbon budgets for the Gulf of Lion during the Moogli cruises

XD de Madron et al.